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BandedHuns Mad Fat Diary

Hi Mrs Duck,

How are you doing? All geared up for what surgery you are having?

I know it's been said before but it's all about fill fill fill.... Until Thai happens you r still u when it comes to food... The band is there but at the moment it ain't offering you any support.. So don't beat yourself up.. Be patient envy and know that it will come with time.. Xx
I agree Lou Lou
If I had a band my eating habits would be the same as always, I've no doubt I would have gained weight over Easter, for me any occasion is a drinking and eating excuse!!! I've managed to eat chocolate which I'm not a great fan of either hunnie but because I cannot get the healthy stuff down me as it's too painful I've opted for chocolate ! Stupid but true!! And I have had a lot if it too, there I've said it! My fault stupidity and consequences I hope won't be too drastic! I've had no dumping but I'm worried about stretching the sleeve !

It's hard going, imagine what is have eaten without it?! I could kill for a macdonalds !!! Truthfully !!!

We all have a battle, but once you have that fill t will really help as you won't have to rely on willpower (personally I don't have any)

Your doing great hunnie, and you have so much going on in your life too !

Keep us updated and be kind to yourself xxxx
Still waiting for my train home after nights. So frustrating when you haven't slept for a day....

Anyway . On a good note... Two weeks today.... My fill whooooo!
You just have to think about what holds more value to you the bad food or getting to where you want to be if u can say to yourself when you think you may make a bad food choice do I really want this? Is this going to help me achieve my goals and then draw strength from that by making the right choice x x
So whilst on night duty I managed to get mine and my OH marathon ballot papers in for next year! Thank heavens. So I have that to start training for ( prob won't get a space but OH will) but it's something to keep me motivated.

Had a long journey home this morning missing my first train then having the 1hr 6 minute wait to get the next train home, luckily though OH was going past the station and picked me up after the school run! I was shattered.

Didn't do bad on the food at work considering. Had porridge. Drank 3 litres of Evian water too and was peeing like a race horse all night. Helped with the hunger though. Really have been trying do hard with the fluids not to take on too much crappy drinks because it's SO easy to get high kcal's from them. I have succumbed to two lattes since havering the band. I was mainly drinking tea as my hot drink because it's on 26 kcal's roughly with two sweetners and is filling. More recently though it's just been water. Not even squash, so I have succeed at something ... Fizzy drinks are a thing of the past at least and I'm consuming lots of water! :-D happy days.

As for the food- well... Today I'm taking a grilled chicken breast , broccoli and peas to work to eat. Chew chew chew. A yoghurt and some watermelon if I get hungry. ( head hungry) I'm not sure whether to have some breakfast before going. At the moment I'm quite full feeling and I feel very tried so with a cup of tea I'm probably not going to eat anything. We will see - but I'm cutting down and going healthy that's for sure .... I'm not even going to take my bank cards to work tonight... No temptations

I will be in the 13s soon after my fill ... That's my plan .... That's 9lb to loose! ;-)
Maybe for days like this you could try those bel it's breakfast biscs might help keep you satisfied for longer into your shift, and it will help with metabolism too as skipping meals slows metabolism down x
Your right dreamer, where my working days are all over the place it's really difficult to be consistent with meals. So some days I have breakfast - others I don't. Then lunch exsists on earlies but not on lates .... Urgh... Blinking job! I love it but it's hard fitting in the meals and training etc.

Hoping the marathon motivation will really help. I'm also going to book the British 10k ( so it's only a 6.2 mile run ) but it's for help the heroes and WW1 memorial this year. It's an expensive entry but thinking it's well worth it... £50 per person ....

Lovely medal for it ...


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London marathon?? Fabulous incentive and great motivator
Good for you
My oh is doing his first tri in July, that doesn't appeal to me at all, but I've promised him I will start doing smaller runs, I'm starting with a 5k, can't train yet, just walking Arnold is enough to knock me out for two hours ?

I'm just gonna go make a smoothie! The Easter eggs keep winking and calling my name but I promised myself I'd behave today! Also haven't pood since Easter Sunday ! I reckon that's due to eating too much choc maybe.

