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Leaking like the Titanic..

Thankyou x

Last night I attended a friends sons gig in Cannock. Got there and turns out it was a charity gig (hour set) in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. Wasn't aware of this till I and 9 others got there.

Basically an organisation that helps people - children - with incurable cancer. Turns out there were kids there who wanted to be designers so the trust helped them achieve that wish, some kids wanted to be models and got their wish modelling clothes designed by others.

One young man, Stephen broke my heart when he told his story. 18 years old and having to face the fact that he has an incurable disease and today could be his last. I saw the enthusiasm overflowing as he spoke about treatment, things he has achieved, wants to and never will. Makes me see that bad things happen to good people and life just isn't fair.

This young man had an energy and lust for life that is inspiring. Every kid in that room did. I see them and feel I have no right to complain about "down days" "tired days" and look to their confidence, strength and belief that it will all be ok. Inspirational.

Still can't eat, living on fortimel, protein shakes and yogurt but at least I'm alive! Back to different hospital Wednesday to test stomach pressure etc and hope a resolution is found. I already know I have to have more surgery to repair the pyloris just hoping to avoid the biggy and conversion to a mini bypass or creation of a new stomach. The thought of everything terrifies me but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Well it must have had to be that you went last night Rebecca. Its amazing how seeing other peeps problems puts our own into perspective. You really have been through the mill but like you said YOU ARE ALIVE. While the prospect of having more surgery is not nice needs must they have to put you right inside so that eventually you can start to live a normal happy life again by eating everyday foods xxx
Hi guys, sorry Ive not posted in a while.

Ive hit an all time low and didnt want to wallow in misery and force it onto you guys too, sorry. What have we missed??

I had an appointment at a different hospital for a manonometry to test the pressure changes of my stomach whilst eating. This test involves passing a tube through nasal cavity down throat and into the stomach and intestines and eating and drinking once sited to check. To get the tube sited they squeeze a kind of alcohol numbing gel up your nose, spray your throat with the banana tasting/smelling stuff used for endoscopy, thread the tube up your nose and guide it down. As they push the tube you drink water to wash the tube down the throat and site it easier.. in theory!

after almost 90 minutes of nose bleeds, throwing up blood and water, consultants and nurses trying we gave up. They just couldnt get the tube through my nose and to the back of my throat and down. they tried different sized tubes, threading the tube directly down my throat but nope.. when they got it up my nose and wash pushing it it felt like it was coming through the roof of my mouth and i was almost in tears. theyre supposed to try a couple of times thats it, but I allowed it to continue with them trying each nostril multiple times at least 40 in total but no. It didnt help that the dodgy pyloris valve I have - sometimes jams shut causing the build up of pressure wasnt playing ball either so when they threaded it down my throat it wouldnt go any further, just hitting the valve and the pain was attrocious! I came out and cried my eyes out. I got home, called the team who said theyd await the report. 4 weeks later, no report. I chase it up every couple of days, drop in to the clinic in person every other day to be told they cant do anything without the report.

Ive been a voyage of doom and gloom. Eating has trailed off. Ive been on a one meal every few days again. Sometimes managing to get a protein shake int hroughout the day. Been put back on a liquid/puree diet. this helped though not much consumed and fed up of yogurt, but better than the NJ tube alternative!

Work has been stressful - Ive been awarded a promotion which gives not just extra responsibilities but more work, it doesnt help that on the team of 9 I work in, 5 have been ill, 2 have been on holiday and the work load has been distributed between the two of us remaining. Im tired, I ache, I felt like giving up. Could quite happily say stick it all where the sun dont shine, but cant. tiredness, irritability, hunger, pain, doesnt help in the job I do and after having a vile customer at work verbally abuse, shout, scream and threaten me for 45 minutes I got rid of him.. could feel colleagues eyes burning into me and then came the question.. "are you ok.. " and the torrent started! Havnt had a good hour long snotty nosed cry for about a year. This was unexpected and deflating as I thought I was coping well. Evidently not! Composed myself, buried my head in work, went to the gym on lunch, beat the hell out of a punch bag and hit the treadmill then went back to work afterwards like nothing had happened.

Finally got a call back to clinic on Friday last week and have been given back alllll the tablets they stopped a few months ago. To be fair theyre working. I eat small meals 5 times a day and just have to remember to stay focussed and buy smart as Im craving sweet stuff.. Think Im turning into a fly! I dont want to go down the route of eating anything because.. tadaa I can! and eat the wrong things.

The plan is to continue with the manonometry tests under general anaesthetic to site the tubes and potentially an overnight stay at a different hospital hwoever theres a 6 month wait. So wait I shall. In the meantime theres another test that may be done to identify the problems - "its not physical the sleeve is as perfect as can be expected; it may be mechanical"

I know Im looking at an op on the pyloris to relieve the pressure in the stomach, but they want to confirm it all with the manonometry before they start slicing and dicing again. Theres possibly another test i can have however they need to check with imaging as Ive had so many scans, barium meals, gastrograffins, ct scans etc.. in 12 months theyre not sure they can. Awaiting a call tomorrow to confirm..

