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Evenstarrs Pre Op Diet.

Evenstarr said:
I'm having it done at Thornbury.
Am still doing good on my pre op, but have a massive craving for something savoury :(

I was like that. What about bovril or bouillon
I was like that. What about bovril or bouillon

When I asked Liz at NGH about oxo she said no , but I got some boullion today but I don't know if I'm going to risk not having my op if I drink it?
Did you have bouillon or Bovril ?
I had bouillion and also used oxo cubes , she said was ok to have the odd one providing it didnt sway me towards eating food
I might give her a call tomorrow.
I had them and still lost 17lbs pre op
I've opted for the 14day milk diet also (even though they said I could do 7) just to maximise the benefits pre and post op.
I'm not allowed any fruit just 3.5L fluid a day so I mix it up a little. I'm lactose intolerant and even with the lactose free milk I still have "bad" days. I now have Whey protein shakes made with water and a litter vanilla, chicken bovril and vanilla mullerlight yogs. Being diabetic always is a challenge as most FF yoghurt's have high sugar content so have to balance the two.
I'm on day 7 now and still going strong, but after a billion dishes of jelly and yogurt..the mere sight of it is starting to make me feel sick :(
Still not long to go now, tomorrow is my craft morning at my sisters shop and we usually stay on for lunch, so I'll just take a yogurt along with me.
Em xxxx
Well done Evenstarr, I've just completed day 4 so not too far behind you..........starting to get closer.........yaaay
Good luck 67jax, it's so exciting isn't it!
It's all I think about.........I need to get a life!!

Me too :D
But just think of our the great thin lives we'll have :)
Em xxx
Had a bad day yesterday :cry: made my little ones dinner while I felt hungry and having a bad headache and I ate :cry: :mad: :eek:. I'm so mad with myself.

Brand new day and I will not waver again I have to change my life once and for all.
Ive been seen at sunderland since march 2011.and finally on wednesday i got my surgery date 25th august OMG.started milk and yoghurt and fruit diet yesterday.made a change from nearly six years of slimfast and a bit of hot food everyday.cant believe my time has come
Had a bad day yesterday :cry: made my little ones dinner while I felt hungry and having a bad headache and I ate :cry: :mad: :eek:. I'm so mad with myself.

Brand new day and I will not waver again I have to change my life once and for all.

Don't beat yourself up, it is really, really hard. The most difficult time is when you smell cooking food. If you stick to it like glue until your op I'm sure it won't have done any harm. Good luck :)
Had a bad day yesterday :cry: made my little ones dinner while I felt hungry and having a bad headache and I ate :cry: :mad: :eek:. I'm so mad with myself.

Brand new day and I will not waver again I have to change my life once and for all.

That's the spirit, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon!
It's not so much the hunger that's getting to me, but the boredom of the same thing over and over...I can't wait to get started on the teeny portions of veg soup I've made.
Only 2 days to go for you evenstar!!! You must be very excited now!! I know the last couple of days was the worst for me on the milk diet, I felt so tired and weak towards the end of it..... But was all worth it when the surgeon said my liver was in good shape and had shrunk nicely so hang on in there xxx
Oh 2 days isent long bet you carnt wait till its over x
I found the last couple of days easier as kept thinking only one or two sleeps til op