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JennaMeri's Sleeve Journey

fab news jenna keep up the amazing work
Jenna hun you must be soo proud of yourself hunni :) wd hun I feels so good when someone has to do a double take LOL Glad you smashed it and heres to smashing the next, which im sure you will very soon. Wow an inspiration x x x
So another weigh-day has come and after the awesome feeling of Thursday when I smashed my goal, to gain (even 0.2 of a pound) is sort of deflating. I know it's not much, and I did have quite a lazy day yesterday (haven't had one in a while so I needed it). I also must remember that overall, I've still lost over 2lbs more this month (and there's one more week to go) than I did last month so really it's all going in the right direction. And if I hadn't weighed on Thursday I would have been happy with a 1.8lb loss. So really, it's not a gain at all... stupid numbers. :p Not back to work until Thursday, so I'm going to get a few jogs in and some nice long walks with Pup. Hope everyone is well! :)
Morning hun.....
Do t get over obsessed with scales, or you'll find your time is ruled by them...at this stage they're a guide, keep doin eat yr doing. :) :) x
Morning hun.....
Do t get over obsessed with scales, or you'll find your time is ruled by them...at this stage they're a guide, keep doin eat yr doing. :) :) x

Nah, the only weigh in that counts is Sundays (I made the exception of Thursday 'cause it was my 8 week checkup). Normally it's once a week and that's it. The thing I got more obsessed with was measuring... I was doing that weekly and getting frustrated 'cause nothing was changing, so I've had to change that to monthly. I'm too busy (normally) to worry about scales too much... I'm just a numbers person, so I do analyse them quite a lot. Not upset really... was just hoping. But still a week to go! :D
You're amazing!!! And 1.8lbs is a wicked loss and you're well on your way to your goal xxx
your doing good jenna just focus on the good points and not the bad so you had a miniscule gain its not like it would have been in the past and a huge one
Jenna hun that is still blooming amazing gal :) its beautiful out grab that pup and get out there. Put the scales away until next Sunday and put it behind ya :) i did same other week, i was at hospital early on my weigh day, so didn't weigh planned to not bother until the following Thursday, but it got the better of me on the Monday.... it read -4 i was sooooo chuffed thought by the time Thursday came it would be an amazing loss lol come the Thursday nudda !!! lol so -4 it was (which is fantastic) but had made it so much more in my head, so i was disappointed lol how silly our heads are eh LOL have a fantastic afternoon x x x
Today has been... not the greatest. Today we buried Hubby's grandad. I'd never been to a burial before... been to the service beforehand and the refreshments after, but never to the actual burial. It was heartbreaking. I've only known him for 4 and a half years, but he's such a sweet man. Soft spoken and sort of mumbly at times (or maybe that's just me trying to reach through the accent barrier), but very kind and quite amusing. I always find it funny, in a sad, regretful sort of way, when you find out more about a person after they have passed on than you do when they're still with you and can tell you first hand accounts of things. Hubby knew that his grandad had been in the war, but not that he had been stationed in Egypt and fixed up planes. Those are stories I would have liked to have heard, as would Hubby. But we didn't know. Or how much he enjoyed music and even became the local town disc jockey playing in all the pubs and halls in the area. I would have liked talking music with him. But we didn't know. I wish more families told these stories to the younger generations... they may not care at the time or pay strict attention while being told, but they'll remember them, and when they get older and Life and Death become more real, they'll be so thankful to have those stories and those memories to fall back on. It makes mourning someone so much easier when you feel like you've been allowed to keep a bigger part of them with you. I feel sad for Hubby and what he's now missing, all because he just didn't know.

