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Help-what can I eat

Already on the meat and fish? No wonder you are struggling. I would have thought it was a wee bit too early for that
Loll - I was told 3 weeks on clear fluids, so soup, water, tea, coffee basically anything with no small lumps or bits in !if you can suck it through a straw then its ok.
following this 3 weeks on mushy food, so thick soups, scrambled egg, fish pie, cheesy mash etc.
Then 6 weeks start introducing harder foods like meat etc, but they must be very well chewed up before swallowing.

One other thing, i've found that fruit juice give me the trotts, may be different in others but without it i'm fine, with it i'm on the loo every 20 minutes :D
hi loll congratulations on ur bypass hun, dont try to run b4 u can walk, take things easy and slow i had my bypass 16 months ago and i was on the mushy stuff for 8 weeks b4 i started solids, stear clear of oranges even if they are pureed, as they ar too high in acid, as long as its sloppy by here u should be ok, just remember your body has had a massive shock and it needs to learn that it now works differently than b4, u can try different things by all means but no lumps or bits as u have to give your pouch chance to heal, i hope this has been helpful to u, take care and take it easy ok hun if u need any help my e mail and msn is [email protected] feel free anytime ok, xxx

Congrats on your bypass!

Just remember everyone is different, and all pouches are different too! You must follow the guidelines given to you by your surgeon or dietician! Here are MY guidelines as to what I could eat and when to move onto the different stages!

I was on the pureed food stage after 3 days, for a period of 2 weeks. I could eat toast!!! (yes really!)With cheese spread, jam etc, blended soups, mashed potato and pureed veg, yogurts, scrambled eggs. I could also have one portion of fruit juice or pureed soft fruit a day.Just watch the sugar content though!

Weeks 2-4: Soft Diet!

Pretty much like first stage. This was toast, slices of cheese and tinned meat. Mash again with softly boiled veg, eggs, soft meat and fish. Soup, crackers etc. Anything soft really, or turns to liquid in your mouth!

Week 5: Regular diet!

I am now on a regular diet and eat low fat/low sugar foods. I am also veggie so no meat for me. I have been told to eat 3 small meals and 3 snacks a day. It is really important to get a balanced diet and cant say enough, eat slowly and chew really well so the food is liquid like in your mouth before swallowing. I can now eat pasta, rice, salads most things! Just remember to try 1 new food at a time when introducing new items to see how you tolerate it. I'm 7 1/2 weeks post op and eat a regular healthy diet, although I do not have much of an appetite. I eat to live now:D It is important to eat even if you are not hungry.

Please remember to follow YOUR guidelines, I just wanted to share mine with you, to show how different our diets can be, according to different surgeons etc. Follow what you have been told, just because someone else was not on pureed food at your stage, doesnt make you wrong! I can tolerate oranges, see we're all different!! I would suggest making your own foods at this early stage too, so you know exactly how much fat, sugar and salt are in your meals. Also dont forget your protein, and plenty of fluids!

Good luck,

Kel x
I used to have pureed apricots or mashed banana when I wanted fruit... :)

And it's good to see another veggie RNY'er, SS!!! :D

Congrats on your op. glad it all went well. I was told liquid for the first 2 weeks then mush for a further 2 before trying anything else. Take it slow hun and try to bulid up to bulkier food. Pureed fruit and that would be a good starting point after the first couple of weeks take care x