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Not coping. OT. A bit. slightly On T. I dunno.


Proudly maintaining
Am really not coping today. I am exhausted and feel crap and bloated and fed up and miserable. I really struggled to keep my eyes open to do the school run this afternoon.

Work is not fun any more since the changeover, its all grown up and serious :( I am struggling to cope with the workload and the hours cos of the exhaustion.

My pain levels are back up again, my back is agony most days and made worse by sitting in the chair at the office. I don't want to take anything cos of the pregnancy so just trying to grin and bear it but it's impacting on everything else. I know I should be used to it as pre-op I had chronic pain every day but when you've been pain free for 10 months it is so hard to take that giant step backwards. Besides, pre-op I had lots of prescription painkillers to ease it all.

Sorry, I'm just venting as I don't know what to do. I can't take more time off work as no-one actually does my job when I'm off so it just makes it worse when I go back. I have to do the school run every morning and most afternoons, there's no way around that. I just need to suck it up and get on with it but today it's hard :cry:
Oh Shel - sorry your not feeling good x the first stage of pregnancy in my experience can be pretty crappy - I definatly did not bloom lol

Try to rest as much as you can inbetween working/school run etc.

Take care, Maz x
Aww hun, u rant away. Not sure about the pain killers and pregnancy, or what u can take. Think its just paracetamol. Would heat/cold patches help?
Maybe take a cushion into work to help with ur posture as ur sitting. Could you work from home or reduce ur hours?

Hope ur feeling better soon. Get a nice bath and an early night and you might feel brighter tomorrow xx
Have you tried wheat bags for your back Shel, they are 100% natural and you can have them plain or with natural oils added. You just bung them in the micromave for a minute or so and they come in a handy pouch that you can tie round your middle. I goggled wheat bag and it came up with loads of places that do them. I used one with my 1st pregnancy and it was great. On the work front can you not ask if you can work form home part of the time as you could work in comfort and still show your face in the office?
Hi Shell

I'm sorry you are down in the dumps hun, pregnancy is not nice...but it will all be worth it when that lovely little face is looking up at you.
Ask the doc about blood tests to check your vitamin levels whilst pregnant, you may be deficient in something that is causing some of your problems. The first stage of pregnancy is the worst though and I am sure you will feel a lot better soon.
Could anyone you trust help with the school run for you?

Chin up Shell xxx
Shell so sorry you are feeling so rough as the others say the first few months can be really yuck, and I can sympathise with your back pain, I cant imagine being without joint pain, so can empathise with the fact that having been relatively pain free for 10months it is back with a vengeance, that must be so hard.
You are going to be tired make sure you get a much you time as possible, I know there are things that just have to be done, but make sure you are looking after yourself and keeping your haemaglobin up and that not getting anaemic. I think it is probably harder keeping all your vitamin and mineral levels up being pregnant and having a bypass , but you are a sensible informed woman so please look after yourself and that precious little bundle, and like fed up says spoil yourself and have a nice soak and snuggle down on the settee or have an early night
So hope you feel a bit brighter soon Shell
BIG BIG hugs Jay xxxx
Oh, hun, sorry you are finding it hard. Venting is a good thing and we all understand! You are just a couple of weeks from you second trimester which *should* be a more energetic time. Also not to sound all new-age and all but some meditation or pre-natal yoga might help with your fatigue and pain management. Maybe you could look for something like that. Have you ever tried electronic pain management (TENS or EMS)? Maybe you could mention it to your doc and see what they think.

Big hungs, you are not alone in this.

Shel sorry you not feeling good today - a wheat bag or hot water bottle would be good for your back pain. I really feel for you but you will get through this as you are a very strong and determined lady and the prize is something so wonderous you will forget the bad times through the pregnancy and come out the side with your own sweet miracle.

Sending you lots of hugs with fairy dust to ease your aches and let you just chill.

