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Still no smile on my face


New Member
I'm going to be absolutely and totally honest here.

I totally regret the day I signed up for a Gastric Bypass.

I've been in tears nearly all day today and yesterday. I can't eat anything because of horrendous gastric/wind/indigestion pains. Even drinking sets it off.

I phoned my dietician 10 minutes ago to get an answerphone message saying they are only open Monday to Thursday :eek: They do give an option to press 1 for a medical emergency but I can't very well call this an emergency.

So I left a message and emailed my dietician. Who, incidentally, was supposed to ring me to check on me at my two week stage - I am 3 weeks tomorrow and no word from her. By the time she gets back to me no doubt I wont have eaten for 3 or more days :(

Once again I have to apologise for being on such a downer but seriously, if it was as simple as flicking a switch I would undo this bypass NOW!
chin up!!! it will be worth it - it seems you are not getting much support from dietician? try the diet people at your GPs surgery??? xxxx
You should ring back & PRESS 1!! It is an emergency if you feel so ill & not even drinking. What if you get dehydrated? Please ring them back.

You paid a huge amount of money for this procedure & should therefore get the service/aftercare you duly paid for as well as deserve!!

You've still not put me off mine ;) I leave in an hour or so....
Oh Karen sorry you having this problem, hopefully 1 of the exp post oppers will have some ideas for you to try. Can you drink Gaviscon before a meal or drink?? you have done so well so far, don't let it get you down hun. xxx
You've still not put me off mine ;) I leave in an hour or so....

This is one of the reasons I didn't want to post. I don't want to put anyone off because for the majority it works out really really well.

Good luck J-Mo - speedy recovery :D
Oh Karen, Im so sorry you are feeling so down at the moment, you were doing so well too! I would ring and press 1 for emergency too! As J-mo said, if you are not eating and drinking you will soon become dehydrated and this is very serious. Hope you feel better soon hun (HUGS) X
Oh Karen, Im so sorry you are feeling so down at the moment, you were doing so well too! I would ring and press 1 for emergency too! As J-mo said, if you are not eating and drinking you will soon become dehydrated and this is very serious. Hope you feel better soon hun (HUGS) X

Oh thank you to everyone who replied - it is really appreciated. But big thanks to you Jacqui as I know you've had your own upset to deal with.
Karen, Em (Seawaves) felt exactly the same early on...

Are you taking your anti depressants?

They are so important and if there has been a disruption this could be why you are so down

I'm taking my anti depressants regular Bev. I make sure I get those in. It's this pain that's getting me so down.

It's my in-laws 50th Anniversary tomorrow and there will be an afternoon meal and then an evening buffet. I have to go but by god I don't want to :(
Hi Karen, I was the week before you with Mr Ammori and I wasn't called by the dietician until 18 days out so maybe you will get a call soon.

The first few weeks have been hard and there are times I've had 'regret' thoughts too, mostly when I'm struggling to eat and drink enough, some days are fine, others are hard but I just keep on thinking that the end result will be worth it.

I'm also missing the social aspect of my pre-op life. I went out to restaurants at least twice a week and right now am craving some good Italian food!

I hope you get over the regret soon - you are doing great so far.

Take care.
Karen dress yourself up, fiddle with little bits on your plate and do what you can, it may help you to go... and if you are in pain, go back to the bariatric team and call them now to discuss...

Let us know how you get on.... love and hugs xxx
Hi Karen,

Just remind yourself it's only been 20 days since your operation, you are still recovering, it takes about 6-8 weeks to feel back to any kind of normaility.

If you are in pain, that should never ever be ignored and you should get it checked out, especially after major surgery.

Look after you, thats all that matters right now and if you are struggling to drink, then yes, this is an emergency as within 3 days of not drinking you will get dehydrated.
Call them and press that button for an emergency, not being able to eat or drink without pain needs sorting. Didnt Roch have this trouble? Please call them and get help now before you become dehydrated.
Steph xx
Wind pain can be remedied by walking around and some chewable deflatine...

Not being able to drink without pain is scary. You may need a stretch. Ring and press 1 right now xx
I agree with everyone else hun, ring them as an emergency. You have that right, you are not well and are suffering, please, please call them now!! xxx
Definatly call them back Karen i've always had mobile numbers from Mr Ammori and his secretary at Spire but only had hospital numbers for dietician and bariatric nurse. It is early days post op and they are really hard but at the very least you should be able to drink. Press option 1 and get advice hun thats what they are there for. Keep us posted and big hugs xx
Karen...that does not sound good...
Please ring them and get this checked out...
I am sorry your feeling disappointed at the moment...all I can do is send you a virtual hug....
please ring hun x x x