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Gastric Band Diary 23/05/2009


Hi Everyone

Thanks for all your good wishes.

I had my band yesturday and feel fab! It was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be and to be honest I have had worse toothache lol!! No seriously anyone waiting to go in don't be scared as it is not painfull.
I will write all about it tomorrow as have visitors coming shortly.

Well here goes the start of the new me, hope this helps any newbies or pre-op bandsters out there who are a little nervous.

I arrived at Spire Manchester at 7am and was shown to my room by a nice porter, my Sister and Husband where with me. I settled in and one of the nursing staff came to welcome me and do my Blood pressure etc (have to say every member of staff where lovely and made me feel at ease). At approx 8am I was measured up for my stockings and given a gown, then at 8.15am Mr Amouri came to see me and asked how I was etc, I completed the paper work and asked him when I was going and he said now, I got my gown on and said my goodbyes and walked to theatre with a lovely nurse.
I sat on the bed and the theatre staff introduced themselves, they made me feel totally at ease, and talked me through everything that they where giving me. The Aneathetist told me when he was going to give me my anaesthetic and I waited for it to take effect it was 8.45am......I heard someone calling me and that was it I was awake in recovery, it was 9.45am, I coughed a little and the nurse gave me some oxygen, I started to shiver and she put a machine underneath a thermal blanket that all inflated which warmed me up in 2 mins...I was back on the ward at 10.10am. My family where there and I never had a morphine pain killer until 2.30pm, I tried to sleep but couldn't, so read the papers, txt my friends & the children and watched tv as my Husband and Sister went home for a few hours so I could rest. I had visitors later on and when they went I watched Pearl Harbour which finished at 1.40am!! Could not sleep at all no matter how much I tried, I just was not tired. As I was ready to settle I thought I better ask for some meds as I may wake in the night with pain and really wanted to catch up on my sleep (I was only in slight dis-comfort). I was given 2 dissolvable parecetamol tabs and I dozed on and of, got up at 6am wide awake. At 10am had 2 more dissolvables and waited for staff to discharge me and meet Kath the Bariatric Nurse who gave me lots of advice and information.
I was home in the afternoon and apart from a little tenderness around my wounds I have no pain anywhere else.
I think Mr Amouri must be a very gentle Surgeon as I have read a few of his patients diarys on here and they didn't seem to have much pain either. He put 3mls in my band at time of Op and I see him in 6weeks time.
So anyone waiting to go in please do not worry, it was fine for me and I have told you all before I am a wimp!!
Thanks again for all your help leading up to my surgery, and I know you will be a real help to me with your experience post Op.

Hi Liz
Thanks for that post. Certainly helps me as i am having my bypass done by Mr Ammori in Spire Manchester in August. Like you i admit to being a wimp so the words "gentle surgeon and little pain" appeal greatly ha ha! So glad to hear you are doing well and i wish you all the best in your recovery x
Thank you Liz for the update on your journey. I really enjoy reading everyones experiences. You are on the loosing side now and will look amazing for your holiday in Crete. Take it easy with your recovery.
Its 14 weeks on Thursday, any of you post oppers have any idea of how much weight I could lose by then?
Went for a short walk before with the dog, came back and had a rest and I feel fine now.
I have had lots of fluids today mostly water and orange juice, but felt like a change so had an oxo in a mug, it was nice. Think later I should have a yogurt as I don't feel hungry but need to get energy levels up.
Any ideas for liquid stage other than juice, tea and coffee?

Gaelic Girl, you are in very safe hands, I honestly think its because of the Surgeon that I feel this good.
Sorry I have no idea about how much you could loose but I am sure somebody will. You are very brave taking the dog for a walk so soon after your surgery. Take care.
It's great to hear that you're feeling so well Liz, take it easy though. You've put my mind at ease.....I'm just waiting for my date for surgery with a Mr Mahon in Taunton, they said about 8 weeks. Then I can join you all on the losers side.....WAHEY!!! ;-)
Hi Everyone
I had a really good sleep last night and feel really refreshed today. Discomfort nearly gone now, except if I forget and bend down suddenly it is uncomfortable.
Eating wise my information of the Surgeon says I can go on to sloppies today, but remember reading a lot of diarys and think it was approx 1 week before sloppies for most of you...is that right?
I have no hunger at all at the momment, but know I need to be sensible as I need energy levels to be high in order to lose weight healthily.
Yesturday I had lots of fluids like water, orange juice and a cup of tea. Food wise I had an oxo, 1 can slimfast, 1 yogurt and 1/3 tin custard...do you think that was ok?
It says in the aftercare pack I can have blended foods now, and am cooking beef stew (scouse in Liverpool) today for tea...do you think I should have some blended, I am a bit scared to eat REAL food as I don't want to do any damage.
Any advice appreciated.

