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bypass daily menu -

My thighs are fat, my tum is flab and my arms would let me fly if I didn't restrain them. But size 20 was an impossible dream 9 months ago - so I can live with my lumps and bumps. Equally tho I am in a stable relationship which helps as I don't have to worry about showing my wobblies to someone who might laugh.
Yeah same for me - I was a size 36 8 months ago. So being a size 20 is more than amazing for me too. Haha yeah I resemble a very large sugar glider arms wise lol and my thighs aren't pretty too. You are lucky you are in a trusting relationship, my friends keep telling to start dating now but seriously couldn't begin to think about it but to be honest it is probably a good thing for now. Dating causes a lot of up and down emotions, so wouldn't want interfere with my progress. When I'm more stable emotionally and nearer goal/at goal I shall think about it and then of course have to try and find someone who will except me for all my lumps and bumps too :D x
Well girls I am an 18 mostly I have been lucky enough to buy very little and get clothes off my daughter which she had bought and never worn, I also had different sizes of my own and clothes of family and friends as I have come down in weight. The SKIN ON MY ARMS WILL NOT TONE UP, my legs are the best they can be but all my varicose veins stand out now very much. My tummy could be a lot worse, my hips and thighs have always bene my problem area, I have come down from a 32, sometimes an 18 is too tight on my thighs yet 20 too large what can we do, I some times wear leggings going out for the night as still fashionable or wear jeans, but for school just don't feel right in leggings so trousers it is. My waist is much smaller and probably nearer a 16 my trousers all gape at the waist that has always been a problem, my belt has to be pulled right in. I like elasticate dwaist but hard to come by as most material makes me static and hate it when they cling to my veiny legs as you can see through some material. I am conscious of this fact. I am never fashionable and have my own fashion sense but like to look smart regardless. xx I like to be comfortable I cannot wear anyhting too tight as my tummy hurts after a while my belt is still loose even though it is pulled in. We all ahve our hangups even after coming such a long way. Amamda we want to look like you!!!!!! You are our body icon!!!!!
LOL Chrisa!!! Body Icon indeed... That has got to be the funniest thing I have ever heard.. 6 months ago if someone had said they wanted a body like mine I would have been convinced they were making fun of me, and I probably would've been right.....
My body is far from perfect Chrisa.. For a start its a 53 year old body compared to all you young things.. I've got a tummy tuck scar from hip to hip, and boobs that only surgery will beat the laws of gravity, and thighs too big for the rest of me and I know from past experience that the only way to slim them down is not diet but rigorous exercise, which I am doing now, but don't know if I will have the committment and energy to maintain this level of exercise long term like I used to do years ago.. It's much harder work now.. but at the moment I am enjoying it.. I'm still 4 stone overweight and it feels like 40 stone rather.. And in the old end I am never likely to get naked in front of anyone ever again, so does it really matter!! My ambition is to just once wear a bikini without people laughing and staring before I have to start wearing bloomers lol.. If I can do that then I will ease into old age a happy lady.. Shelleymarie.. I think you are wise not to rush into the dating game. But have to say that any man will be lucky to have you. You are beautiful to look at, and beautiful inside too, so don't worry about finding someone to love you for you. When you do decide to start the dating game, I think you will be beating them off with a stick!!!!
The older I get the more I realise that looks actually have very little part to play in love, sex and all that stuff. It's how we perceive ourselves that is much more relevant and has a much bigger impact on relationships and suchlike I'm sure.. The old saying is true! "If you don't love yourself then nobody else will"

Have a great day all xxx
Hi all, hope your all having a nice day. Here's today's menu :)

B - Mug of tea (feeling a bit sick).
L - Two egg omelette, 75g ham, 25g cheese, 2tsp of tomato sauce.
T - Home made chicken chasseur, 25g mash, mixed veg.
S - Tassimo cafe crema coffee with 150mls milk.

Drinks - Tea, coffee, NAS squash, water.
Hi all been strange day here started off with snow then faired up by 9am kids all wnated to go home but been at school all day again they were very disappointed as were staff. No more snow loads on the ground but no more fallen. Bad walking but roads seem to be clear. Food today -

B 2msbb with choc philly
S banana, pear
L pate n cucumber ww yoghurt
S 2 plain biscuits
D bacon, 2 skinless small thin walls sauages, mushrooms n 1 tomato all oven cooked

tea coffee water

weigh day tomorrow and am sure with extra biscuits n sweets been having will have put nutha pound or few on will be very surprised otherwise, just can't get by without at the moment, am feeling brighter but still need bit of a fix. Need to knock it on the head but proving difficult. xx Don't start eating sweet things again if uyou can stay away from them I did for solong but gradually reintroduced them wish I hadn't. even though don't eat in any proportion to what I used to. xx
Aw shame you were stuck at school Chrisa. I was stuck at home but luckily I had a load of training I could do and claim time for plus I'm on every next week for 9.5 a day as a couple of people are off so I will still get some over time next week and the snow is thawing nicely now so hopefully things get get back to normal here. Hope it does for everyone else too.

