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whats next??


New Member
hi all
well my never ending bad luck isnt ending:sigh:
looks like i now have gallstones and boy is it painful at times. tablets help but seem to make me lie in bed scratching all night. gonna have scan and if they are there hoping to get mr slater to do an open and whip it all out then. cant take much more:cry:
hi all
well my never ending bad luck isnt ending:sigh:
looks like i now have gallstones and boy is it painful at times. tablets help but seem to make me lie in bed scratching all night. gonna have scan and if they are there hoping to get mr slater to do an open and whip it all out then. cant take much more:cry:

Oh you poor thing.

I wonder if this is grounds for a bypass?...or they could consider doing them together?

Either way, I hope it gets sorted for you soon...I know the pain can be horrendous.

Take care

sorry to hear you are poorly xxx
Oh i do feel sorry for you. I had gall stones and had my gall bladder out about 9 yrs ago. I agree with the pain comment, i never experienced nothing like it including child birth (and my last baby i did on gas n air and she was just under 11 1/2lb lol).

I hope your surgeon does the gall bladder removal and bypass at the same time... Feel better soon!
aww hun I hope you get this sorted soon big hugs!

Clare x
thanks guys. doc is gonna write to guy,oops mr slater and ask him.
Gall stones suck. Hope you feel better soon :)
I hope you are feeling better soon. :) Keep chasing them, to get it done as soon as possible for you

good luck :)
Hope your luck changes soon Mandy!Gallstones are v.bad.Hubby had his gallbladder removed last year.All adds to your fight for surgery though.Hugs.