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Still no smile on my face

glad your feeling better sweets... onwards and upwards hey xx
Karen so glad your feeling a bit better. I had the same when i took that multi vit so also take it at night now. Jennie phoned me last week. Have you got your next appointment through with Mr Ammori yet?. Jennie told me she wont be able to see me as she is fully booked up for months so she will phone again some time.
Take Care

I haven't heard a thing from Jennie and had no six week appointment through yet. Quite frankly Charmaine for the money we paid I think it is disgusting that she can't fit us in. What kind of aftercare is that?

I will never be able to fault mr ammori but the staff at the spire seriously need a kick up the arse!

I don't feel great again this morning and only had a tiny bit of yogurt. I just wish I'd never done it.
An email from Jennie (Dietician) at last:

Hi Karen

Your stomach is still very small and the indigestion and pain maybe that you need to hold off on progressing onto more soft/solid foods I would take a step back to give the stomach a rest. I would stick with liquids for a few days and then re try puree and see what happens. By having liquids for a few days it means that the stomach does not need to grind as much and less movement means less gas.

Hold off on multi vitamin for another 3 weeks. You will be ok not to have for this short period of time the first thing is to reduce the symptoms you are having.

In a few weeks I am sure your current view point will change. When your feeling unwell it always seems like it will never get better and you will feel like this forever. Let me reassure you. You won't. It's very early days after your surgery and most individuals will feel the way you do now but given time. The way you are feeling is normal.

Gastric pain and wind can be eased by taking a drug called buscopan 10mg three times a day. I know you don't want to be taking lots of tables but I recommend you get some from the chemist. You can buy over the counter and may patients take in the first few weeks when they have your symptoms.

Please keep me up to speed with how you are feeling after weekend. If your feeling nauseous I can get your GP to Prescribe you something? let me know if you would like me to arrange


More fluids - yippee! And more tablets to take - yippee again!
go to a n e babes seriously, they might get in touch with the aftercare and kick some butts xxx
ooooo well at least she s been in touch, do as she says then see whats what babe ...... ((hugs))..... n i hope your feeling more like you soon xxxxxx
I haven't heard a thing from Jennie and had no six week appointment through yet. Quite frankly Charmaine for the money we paid I think it is disgusting that she can't fit us in. What kind of aftercare is that?

I will never be able to fault mr ammori but the staff at the spire seriously need a kick up the arse!

I don't feel great again this morning and only had a tiny bit of yogurt. I just wish I'd never done it.
I have my next appointment with Mr Ammori on the 27th October at 5.30. I was told that i would also have a appointment with Kath the nurse the same day because of my travel distance but my appointment with her is next Febuary. Like you im not happy with the staff or the appointments.
Thats such a shame about the lack of aftercare... especially as your a private patient, you'd almost expect it with the nhs but you paid a small fortune & its not just for the op.

I hope you get more support Karen. xx
So sorry you have been feeling unwell, but glad to hear you finally have had a reply. I just wanted to say something about the Buscopan she has recommended; I have them not for IBS but for the terrible period pains I get; they are tiny white tablets & I have found they have really helped where drugs like Tylex, Tramodol & co-codomol haven't helped at all. I am unable to take NSAIDS due to the BP tablets I am on. Also, have you thought about investing in a tablet crusher? The BOSPA leader in my area recommended them, & tbh, sat here this morning drinking my milky coffee whilst downing 20 different tables/vitamins etc, I am so glad I bought one, I was saying to OH there would be no way I could get some of those tablets down after becuase they are HUGE! Hoping things pick up & you feel a little bit better soon xxx
Angie, I only really have problems with the multiple vit and it's a rubbery solid capsule so a crusher wouldn't help. Going to ask docs if they can prescripe a fluid multiple vit instead.
I've been taking 2 of my kids multivits & minerals as they're chewable... figure any's better than none, sainsburys or tesco's kids range are multivits & minerals. xx
Ah bless kids! My 11 year old just put it into perspective for me. I was crying and feeling sorry for myself and he said:

"Mum without this you'd probably never have lost this much weight never mind much more. And I couldn't play out or swim for weeks when I dislocated my elbow and had a cast on. It's only a few weeks of your life - everyone as problems to deal with and yours aren't too bad."

Oh my how did I raise such a sensible child?

And he's right. I AM happy for my bypass and I WILL get through this tough time.
thats a luffly thing to say, you ve raised them well xxx
Angie, I only really have problems with the multiple vit and it's a rubbery solid capsule so a crusher wouldn't help. Going to ask docs if they can prescripe a fluid multiple vit instead.

Eugh, they sound horrid! I would definately see about something in liquid or chewable form then! xx
Angie, I only really have problems with the multiple vit and it's a rubbery solid capsule so a crusher wouldn't help. Going to ask docs if they can prescripe a fluid multiple vit instead.

I tried 2 multivitamins that were HUGE and absolutly STANK! So i am now taking a liquid miltivitamin. It tastes nice (of orange) and i got it from Tesco.

Ah bless kids! My 11 year old just put it into perspective for me. I was crying and feeling sorry for myself and he said:

"Mum without this you'd probably never have lost this much weight never mind much more. And I couldn't play out or swim for weeks when I dislocated my elbow and had a cast on. It's only a few weeks of your life - everyone as problems to deal with and yours aren't too bad."

Oh my how did I raise such a sensible child?

And he's right. I AM happy for my bypass and I WILL get through this tough time.

This is a good way to think about it. You will get through this, just keep a positive mind. xxxx
The Buscopan tablets are smooth-coated and TINY so you should be able to swallow them easily.
I know they are saying to stop your multi-vit for 3 weeks but I think you may end up feeling worse for this.
As others have suggested - the Bassets chewy vits are great - just like eating a wine gum.
Good Luck.
Karen, I love the perspective your son's put on things. I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time, but hang on in there sweetheart. You're having a tough time right now, but hopefully in a few weeks, things will have settled down a lot and you'll begin to feel happy about your decision.
Big hugs love
Charis xx
Hi Karen, I love the positivity coming from your son, what a little star he is.... sending love and hugs and to him, he's inspirational xxx
(((HUGS))) I am sorry I missed seeing this. I have been in hospital with my daughter.

I regretted my bypass at about the same time as you. I thought it was the worst money I had ever spent. But now 10 months down the line, it is definitely the best thing I have done. I have lost over 100 pounds and my life is amazing (barring a very sick child).

It does definitely get better. Please contact Mr Ammori directly. He is so brilliant. He gave me his card when he did my op privately and told me to contact him directly if I ever felt I lacked aftercare. Thank goodness my provider has been brilliant and I have never needed it but he did definitely offer to be there for us.