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Yve's Photo Diary - 4 years on

You look amazing and I so look forward to your updates. You are such a "real person" and your posts come across as so sincere and honest. I think I have a little girly crush on you - you are fab and an inspiration xx

lol thank you! I do try and be as honest as I can be - this journey is hard enough without trying to pretend you're something you're not.

Well done Yve, looking fab! X

Thanks Victoria :)

Yve you are absolutely amazing hun. If there was anybody who could sell WLS to those that are ignorant about it you would be the one to do it. Well done! X

Aww thanks hon :) Have to admit I did give the one colleague who tried to act like it was the easy way out an earful!
Wow what an inspiration you are. I'm on day 3 of the milk and yoghurt diet so seeing your success is very motivating. I'm sorry not to be meeting you at the next meet-up, my ops on 24th so hope to meet at a future gathering
Wow what an inspiration you are. I'm on day 3 of the milk and yoghurt diet so seeing your success is very motivating. I'm sorry not to be meeting you at the next meet-up, my ops on 24th so hope to meet at a future gathering
Thank you :)
Well done you!!!! The down side of all this shrinking into normal sized clothes is that I can't stop buying them. I am trying to restrict myself to charity shops and bootsales as I am not mega rich!! but I found myself buying a pair of Asda six quid trousers size 18 yesterday...... because I could!!!! Really don't need anymore!!!!
Well done you!!!! The down side of all this shrinking into normal sized clothes is that I can't stop buying them. I am trying to restrict myself to charity shops and bootsales as I am not mega rich!! but I found myself buying a pair of Asda six quid trousers size 18 yesterday...... because I could!!!! Really don't need anymore!!!!
I have been addicted to ebay lately and starting to rein back. I think its almost natural to buy some. But I've been putting my old stuff up and so I've made some too.
I had a bidding war on my lovely fleece pink and white hearts dressing gown. It was when I was at my biggest size 36/38 (it was huge!!) I sold it eventually for £29 which was more that it cost new!!!
I haven't sold anything for quite that much, but I did sell quite a lot. Here's hoping though I've still got loads.
The incredible shrinking woman x wow wow wow well done Yvessa x
Your pics are amazing, and so inspiring too. Hopefully I can be as successful as you, i want size 18 jeans too!

Karen x
Gift from mum. She was shocked when it fit.


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Well done for such a positive effect on your mum it's nice when we can do that to those who don't seem to notice the changes in us.