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Shrinking For Sophie
My GP yesterday commented on how good I was looking when I jokingly commented thanks i just wish the inch loss was a bit more proportionate as my bottom half seems to have got stuck in time. Ahh well thats lymphedema for you was the reply! Apparently this was identified years ago but somehow I missed that one :rolleyes:
I'm a bit taken a back as I have always assumed my huge treetrunks were just a genetic trait as I have my mothers build. I understand that there is nothing really one can do but im perplexed ..does this mean my thighs are always going to be this size or will they catch up eventually??
Is there anyone else here who has had a bypass and that also has this condition.. what can I expect?
Thanks xx
Never had lymphedema so cant comment on that.. I can say you are looking good though. xx
Awww thanks beegee xxx