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Kat's Bander weigh in and diary thread

So glad to hear your doing well sorry that its beem a tough few weeks for you but I guess now your getting nearer to your target it will slow mine has too , we'll done on the size 12 I'm still in a 18 at the moment my boobs are more a 16 but my bellys an 18 :) but ill take that hehe

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You are doing great Kat - well done!!

Just wanted to add - you have answered your own question regarding the 3lbs on/off situation - you did not eat enough for the level of activity you were doing so your body held onto the lbs, plus some water probably. back to proper eating and it came off
So glad to hear your doing well sorry that its beem a tough few weeks for you but I guess now your getting nearer to your target it will slow mine has too , we'll done on the size 12 I'm still in a 18 at the moment my boobs are more a 16 but my bellys an 18 :) but ill take that hehe

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BMI wise, I'm still quite a long way from target, but also, with the excess skin Im carrying (and there is a lot around my stomach) that I know that Im unlikely to reach down to that point. The gym manager said to me to not work to that point, because BMI's can be way off (just what my provider says too!) and work to body fat % so, thats what I will be aiming for . . .just not quite sure yet what level LOL

That sounds like a good plan , my BMI is 35 now from 54 so I still have a ways to go for my height but I think having small targets is the way forward xxx

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I agree re topkats comments about bmi. I am midway in the normal weight range at 21.6 ... However I look too thin tbh. Go with what looks and feels best for you personally. I look best between 11 and 12st but according to the bmi charts that's taking me into overweight category :sigh:I do feel sorry for many of these poor kids who are being sent home from school with letters nowadays saying they are overweight, when they do eat right and do exercise. Are we creating people's weight issues for them :confused:
Flutterby I'd be happy at 11.7/12 personally I dont think I'll ever get to 8st anyways so ill just be happy being smaller

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I didn't have time to weigh in yesterday as I had an early office start.

So I weighed in today and I've lost 3lbs.

This I am chuffed with.

I've got a new programme at the gym and Ive now been 10 out of the past 11 days (resting last saturday!) in addition to my daily walks of 1+ hour or so. My programme is focussing a lot on toning and even in that time I can see a lot of muscle definition coming into my arms, I never expected to see a response so quickly.

When I go, I work darn hard, and really push to getting the results I want. I've had an odd week eating wise, but have had a couple of days where I have had rice, simply for the fact that I am burning so many calories, that I need to introduce some limited carbs - the new gym manager is working with me on this as well, not only to continue to help with the weight loss, but to avoid "bulking" in the gym with the weights work I am doing, but also because burning what I now am is on occasions taking me to minus figures in net calories. And by not taking on some carbs, it will slow the weight loss down.

So, plain basmatic rice with prawns or fish I've had on a couple of occasions.

Hunger still the same as it always is - I still do not feel the presence of my band, and very minimal restriction. The couple of foods that would always make me realise the band was there, no longer do, however, I am not having a fill now until September 3rd (last one was in June) mainly because if I can continue doing this and achieving what I am without restriction then I am happy with that.

As such, I do have 10mls in my 14ml band, and it does concern me that even though I am at that level, that I have such very minimal almost non existent restriction and the fact that it has made no difference in terms of hunger levels or the portion sizes I could in fact eat if I allowed myself to.

But, 3lb loss, hoping next week that I will be under the 200lb mark, but 135lbs down, so have also got another 5lb to go before I've lost 10 stone and would love to achieve that before I hit my 12 month surgiversary next month :)
thank you :) I had some difficult weeks, and its hard without restriction especially 11 months on....but got some great focus going on at the moment as have got some targets to reach before the 23rd August lol
Well done top kat. U have done amazingly well. Almost 10stone. That's some achievement . Keep up girl for u will be where u want to be with all your determination.
I will be so pleased if I can have the will power to work without so much restriction like you. I had my first fills on the 16th of July with a 4ml in 10ml band. I do not have so much restriction. But I am happy with how I control my portion size and I do not get hungry that much. I do not want to feel stuck or restricted from certain food. Because as of now I can eat almost everything.
I have a little problem with my eating habit, I chew really well but the quantity or amount on my spoon or fork is not as small as a 5pence coin as they say it should be. Should i be so much worry. As I say, I chew really really well. I am trying to change and to get better with my food.
Thanks everyone :)

Paula -

I do not have so much restriction. But I am happy with how I control my portion size and I do not get hungry that much. I do not want to feel stuck or restricted from certain food. Because as of now I can eat almost everything.

This is how it has very much been with my band. After my fill before this one, for a few weeks it went the other way and there were so many foods that I couldn't eat, then literally overnight, it went to being the complete opposite, we actually had the band checked out in case it was empty or something had gone wrong, but it was fine. Just an odd thing.

It can be hard having very little restriction and takes lots of control and commitment to it as well, if I wanted to, I could eat just the same size meal that I could have done pre-band, the fact is I choose not to, because I WILL succeed with my band, even if it isn't doing much of the work!