In other news, Im now in a steady relationship and things are going very well. However Im terrified at how comfortable things are getting, Im used to doing things myself and being independent not having people try to help me do them! Lesson 1 to learn - how to share!

Weve known each other for years, lost contact and found each other again. Met up for a drink 12 weeks ago and life has just been turned on its head since then. So thoughtful, kind, sincere, supportive, funny, and romantic! This all equals scary stuff but I dont feel phased by it which is weird in itself. He is aware of the situation, things that have happened, may happen and Im falling very veryyy hard. Trying to keep a check on reality but enjoying life. Were planning all kinds of crazy things we both want to do and one of them includes going on holiday! So yayy! A break :) My family now know about him thanks to his update to "In a relationship with... " on a social media site, as do the world! before Id have been oooomg! But now Im just.. so what? like it lump it, its my life... talking of! Crossed another thing off my to do list - I went to a concert! I went to see Bon Jovi at Villa Park in Birmingham AND I fitted through the turnstyle! I rocked out in the isle, jumped up and down like a crazy loon the whole time my mom and I were there, danced, screamed, stood on the seat and lost my voice the following morning, but my goodness! it was amazing! I even manage to fit in the band rags/tshirts on sale now. this time last year I didnt. Ive aquired a size 12 tshirt to commemorate the event though I know I was robbed when purchasing it, but it felt great! Ims till buzzing from it all.. what else..

Finished decorating everything, house feels nice, new, homely and comfortable. Met my fellas Mom and Dad for dinner - omg! Dinner! Ive never seen a plate so full in my life I felt ill looking at it, and when he took it away and took away 95% of the food his mom took it off me and filled it back up! Seems the "she doesnt eat much mom" conversation didnt work, she said Im too skinny and was trying to feed me up! Then she thought I was saving myself for cheesecake.. when i rejected it as ready to explode and explained she looked stunned! Even more so when she realised who I was and where I knew her from - last saw her 6 years ago. But the important thing - now she gets it!

Im on annual leave this week and Ive been enjoying walks, ice skating, the gym, playing in the garden with nieces and nephews and spending time with Adam. Im in love, loving life and thinking maybe it was and will be worth it after all. Things are far from over, Im not fixed but I feel once again after having a paddy and total fit, and with encouragement and support Im ready for round 8 million.. bring it on!

This time last year I was kicked out of hospital with drains, feeding tubes etc and Ive been reflecting on things. Alot. When I see these things and where I was and where I am now I think I can do this and I will do this.


Hope all is well with you guys, and promise to update more often. Just didnt want to be negative on here or bring anyone down. Hope you understand x
You continue to utterly amaze me, your strength is incredulous.
Being in love is a great medicine!
I'd not seen your "before" photos and although you've paid such a high price you have done brilliantly x

Rudders (4days out)
Hi Rudders, how are you feeling?? Hopefuly not suffering wind pains, and the anaesthetic after effects have subsided :) I know its an early stage to ask, but are things what you expected?? Are you adjusting ok?

Being in love and loved is the best medicine right now. You could wallop me with a wrecking ball and I think Id still be standing.. well my shoes might be as I may be stuck to the wrecking ball!

Theres a few more pics on my profile you may be able to view. Some are cringeworthy, as I have no idea what on earth I was thinking of at the time but yeah.. we live and learn by our mistakes eh? :) There are some from different stages over the last year too. Seeing the change from what thigns were to how they are now helps. I think where could I be this time next year and the possibilities are endless. Just need to keep focussed on that end game - feeling as near 100% and being as near to is as possible; enjoying the happier healthier lifestyle I dreamed of with my loved ones.

I wish you luck with your journey x
Hi Scooter81,

I'm relatively new to the forums here but have been following your story for awhile. My heart goes out to you for all the pain and disappointment you have been put through.

I think you're a remarkable person and much stronger than certainly I would be given everything you have gone through.

It's only 4 days since my sleeve op and thankfully everything seems OK.

I am so glad that you have found love as it is one of the most powerful remedies out there and if anyone deserves some happiness right now it's certainly you, I sincerely hope that everything begins to go your way in the future.

Good luck for the future.

Thankyou AE.. Im trying and thats all any of us can do - take what we have and make it into the best we can.

Hopefuly 4 days out your not in too much pain, and are ready to start Ninja-kicking the lbs you want to move and if you ever want to talk theres enough of us here to offer any guidance or answer any questions you may have.

