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I want "bad food" feeling deprived.......

:sigh:Im 12 days post op and today i sooo want things that im not allowed because im still on liquids and even if i wasn't on liquids it's things like mcd's, chinese, anything ahhhhhhhhhhhh. i think that because i got the phone call saying about my operation and then had to start the pre op diet 2 days later that i feel that i didnt get to eat all i wanted to before hand, also because i had my foot in plaster for 6 weeks and wasn't driving i was not going to take away places as only 2 where i live and they are not very nice. im still off work but can now drive and i soo want to chew a bone or something. ok thats me done and im glad thats it off my chest. nobody knows about my band and my folks who do know are away on holiday so thank you for reading this post. Hx
You feel better after that rant hon? Good :)

Ranting really helps... specially if you think you have no one to talk to.. just a nice ARRRGE! right.. on with the show kinda deal.

Just remember the cravings are all in your head. We get addicted to these kinds of foods because the sugars and carbs and other additives in them create happy hormones in our brains which cause addiction. You're weening yourself off an addiction. Find something else that creates happy hormones for you.

You could try the DBT techniques I was taught for my anxiety and depression. Make a box and put things for your senses in it. Something soft to touch, something yummy so smell, something shiny to look at, songs to listen to and something healthy to taste. Pick one out and concentrait just on that one thing for 5 mins. If it's a soft toy, roll it over in your hands, try to turn off all the other senses and only feel it's softness, the creveses and the heavyness. Imagion what it would sound like if touch was a sound.. that kind of thing.

It distracts you :) which in turn stops you thinking about the things bugging you
Its human nature to want what you can't have afandou. Its just the way it is. BUT- you can't right now because you're still healing. Your stomach is swollen and as you probably won't have anything in your band just now you couldn't have a defill and it could damage your stomach so be very very careful about those cravings. Distract yourself in any way possible....do something....anything! Fear is a great way to diet at the beginning!!! it worked for me! I was terrified for ages that something would get stuck but then as time goes on you'll find you can have anything you want so don't fret. It'll just be in smaller quantities. You have a long journey ahead of you...small steps xx