I have a little problem with my eating habit, I chew really well but the quantity or amount on my spoon or fork is not as small as a 5pence coin as they say it should be. Should i be so much worry. As I say, I chew really really well. I am trying to change and to get better with my food.

I have never eaten that small a piece to be honest, and while my eating has slowed down tremendously because I've trained myself to do so, but I'm also not a person who eats half a chicken breast and is full, my portions are much bigger than what a lot would perhaps eat, but I stick within my calorie limits, I work to strict protein and carb levels and that is what has been and does work for me. :) As long as you're chewing, as long as you're getting on ok and losing, I think that is what counts. Each person is so unique in how their band will be, what it will limit or won't, that its pretty difficult to gauge, but my provider says a morsel of food the size of a thumbnail . . .hmmm ok! lol
I posted this in its own separate thread, but need to put this here in my diary thread too.

I've lost 5lb this week woooohoooo


In the words of the song . .

They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now!
What a step up! Holy cow!
They'd never believe it...
They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now

Today, is weigh in day for me.

And I need to celebrate and share this with people who will truly understand the need to celebrate, who will understand just how different life can be after weight loss surgery.

But today, my weight in day, I have hit a 10 stone loss on the nose.

In August last year I weighed in at this time on my consultation at 24 stone. I had my surgery on the 23rd, so am 3 weeks off my surgeriversary

But today, having lost 5lb this week, have hit my 10 stone loss. Right on the nose and weighing in at 14 stone dead.

I've now dropped below 200lbs. I've not got less than 50lb to go until target (although that target is pushing it lol)

But, while it would have been nice to have lost even 1/4lb more so I could have said "I'm in the 13's" I need to celebrate and reflect. (Yes I know, sometimes enough is never quite enough lol - something else I'm still having to work on)

Life, is no longer just about muddling through. It's about LIVING. Something I don't think I've truly done for so very long. My band, has given me that chance, it has given me the life I've not had.

My target within my first year was 6 stone going on the 1-2lb a week and going on the average patient loses 50-60% of their excess weight...

Well I'm just chuffed that I've beaten that by miles but I'm also now under the 50lb left to go mark too!!

And wait for it . . .in 8 days time I have a date lol my first in about 8 years if not more. :p :candledinner: and it makes me feel like I'm 16, and that I don't have to worry about what he will think of me being a plus size 32, 34 or 36 which is where I was at my heaviest this time last year.


I don't need to worry about my weight (just the awful loose skin! and that is another issue that I'm having to learn to deal with ) but that is a HUGE change for me! I feel excited, but more so, I feel ALIVE

And in 2 weeks we return to turkey on holiday which when we last went to this resort my weight was still on the up and I was about 20+ stone.

Thanks to Anna my band, who will be 1 year old in just under 4 weeks, I not only feel alive, but I am LIVING and for that I will always be thankful. Doing the things with my son I've missed out on, and finally not being the fattest parent. My son was my motivation and continues to be.

Each lb lost is a bonus especially as my restriction is so minimal I could eat what I did pre band in foods and quantity but live by my mantra "just because I can doesn't mean I should"

And while it isn't easy and there are days it can be incredibly hard I LOVE MY BAND

I only wish that my Mum were here to share in this with me, I know that she would have supported me every step of the way. Losing her made me realise life is too short, although it took me several years to really see that I needed to make changes to my own life, and in that time had put on another 4 stone.

I've fallen in love with my gym workouts, I've done 13 out of the past 15 days, swimming and I've just bought my first size 12 top. Just fitted into a pair of 16 bottoms (altho they were stretchy lol) and I still carry my weight around my stomach so I knew it would take time to get rid of that, but I have always been big, I now weigh less than what I did at 18.

All my life I've been bigger than I am now.

I have never known what it is to be "slim" even at school . . . and in the words of the song

"They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now!
What a step up! Holy cow!
They'd never believe it...
They'd never believe it,
If my friends could see me now"

Even I can hardly believe it lol

And to those who weren't friends, to those who bullied me at school they can

except its a lot smaller than it was ;) :8855:

Yay I'm so happy for you that's a fantastic loss and yay to be in the 13's fantastic :)

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Oh wow, congratulations. U have done amazingly well, I really hope I have the same success as you. Oh and good luck on the date! ;)
wow, wow, wow!

Such an inspiration!

I am thrilled for you and also a little emotional as I cant even imagine my celebrations when I hit 10 stone off!


Well done tk ... And enjoy your date xxxxxxxx
I have the most ridiculous grin on my face reading your post TK x so so chuffed for you - 10 stone is amazing you totally deserve the glory you have worked so hard, given amazing advice and support on here.

Here's to the last 50lbs go kick its ass like the last 10stone.

Good luck on your date too x

Paula x