I know my story isnt a typical one, and its not here to invoke the fear of good. I hope nobody ever has anything remotely like this, but should they do so, know that there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

Ive come across a phrase I really like and its this..

"The darkest nights bring the brightest days."-– Rick Beneteau

Now Im getting the bits of sunshine and rainbow after the storm and things are good. I have no doubt Itll all get fixed, its a matter of where and when and how. The waiting game and not knowing is the hardest of them all, but I have other distractions at present and they really help.

I still have treatment at the hospital, still with my GP, problems with vitamins and such, but living in the moment, planning for a tomorrow and not being treated like an invalid because things arent quite what they should be yet, are a god send.

Busy few days ahead; 40th birthday party this evening, 4th birthday party tomorrow afternoon, engagement party tomorrow night, parents return from holiday and then i get to sleep for 3 days without fear of makign sure my brothers left the house in time for his GCSEs.

Im on holiday from work this week and Ive accomplished a fair bit. On that note, must dash - Im off to the open ice skating session and to pick the shopping up on the way home. :)

Take it easy, stay safe and enjoy!

Beck xx
Thanks scooter, I feel surprisingly ok, just utterly exhausted. The soluble meds make me gag but I'm sure that will improve x
I will have a nose at your pics.
Thanks Scooter, doing ok right now wouldn't really call it pain more just a bit of discomfort, still haven't totally got rid of all the trapped air yet but gets less by the day.

I agree with rudders, soluble meds (paracetamol) are disgusting, even though my taste buds are shot they must have been invented by some seriously warped person.
You are one amazing woman. Thank you for sharing your experiences good and bad, and I'm soooo pleased you have found love. x
soluable meds.. those vile little beasts still make me gag now! I have solva zinc tablets and a shot of selenium twice daily too but they taste like peach water and im not sure on the other one - its weird but not so vile so theyre good.

The thing is with the paracetamol there is no amount of anything you can add - Ribena, robinsons fruit squash, juice - that make them taste half decent! My local pharmacy have switched suppleirs of the soluble paracetamol and the old ones used to taste like lemonadey, these are just disgusting! Second only to Dalvit Drops.. yummy! Good to hear your both doing well, fit and raring to go :) Hope all the wind comes out soon and eases that discomfort - can guarantee itll release itself when you least expect or need it!

Pooh - Congrats on the weight loss so far! Tremendous! Im happy for you :) Just taking everything one day at a time and on its own merits. Nice to have someone to confide in and share things with. Scary thing is I think this one is a keeper :)
Pooh - Congrats on the weight loss so far! Tremendous! Im happy for you :) Just taking everything one day at a time and on its own merits. Nice to have someone to confide in and share things with. Scary thing is I think this one is a keeper :)

Thanks chuck. I agree with the take each day at a time, best way! I'm like that too. Keep the positives flowing, it sounds like you've got some fab people around you. x
Hi scooter

I hope u don't mind me adding my lil bit but I just wanted to say how brilliant I think u are!
I'm a pre opper so I was doing my stalker bit on here reading everything I can lol and ur story is one of strength, courage, hope, faith, reassurance, happiness, sadness and most importantly love.
The love of friends and family can pull us through the darkest of times and ur story really does show that.

Never apologise for telling the truth. You are not in anyway "scare mongering". What you have done for me by sharing ur story is help me ask better questions, be prepared for complications and make sure my bariatric team Know what they're doing.

The utter unfairness of your treatment has made cry with anger and frustration so i can't begin to imagine how u and ur loved ones must feel. I truly hope someone at that hospital pulls their finger out and gets u the answers u need to end ur nightmare.

You are beautiful person I can tell just from ur profound writing and I will be praying you get the answers and help u deserve. Some people don't realise how strong they are, the fact that u can still find beauty in the smallest of things while feeling rough shows how strong u are.

Good luck Becky I wish u nothing but greatness.

Oh crikey! My heads swelling up! Wont fit through the door at this rate!

Seriously, thankyou for your kind words and encouragement and feel free to Stalk away! lol :) Its one of those.. take the good with the bad, happy with the sad and make the most of every single moment you have.

The way I see things, rightly or wrongly so Is I have to get on with it. I have two choices, make the most of a bad situation and see things through or give up and face the inevitable. To choose the latter means a waste of time effort and the last 15 months. Im not about to do that.

Few bumps in the road and I will get there, we all will get there just a question of time. I see things that Im on "borrowed time" for want of an expression so try make the most of each day as it comes and even when its been an utter shower of mud find one positive thing to have made it worth while.

The weekend I was unable to keep food and drink down, having picked up a sickness bug. Went to a friends daughters 4th birthday where i was due to dress up as a Tweenie, was too ill to do it - being sick, sweating, shakes so left after only being there 20 minutes. Got drowned in the rain on the way home, got home - threw up. Got in the shower, got out and collapsed. Im ok, not hurt, not in pain. have had bloods taken, checked out, back at GP tomorrow. Suspect its a change in body temperature from cold to hot to cool, and i guess it didnt help when i checked afterwards my Glucose levels were 1.8!