You sound a lot chirpier xxxx
Going to commit my food from now on....

So here it is. Been up since 1400 hrs and just ready for my breakfast 1806hrs...

Weighed out a cup full which is 40g of shreddies. -140kcal

100ml of milk - 49kcal

With water... Of course ....

So from now on your all getting a photo of all my meals.... ;-)


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Haha lol I found picturing my meals really helped in the beginning stages it's a good way to keep a focus on everything! That medal is lush u go girl! X
I also live in Lancashire & not far from the West Yorkshire border. I had my op 3 days ago at THG Dolan Park and having my follow up in Manchester.

Congratulations! How are you feeling? What op did you have? I am being sleeved a week today at Leeds and follow ups in manchester too xx
Wow go girlie :) its so lovely to see you being so positive hunni congrats on the booking in for the marathons wow that is brave......... i decided to book in for the run for life 5k walking of course............. i figured now i can i will do something to support others :)
whop whop here come the 13's x x x x gl with the house move too x x x
So it's 0031 hours and just eaten my dinner. Chicken broccoli and peas. Got it down nicely . Lots of chewing. Stopped after 20 mins . Has little but of chicken and veg left. I think my girl portions where slightly too much so need to work on that a little.

Nights is so frustrating as everyone ether has takeout on my team or is eating junk from the machines all night and I just want to be like them and join in ... But I got my 2 litres of water to finish and my watermelon and yoghurt for 3-4 am ish so I can sleep through having had food. I'm finishing earlier tomorrow too as I'm at physio and need some time to get ready for appointment.

So here's my dinner . ( to get the idea of portion size it's in a thin plastic takeaway pot that would contain like Chinese mushroom or small dish)


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So just got home after walking back from the station 2.5 miles and I'm shattered and my feet are blistered. It worked not taking my bank cards and I ate food I packed. I actually ate all my food and didn't get head hunger, but then we were really busy till 4am ish... So the night went quickly. Anyway.... It's Wednesday I've eaten well and walked already , some sleep would be fab today but who knows -

Hope everyone has a good day :)
Thanks Hun. Now you have a good rest & a nice sleep..

Leaving your bank cards at home is definitely something to continue with, even if you wanted a snack/treat you couldn't. It's all brain training, give it a few weeks and you'll be able to carry your cards again but the temptation won't be there x
Well done bandedhun
Hopefully your asleep now, so we can catch up later, it's really impressive to read, so hard being awake at night when your body wants to sleep it completely messed with you and tricks you into eating at odd times, great idea leaving cards at home!
I used to try that when I was at work pre op, I'd buy a bacon butty almost every day if I had my purse with me. I love them!

Have a good sleep xx

I woke at 2pm ... Great. Foul mood. Chuffed about the food and the fact that the excess I felt
Now is back to feeling empty and being able to breathe in .... Lovely job.... But I wanted to talk about mind set .... I read a diary on here to day and found it so inspiring I just thought wow! How empowering. I used to love it when people could relate to exactly how you were thinking and feeling and using at that one time you happen to write about it. That's what this is about. Sharing the experiences and giving something back to help others.

On my quest and late night you tube searches I stumbled across a young girl in the states who struggled all her adolescence to stop binging, she did a 30 minute video on this book and how it stopped her. How all other programmes, therapy a kinda enabled the binge process in her head " it's ok I binge because I've been abused by my ex" " I binge because dad left " etc ... All recent therapy a adopt the approach. This is different this book deals with the food... Which is where I think I'm at, I use it to punish myself for MY bad choices in life and lack of control. It enables me to do it because " I've had a hard time in my past" I found this when I first stated a twelve step programme. I believed too heavily I had the power to stop but to continue was not on the cards- then I failed.... So it all enabled more destructive behaviour. Hard going. So when I watched the video and the charts I thought. With my band I'm gonna give this a go.

Posted a picture of the book. It's gonna be my train journey reads. And night duty reads. Hardcore aye!

I'll keep you all posted how it goes. Head is slowly switching to working with the band just hoping the book reinforces such good choices...


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