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Do you dump forever?

Dumping is caused by rapid entry of undigested high fat or sugary food into the duodenum. Two kinds exist, early and late.

Early happens with sugars and fats as your body recognises the food in your intestine and floods it with fluid resulting in the feelings of nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, dizziness and fatigue, classic dumping symptoms,

Late dumping usually one to three hours after eating causes a form of low blood sugar. When we ingest too much sugar, our now smaller stomach does not digest it properly so our intestines absorb and deposit too much of it into your blood stream. Our body compensates by releasing more insulin which makes your blood sugar drop. Late symptoms include, anxiety, diarrhoea, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, Rapid heart rate, heart palpitations, sweating, weakness. Even mental changes such as problems concentrating or feeling confused. Another problem with high sugar foods for us is that it causes us to feel hungry, really hungry because our bodies craves more sugar to balance the increase of insulin in your system, so a vicious circle occurs.

About 30% of bypass patients suffer, not sure if suffer is the right word, let's say experience instead; dumping syndrome. So 70% will not dump from consuming sugars. Of those that do almost all can build a tolerance to sugar over time if they are determined to try.

So some will dump others won't. Some foods will always cause us to dump, others will be fine some days then not others, you really cannot say whether you will or won't or whether it will be forever or not. If we stay away from high fat high sugar foods and don't drink with meals then we are less likely to have problems post op.
I am 2 years post bypass and dumping is much reduced, in fact yawning/tiredness and palpitations and a really gurlgly stomache are about all I do get nowadays if I do eat anything sweet, which means the temptation is there again and it's hard to control. I miss dumping!
I stay away from sugary foods as the episodes of dumping I have had were horrible and that's enough of a deterrent to not try and push it. Plus I wouldn't want to build up my tolerance as it was the whole reason I had the bypass over the band, so that there would be something to stop me eating sugary foods. I'm very grateful to be a dumper.
i want to dump forever!!!! :sick0019:
I'm one week post op and dumped today from eating my soup too fast. I sweat a lil followed by many visits to the toilet. I'm def slowing down!