All i can do is continue to play the ball game by the rules and get ready for the surprise attack and push on. Will know more tomorrow at doctors, then hopefuly (touch wood!) Ill be given the all clear to return to back to work as my annual leave has drawn to an end :( boohoo!

Ive had an interesting day today, blood work done, popped into town, enjoyed a leisurely stroll round wonderful walsall Town. aka Costa Del Walsall today as its 24C! and treated myself to a new cardigan for work as Ive been moved desks and now reside under the aircon vent - could prove nippy! a shirt for work from my new fav shop - Francescas Boutique - everything from trousers to shirts, coats, gym wear, lounge wear, summer dresses, evening dresses, jackets and shoes brand new with tags under a fiver! So Ive splurged out £7 and quite content.

Bumped into family in town who I havnt seen since the Wedding in August 2012 and had a natter and cup of tea. Now enjoying lunch at my moms, playing with my pup before home to finish cleaning up the mess from painting Ive made. I can feel about 20 tea breaks coming on between now and 8pm.. plus lunch breaks.. talking rubbish breaks.. candycrash breaks.. uhhh and whatever else i could possibly squeeze in!

Its important to do what you love, love what you do and live the live you dreamed. Ok, I didnt dream this mess but everythings got rough bits round the edges, right? Look at hobnobs.. crumbly, not perfect, but very delectable. My life is a hobnob. Or maybe its just me.. In a very bad way, take what you want and run with it. Enjoy :) Take care and thanks x
Lol hobnobs is a good analogy!

When you were talking about your friends daughters party I was expecting you to say you couldn't go but you actually stayed for 20mins! You sure your not super woman? :)

I saw the bariatric nurse today and took the opportunity to ask some questions about my surgeon (I have googled and asked others about him &no one seems to have had him operate on them) which you inspired btw because before I would have assumed he knew what he was doing & if someone questioned me on my job would I like it?

But now I see that it was silly to think that way, this man will literally have my life, my future in his hands and that's definitely worth questioning.
Anywho she said he was the best surgeon and if she was having surgery he'd be the one she'd want doing it. He was at Sunderland before I believe? Even had an appearance on one of the TV programs... fat hospital I think it was called? Lovely name huh? :)
She added that none of his patients have been back in the first yr with any major complications but of course all surgery comes with risk's and so I should be sure I know what I'm doing.

There is a support group on Thursday which I'm going to attend.
Any suggestions on questions to ask?

I hope your over your bug and gets those bloods sorted. Collapsing is not a good look for super women :)

One thing my brother likes to keep saying you gotta roll with the punches...
I can't roll at the moment though I'd be likely to break something or worse get stuck! LOL

Sally x
Hi Sally, definitely sure I'm not superwoman.. Not quite wearing me undies over me tights yet! Crikey what a sight that would be!

Had blood tests back from GP- all fine. Black outs caused by sudden blood pressure drop. Have diagnosed me as having Raynauds Syndrome and have to have ECG and MRI scan as they think the bp drop is caused by prob either with heart or not getting enough blood/oxygen to my brain (let's hope they find a brain not straw!!)

I'm back at hospital friday to have manonometry tests and leak check. Also asked by the team for a "favor" can't really say much however have agreed to help them out.

Rolling with punches.. Like that! I'm sure you can roll, in fact I bet you'll try just to check :)made me chuckle I remember when had drainms everywhere last year and the hospital would check pressure sores every hour or so. I'd just doze off and they'd wake me up and ask me to roll over to check my bottom.. I couldn't roll at all! Not through lack of trying just like a pin cushion with 7 drains in, but my goodness they'd make me roll! Otherwise I was like a tortoise stuck on its back. Now I can roll over and even forward roll - niece trying to get me to backwards roll.. Used to be able to as a kid - now I'm terrified Ill break my neck, my glasses or break my back! I tried cartwheeling - I think my arms are 4 inches shorter now!

Wanna thank you for your continued support. Hope alls good with you x
Lmao the rolling thing made me laugh! Much needed therapy for mid week so thanks for that lol.

A "favour" I'm intrigued at the cheek of it? Of course you said yes you're one of the good'uns :)

I'm not sure what Raynaud's syndrome is so I will check with my mate Google but I hope its not serious? Did that sound really stupid? I mean life threatening serious.

We had a lovely family BBQ this eve and I was enjoying the moment because Im preparing for how much things will change.
I have my pre assessment with the nurse on the 1st of July so I'll keep u posted but do let us know how your MRI etc goes.

Sally x

P.s. the new superman now wears his underwear under his pants :D