Breakfast - Ham and pineapple.
Lunch - left over steak and prawn salad.
Dinner - quarter of a low fat lasagne with steamed green beans.
Snack - Grapes.

Exercise - lots of cleaning (we've got a house inspection coming up soon and they always find something wrong), cleaning out my guinea pigs that is always hard work lol and hoping to find time to pop on the treadmill in a bit.
Drinks - tea, water, 100ml of pure oj.

Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow Chrisa, it's mine too. Hope we have both lost x
Hi all.. Hope you are feeling less sick this evening paula.. I sympathise, I hate that feeling.. Chrisa, from your menus you don't over indulge with the sweet stuff, it only seems to be the odd biscuit or such like here and there.
I try and eat fruit if I need something sweet, but I also have a penguin sometimes or even had a mars choc ice the other day and it was lovely.. I suppose that is always a danger that the amounts of sweet stuff will get more and more, but I really hope not. I think you do pretty well considering you are much further out than most of us here. you might get a nice surprise tomorrow and find that the scales are going downward again. Good luck to you and to shelleymarie for your weigh ins tomorrow xxx
Thank you so much for your optimism ladies. I feel like I am eating too much sweet stuff thinks its just the guilt of doing it. But believe me my body won't like it n neither will them scales tomorrow only have me self to blame though. I could do with a nice big loss of 4lbs but that will only happen if I behave myself, just can't get focussed at moment . Need to get back to my pilates as well have been doing extra walking about, fast walking and up and down stairs at school also at home. Kick start it all again. body is tired an not due for B12 till think its next month. But feeling ok now more positive in myself, pulling myself together slowly haha xx
Hey chrisa, you don't go mad on sweet stuff but its the fear of it creeping in isn't it...at home I freeze sugar free icepops or have a sugar free sweet....most of the time I try to replace with fruit and if thats the option and I don't want it I'm not hungry! Have you tried sugar free jelly??

I've also been known to brush my teeth everything tastes awful after that!!

Tea :)
Ohhh my menu lol :
B- 4 strawberries, 5 grapes, half a lf Greek yoghurt, sprinkle start right
S- special k cracker crisps
L- peeled Fuji apple with fat free cottage cheese n chives, 4 small breadsticks, other half of yoghurt
S- special k crisps
D- poached salmon fillet, mixed leaves, cuecumber, gherkin, chopped pepper, salad cream (lf)
I also have bought some sugar free sweets online for when I really need a sweet maya. But try to go for fruit first but that doesn't always work... I buy the sugarfree jellies from tescos 6 for 2.00 they are really a good replacement for a dessert! You should try them chrisa.. the flavours are all lovely. Brushing teeth is definitely a good idea, never thought of that.. Have you tried just not having biscuits,cakes and sweets in the house chrisa? I've found if I have to go buy something then normally I don't bother and the urge goes away, but it's easier for me as I live alone so don't have to get stuff in for someone else... must be murder having to buy goodies and then try not to eat them...
Hubby does most of the shopping, we only have whats left off christmas. So most gone now same at work people bringin christmas ket in to get rid of it. Once all gone n outta site will be ok yes do av s/free jelly n sweets x ta girls xx
No menu to post today, as have only managed fluids, a cup of coffee and a cup of bovril so far.. don't know what's wrong with me, have tried eating various things but I feel full up and just not hungry.. oh well don't suppose one day will hurt, hopefully will be back on track tomorrow...
Well got what I deserved put on 2 lb only way to go now pull myself together and stop eating crap. No surprise to me need to get refocussed and push on with it. THis is what happens when I get stressed. Fruit only between meals now xx guna av to go cold turkey from sweet stuff i think. xx
Tuesdays Menu

B: Marmite on toast; l/f custard
L: Cuppa soup
D: Liver and onion casserole

Yesterdays Menu
B: Peanut butter on crackers; milky coffee
L: 'Big' soup; wotsits
D: 'posh' fishcake and a few baked beans. (Stayed down! Hoorah!!!)
Sorry your weigh in didn't go well chrisa!! But as you say, it wasn't any great big shock, and you seem to know the reasons why you have gained.. With that in mind, I'll bet you manage to shift that 2lb gain, and lose some for next week xxx