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Daftmoo's a faliure


New Member
As it says in the title I'm a failure after losing a poxy 2lb in three weeks. I feel like I should have never been given this op it should have gone to someone who was more deserving then me.
I'm disappearing for a while so that I don't have to talk about what a waste of space I am. A merry xmas and a happy new year to you all
Well if you're a failure then i guess i am too! I checked your stats and you've lost more than me with only a week between us....

Do i shoot myself now? Errr no! Last week i weighed in and had put 3lb on :D (i hope that was a shocked face i just attempted) but then i step back and thought to myself...

My husband asked the doc at my first post op check about when i'd stop losing weight (i mentioned i'm a slow loser and think it's not working for me). The doc's answer? Our bodies will stop when they are ready and not before, as for it not working! His precise words which my hubby quoted to a family member ''there is nothing you can do to stop it working''!

So seriously now daftmoo, i'll give you the advice i gave myself..........

Throw the scales away, (i'm currently wrestling with a large security person in Boots, they are not happy with me wanting to put their very expensive scales in the skip) forget weighing, continue to follow your healthier lifestyle, don't shoot yourself for giving into a little temptation occasionally and enjoy the knowledge that although at times you won't have a weight loss you will slowly continue to lose the weight. And the joys when you go into a store and need to get a smaller size will come!

Stop beating yourself up, you already look fabulous.... Seriously now you are doing great, and with the slower losses chances are it will stay off better too :)

Keep the faith and stop being a daftmoo xxxx

Merry christmas and a happy new year to you and yours
Well said Julie, I cant think of anything to add Daftmoo....you are not a failure so stop thinking of yourself as one! You are deffinately a looser, but thats a different story ;) C'mon hun, you deserve that op as much as the next person......keep on doing your best and you wont ever be a failure :D XX
Ditto everything Momma said,please dont beat yourself up,look at what you have achieved never to come back!Get your head back on track relax and dont think about it.I know its easy for us to say but IT WILL WORK!Maz x
Now stop that and back you come to your friends and on line family who are here to support you. There are people who gallop, there are those that trot and those that amble but we all can cross that finishing line. Its Xmas take a step back. Then in the new year regroup and see what is truly your intake can it be improved food wise and if it suits you excercise wise. Chat with others get their input failure is just a frame of mind, we all have it from time to time just don't let it tske hold and win the battle, that way is the wrong way.

Take care and pop back asap

well said PM
Well dearest I am suppose to be one of the successes, well at the mo I am far from it. I have stopped losing and I know its because I am picking too much at the mo.

So even I am a failure too, so lets all take it with a pinch of salt and see what 2011 begins. We can all write a food diary together. Just relax and enjoy your Christmas.

Dont worry about scales like Julie said and look at how much you have already lost, that is fab.

Dont leave us we need you at this time of good cheer hun. xxxxx
Hello love, it must be so hard at times and i know iv got it all to come. You have done so well so far and you will make it in the end.
The advise you have been given is great and all i want to say to you is try to cheer up and have a lovely Christmas. 2011 is going to be a great year of achievements for lots of us...............you included. Huggs xxxx
Hi Daftmoo. Please don't call yourself a failure. Last month I only lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks. It's disheartening I know. But what can we do, but keep on trucking. Some people lose their weight fast, others slow. Looks like we're the slow ones. But like Julie says, we'll get there eventually, because the bypass will work!
Come back and get some support from people who understand.
Grace xxx
You've lost 61 pounds in six months so step away from the self pity party and get your arse back here
Youve lost weight still in that time. Dont be hard on yourself, it isnt a road straight to loosing weight every week, or loosing shed loads as fast as possible, it just doesnt work like that for most people. The body fights tooth and nail to keep the weight on. Youve done well, would you have lost it and kept in off without the surgery? I doubt it or you wouldnt have done it. x
This whole issue of how quickly people lose weight is so difficult. Having geared myself up for a bypass and waking up to find I had a band instead has meant I have had to totally change my mind set on this. At the end of the day this is not a race. Be it bypass or band what we have is a tool to help us lose weight and none of us know how are bodies are going to react to the change. Sue, if you are struggling then do not stay away - if you need help there are people here who will try and support you. You have lost a lot of weight even though you think it is taking a long time. If you have hit a stall then only you will know if it is down to bad food choices.

Doing this is hard and at least you have somewhere to get a bit of guidance if that is what you need right now. Even if you do not feel like posting then log in and read the posts. I know it is disheartening when you read about people losing 4 or 5 pounds a week and if I am honest it has taken me up until now to come to terms with the fact that I am not going to be one of those people. But we have the chance to turn our lives around - no matter how long it takes - and that is the most important thing. Please do not isolate yourself at a time when you most need support. People are not here to give you a boot up the backside (unless you specifically ask for it) call you ungrateful or undeserving or anything else negative. The outside world punishes us enough for being over weight - do not punish yourself too.

Take care

I believe all lot of what others have said is right!

It isn`t easy with this weight loss business! I have been down in the dumps recently as my weight had come to almost a standstill, but I`m not going to lose any sleep over it, I have spoken to my dietician - and have made an appointment for mid January. She thinks I have done well so far, told me not to fret over Christmas, keep going steady and it will come off. Everyone goes at differing rates, the same as all our bodies and metabolisms are different.

You can`t go anywhere as I for 1 would miss you, pull your socks up and decorate them with tinsel; and don`t forget you have a lot of friends here who want you to stay!

Take care hun x

Love Kat x
I used to feel really bad about the pace at which I was losing weight, I felt as though I was losing so slowly and all of those that had their ops the same time as me were romping ahead of me with their weight loss, it was really depressing at times. But you know what, I am now at goal and there are some that had their ops around the same time as me that I was jealous of that still have weight to lose, so I cant have done that badly can I!?!
What you have to think is that weight off is exactly that...OFF! At least its not weight put on, you have lost it...its the right direction even if its slow, we tend to forget that this is for life, its not a race, it took us many years to get that fat, its not going to drop off overnight.
Besides, the slower you lose it the more time your skin has to tighten up, I have issues with loose skin but not as bad as many, it has tightened up in time and is continuing to do so, so by losing the weight slower I feel that it helped.
Stop beating yourself up...it'll come good in the end! xx
Steph xx
Please stop beating yourself up!!

I've put on 5 lbs and can't lose it for love nor money!!

We all lose differently - and at different rates - I lost really quickly 10 st in year 1 but only 3 in year 2.

Please come back to us and all the love and support you need

Huggles and love

I really hope you take to heart the advice given on here as it does make alot of sense after all if we dont understand who the heck does !! Knocking yourself down should be a thing of the past, you did it for years about being overweight, now its not losing fast enough....Give yourself a break !!

I know you must be feeling down to post what you have but you really need to look at what you have acheived so far 61lbs weight loss. You could however rewind to this time last year and be 61lbs heavier, waiting and praying for funding/your op, waiting for your life to begin again. THANK GOD YOUR NOT IN THAT POSITION ANY MORE !!

Chin up and move forward, if you cant see how great you are how can others??

Big hugs Xx