Oh and by the way I am in the 16stones bracket today (only by 1/2 lb but still lol!!)
well done xxxx
the poist was great to read as I am pre-band, I am having mine at Hope Hospital and have no idea who the surgeon will be but hope he is as gentle xxx
Hi Everyone
I had a really good sleep last night and feel really refreshed today. Discomfort nearly gone now, except if I forget and bend down suddenly it is uncomfortable.
Eating wise my information of the Surgeon says I can go on to sloppies today, but remember reading a lot of diarys and think it was approx 1 week before sloppies for most of you...is that right?
I have no hunger at all at the momment, but know I need to be sensible as I need energy levels to be high in order to lose weight healthily.
Yesturday I had lots of fluids like water, orange juice and a cup of tea. Food wise I had an oxo, 1 can slimfast, 1 yogurt and 1/3 tin custard...do you think that was ok?
It says in the aftercare pack I can have blended foods now, and am cooking beef stew (scouse in Liverpool) today for tea...do you think I should have some blended, I am a bit scared to eat REAL food as I don't want to do any damage.
Any advice appreciated.

Oh and by the way I am in the 16stones bracket today (only by 1/2 lb but still lol!!)

Hi glad your feeling well! re the sloppies I had to stay on liquids (ie smooth soups, slim fast, smoothies etc) for 2 weeks post op, each surgeon will advise what they think is best. So better stick to what you have been told.

After 2 weeks on liquids (was having around 1000 calories) I then did 2 weeks on sloppies or blended which was heaven. Im now on real food and the chewing is a must to get the damn stuff down lol.

You are doing really well, just remember to follow what you have been told and if in doubt ring them and check!

Maz x x x
Thanks Mazza

I am finding it hard to get 1000 calories down at the minute, what did you have at liquid stage to get that many calories down you?
I have been having lots of water do you think I should change water for say Fresh Orange all day rather than the odd glass to get the calories in?
I have had some stew blended and that went down ok, and I had runny porridge which also was fine.
How much could you eat at a time when having mushy stage?
Any further tips appreciated from you Mazza and other banders.

Also when did you go to the toilet after surgery for number 2? I haven't been yet 6 days in, but don't feel like I need to either. I have always gone everyday very regular prior to surgery.

Feel a bit light headed and tired, but other than that day 6 am doing fine.

I was having slim fasts which are around 200 calories. Soups around the same plus smoothies, milkshakes and youghurty drinks.

Still also drank plenty of water.

At the mushy stage I was told for an evening meal to serve 5 to 6 tablespoons and see how I got on. At first could only manage half but soon built up to eating 5. The band is tighter in the mornings so contrary to what you are usually told on a diet I had to start with a smaller amount at breakfast. As I am out and about most of the day I usually stuck to my old faithful slim fast at lunch time.

I wouldnt drink OJ all day but a glass or two should be ok.

You might feel light headed because you are not having enough of the liquids you need to give you energy but also to help you heal.

What does it advise on your post op diet sheet?

Maz x
Thanks Mazza it says more or less what you say, its just that I find it hard to eat and know when to stop when I am not even hungry to start with...does that make sense?
Still not been the loo either.

Well its 1 week today since Op, I have just been to the woods for a walk with the dog, hubby and my mother-in-law.
We went for lunch and I had soup of course!
I have tried some mushy stuff and seems ok, Its trial and error at the momment, but really don't know what I would do without Mini's...thanks guys for all your knowledge xx.
Well the good news is I have lost 7lbs in my first week and because I was Ill a few weeks before surgery I lost 6lb then so grand total of 13lbs down yeyyyyy!!!
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