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Still no smile on my face

Hi Karen,

I too had LOTS of complications and when you are so early out, you do need to get checked out, IF you are struggling to get even fluids down it is an emergency you will need Iv fluids before you become very poorly and you shouldn't be having too much pain either..... Pain means a problem!! I really urge you to ring or GO to the hospital to be looked at, and I hope that you will be feeling much better soon....

Angie xx
I agree with everyone else. You shouldn't be feeling like this. Pain is worrying. I've never felt as bad as you describe Karen. Please ring and get some advice.
Hello my angel so sorry to hear you are having troubles. I can only reiterate what the others have said. ring and press 1.

You need fluids you have paid all that money and should get after care, dont accept no from anyone, you should not be suffering like this hun.

If you do feel better by tomorrow, dress yourself up and take plenty of fluids with you dont worry about eating. just make sure you get your fluids in.

Good luck hun xxxxxx
Thinking of you Karen, hope you have called them, sending lots of love xx
Aw Karen so sorry you are feeling so poorly and low. I agree with everyone else you should press the 1 button. It is disgusting they have not contacted you since your operation. I would definately get yourself checked out.
Have you tried semolina or tapioca milk pudding? Only a suggestion Karen but may be worth a try.
Also have alook on ebay for post bypass books which I believe are full of experience and may help you with your current journey.

I really, really hope this passes for you soon Karen
Take care

Linski xxxxx
karen please let us know how you are getting on
Yes Karen, I'm thinking of you and wondering how you're doing honey.
Aw bless you all x

Doing better - at last. I stuck to fluids only today - did try some soup and that set it off again so gave up after first mouthfull.

So we've been at in laws 50th anniversary party. It's at sis in-laws which is next door but one. Sis in-law made me a rice pudding with canderel so I would have something to eat bless her. Didn't want to offend her so tried a little and it was fine! Went down a treat so I had the lot (only a small portion mind you). It feels wonderful to have eaten and had no pain. I've left the family there and have come home for a rest.

So me and hubby think we've worked it out. This problem started the day I first took my multiple vit (which I mentioned is HUGE). I took it first thing with other tablets. So we thought what if it is just to much for pouchy to deal with on top of other tablets, fluid and then food? So today I didn't take it and although I had some pain with the soup it wasn't as bad - I stopped eating because I was afraid it would get worse. And by 7pm I was fine with the rice pudding.

So I am going to take the multiple vit before bed - giving it all night to go down properly and will see how I am tomorrow.

Oh but just to give you a laugh ... Sis in-law didn't have any canderel so asked hubby to get ours. When I first tasted the rice pudding it was creamy but not sweet at all. Jacqui said here add some more canderel and handed me my BENEFIBRE jar :eek:

LOL she'd put that in instead of canderel! No wonder it wasn't sweet! Luckily I hadn't had any benefibre for a few days and was ready for some lol.
Aw Im so happy you are feeling a bit better :D We were all really worried about you hun. It does sound like the massive tablet might be to blame! Hope it goes well from now on :D X
glad your feeling better Karen....
I still think any pain is not a good sign and think you should be speaking with your team about this....(lecture over!)
Are you not taking liquid multivitamin???
look after yourself hun xx
Good luck Karen, thinking of you xx
I'm going to be absolutely and totally honest here.

I totally regret the day I signed up for a Gastric Bypass.

I've been in tears nearly all day today and yesterday. I can't eat anything because of horrendous gastric/wind/indigestion pains. Even drinking sets it off.
I phoned my dietician 10 minutes ago to get an answerphone message saying they are only open Monday to Thursday :eek: They do give an option to press 1 for a medical emergency but I can't very well call this an emergency.

So I left a message and emailed my dietician. Who, incidentally, was supposed to ring me to check on me at my two week stage - I am 3 weeks tomorrow and no word from her. By the time she gets back to me no doubt I wont have eaten for 3 or more days :(

Once again I have to apologise for being on such a downer but seriously, if it was as simple as flicking a switch I would undo this bypass NOW!
so sorry to hear u feel this way hope u start to feel better real soon
im sure one dy u will look bk on this and realise all this has been worth it although u dont feel that way atm
u take care hun and im sending a big hug ur way xx
Karen, I've found that taking my tablets with some milk or Actimel helps them settle better than with water or juice.

Hope you're feeling better.
Hi Karen I'm so glad you're feeling better lovey. I take my multivitamin in the middle of the day, but I break it in half. No way would I try to swallow that monster whole.
Maybe, if things still don't work out, you're going to have to try chewy or liquid vitamins for a while?
Let us know how it goes love. xxx

Oh LOL to the benefibre! Constipation shouldn't be a problem then!
i had trouble with my multivitamin, i always felt sick after taking it, i take it at tea time now, just after iver eaten, well about 15 mins,with a tiny tiny bit of water, and it seem to be ok, i cant break it in half its like a big capsule, its them forceval ones, it tooks me a few weeks to suss it out, but its great now. good luck taking yours karen hun. big hugs xx things will sort themselves out as time goes on, its a big learning curve isnt it. xx
Have you tried the bassets jelly multivitamin, they are great to start with and you just suck it till its gone!!
Oh glad you are feeling better. I was told absolutely not to take any tablets and if I did to crush them or chop them into about four pieces first or I would find them uncomfortable. Went to the docs for my lansoprazole and they gave me capsules instead of the ones that dissolve on your tongue - I rang my provider and they said dont take them but go straight back to the docs for the ones that melt in your mouth! I was also told if I had a headache to take dissolvable paracetamols. Think that if I were you I would change to chewable vits like Barrets for a few days - they may not be quite so good in terms of what is in them but at least they cant get stuck!

Do hope you are feeling better. xxx
Karen so glad your feeling a bit better. I had the same when i took that multi vit so also take it at night now. Jennie phoned me last week. Have you got your next appointment through with Mr Ammori yet?. Jennie told me she wont be able to see me as she is fully booked up for months so she will phone again some time.
Take Care