Don't worry about work - it will always be there and if some people want to be serious and grown up well let them just smile and look serene xx
hi shell, sorry your feeling so poorly chronic pain is an awful thing i think its worse because people cant see the pain could you try one of the topical gels eg difflam or voltarol tho im not sure if these can be used in your first trimester maybe your gp could refer you to a chronic pain team, hope you get ease soon. Julie x
Ughh I just typed a reply then it got lost. :(

In summary - heat/cold therapys of any type aren't possible due to extreme heat sensitivity which is part of one of my syndromes. So that rules out heat patches/wheat bags etc. And hot baths.

TENS etc I've tried before and couldn't get on with.

This is the problem when you've had years of chronic pain, you quickly work through the different therapies.

Sorry, I don't mean to write off people's suggestions. I appreciate the support.
hi shel sorry to hear your feeling down apart from what the others have suggested but been ruled out another posibility you may consider
reflexology on the feet or indian head massage which can relieve pain and tension.

just a suggestion .... as for the school runs couldnt one of the other mums help you out with that just until your feeling less tired, alot of the mums at my sons school help each other out with the school runs if its needed.

i hope you feel better soon.

liz x
Hi there Shell

So sorry to hear you having pain again.

Thought I had better let you know that reflexology is not advised in the first trimester of pregnancy but more importantly in your personal circumstances it should be avoided at all times.

It was after a reflexology session I ended up in hospital with he clot on my lung 7 yrs ago. At the time I didnt know I had Hughes which I know you have also.

This page may help you with that reflexology - pregnancy

Also it is safe to take the plaquenil during pregnancy which may help a little with your symptoms.

Take a look at this page Shell
Lupus UK Factsheet 13 - Lupus and pregnancy

Hope you feel better soon, take care Xx Phoebe
Oh, hun, sorry you are finding it hard. Venting is a good thing and we all understand! You are just a couple of weeks from you second trimester which *should* be a more energetic time. Also not to sound all new-age and all but some meditation or pre-natal yoga might help with your fatigue and pain management. Maybe you could look for something like that. Have you ever tried electronic pain management (TENS or EMS)? Maybe you could mention it to your doc and see what they think.

Big hungs, you are not alone in this.


Phatgirl makes a good point with all the above...the TENS should help a lot...Also there are those huge big things sticky things you put on your back...Nurofen Back Pain Heat Patches...they look good.

Ooops...seen your post re heat patches and so on...so ignore what I said...lol.

Hope you feel better soon...take care.

Thanks Phoebe, I'll look into that.

I've tried reflexology once before, and found that it was too painful with the fibromyalgia. Same with massages.

The school run is down to me alone, as we live about 6 miles away from the school. The schools right by us are awful (we live on a dodgy estate) so my son goes to one further away, which is a fab school. I have to leave 20 minutes earlier than I would normally in the morning and 30 minutes earlier in the afternoon as there are only 2 disabled spaces in the school car park and other parents abuse them. So in the morning I am there for 8.30 (school starts at 8.50) and in the afternoon 3.00 (finished at 3.30). If I get there any later there is nowhere for me to park.

I went to bed at 7pm last night and was asleep by 8.30pm which has really helped, feel a lot less tired today. I know it will get easier as I get into the second trimester, so I'm just focusing on that. No work today, but have to get out and do the shopping.
Hi all,

Thanks for all the support, am feeling a lot better today. Amazing what a good nights sleep does! Stupidly though I went out shopping with my mum and forgot my crutch. Thought ah well I'll cope, will use a supermarket's scooter to get my shopping. Except the supermarket hadn't bothered to charge it so have walked round toys r us, morrisons and marks and spencers unaided :eek:

However, I'm home now and firmly resting for the rest of the day. Hubbs was home in time to do the afternoon school run, and he'll be doing the cubs run this evening too.
So glad to hear you are feeling better today Shell its awful when you have a day like you had yesterday.
That must have been a nightmare not having your crutch with you
I dont cope over any distance without my stick and am still exhausted when I get back and ache all over, so know how you feel, good to hear you are resting and bliss not having to do the school run......I remember it well.

Jay xx
Shel - you need to look after yourself and all those shops god you'll be asleep for hours x