As for me... I ate too much... repeatedly. :( I now refuse to weigh myself for at least a week as it will probably just depress me even more. Hope everyone is well.
Aww sounds like a lovely service hun. I was only 10 when my Grandad died and don't remember him telling me stories, but I've learnt so much about him since from my Dad. I'm really pleased it went well and don't get the food a second thought, you have enough on your mind, x
i never knew my grandad he passed before i was thought about but i can relate as to when i lost my nan and my dad i heard things about them i never knew and sadly any info they had on my mother died with them

as for the eating you know you made an error as you admitted just hop back on the wagon again when your feeling upto it
So another Sunday is here. Happy Mothering day to those who do so, biological mothers and otherwise, you're all special.

Had an early weigh today cause I have to work this morning... made me a bit grumpy cause Wed I was at 212.6... this morning: 215.0. So lost 0.2lbs from last Sunday. :( Not the best loss, but I s, pose atleast it's a loss. Hope all is well to everyone else!
A loss is a loss! And happy mothers day to you too! Sucks you are working today...i'm gearing up for Monday blues lol. I bet you're gaining muscle because of all your exercise, so don't stress too much about the numbers. Easier said than done I know, P x
You're doing really well. Remember each day is a new day. How about listing the positives that are happening and not have your day governed by the scales? It's not easy but you can do it. Stick to the rules, if you're tempted to eat too soon after the last time go make yourself a drink, then wait. In that time it'll be another 45mins or so further on, especially if you've made a hot drink. If you're still hungry get a protein based snack. Maybe write down all that's passing your lips as the goal for this week.

You can do this and you are doing this. Some days are harder than others. Look how far you've come already.
To be honest, I post right after weighing so it's still fresh in mind. I'm too busy to think about it for even a second the rest of the day, so it by no means rules my day at all. :) Just seems that way I s'pose cause it's in my posts. Thank you for the advice though! It's nice to know people are there for when the days do get crappy... cause some of them do. ;)

Can't wait to celebrate one-derland! Way to go being almost there!! :D
whop Jenna hunni another LOSS :) wd hun i agree with all above !! and its still going on the right direction...... Happy mothers day all of us YES even us non mothers :) hubby woke me this morning with cards and pressies from the puppy :) so today i am a mummy !!! hugs x x x
another loss however small is a loss and remember you might not lose pounds one week but may still be losing the inches instead
TOM is visiting again. *grumble* How am I supposed to plan things when I get no warning what-so-ever when this unwelcome visit is going to happen?!?! On the semi plus side it's given me an indication of how much I gain during and that the week before ends up being a very small loss. So now that I know those things I will have a bit of warning. It was the same last visit. Now I just need to hope I have a visit next month so that I can try to figure out how many days are in my cycle... cause it's definitely not 28. Ugh... I feel gross, so glad I have the day off work. Just have to make it through a doc appointment and 4 hours of a meeting. Woohoo. :/ Hope everyone is well!
Afternoon sweetness :) ugh Tom visits again i know its not pleasant and we feel so blooming ugh BUT on a positive its the one thing which makes a woman and able to have baby's :) for me no Tom visits for 13 years the first one just before op and another just after op but nothing since..... am hoping he becomes more regular...... without 'Tom' it will never happen :) maybe Tom is a blooming pain BUT he has his uses LOL

x x x x
Afternoon sweetness :) ugh Tom visits again i know its not pleasant and we feel so blooming ugh BUT on a positive its the one thing which makes a woman and able to have baby's :) for me no Tom visits for 13 years the first one just before op and another just after op but nothing since..... am hoping he becomes more regular...... without 'Tom' it will never happen :) maybe Tom is a blooming pain BUT he has his uses LOL

x x x x

;) Yeah, have to call it TOM cause only a man honestly thinks pain means gain. :p And my problem is that TOM doesn't actually do his job correctly so even if I get a visit every month it's unlikely I can have babies without drugs as I don't ovulate. Boo-hiss. Had a test done last October and all the plumbing is in working order (on both our parts)... doc even said that if there was an egg within five miles of my hubby's contribution it would get fertilised. LMAO Hubby was so proudly embarrassed when the doc said that... it was cute. :p So we're hoping that with losing weight the pcos will be less which may help hormone levels which may help the ovulation. That would be amazeballs. :D