So, I guess this is my little section to ramble all about me. Which at least keeps me from rambling about myself out loud, therefore people don't think me nuts.
I have been fat from birth. That is what it has felt like. By the time I was 4, I was nearly 4 stone. I loved sweets and I was spoilt and got my way - a lot.
When I was 6 my mum took me to a dietician and they apparently told her I blackmailed her for sweets. Pretty impressive for a six year old me thinks.
My mum would place a healthy meal down in front of me at the dinner table and I would wretch until I got a bag of sweets in my hand. Guess I was a pretty powerful 6 year old!
Anyway, with the help of this dietician and my mum, I lost the excess weight and there are actually pictures of me in existence at ages 7-9 looking quite slim with bean pole legs. Then the weight started to pile on again as I became a secret eater.
I would take things from the kitchen, to my room, eat and think I was pretty smart because I did it without my mum finding out. In the end she always caught me out when she went to get something out of the cupboard and it no longer exsited.
I guess negative attention was just as good as any.
With regards to fat genes my brother was overweight but overcame that independent of any interventions other than diet and exercise by age 20, my sister who I have constantly compared myself to, is slim and always has been. My mum has struggled with her weight since the age of 35 or so, but is only approximately 3 stone overweight which I dont consider much as I am so huge. My dad is a pretty healthy weight, maybe 2 stone over. No one in my whole family is super obese - like me.
I have went through periods of losing weight and regaining it. Last year before the summer I had lost 7 stone from healthy eating (following my own plan) and attending the gym 4 -5 times a week. I climbed a mountain at home in Ireland. I was still 17 stone in weight but I was a fit maniac. I loved it. But I got out of the habit and the old habits crept in. By the new year I was in the 20's again. Binging every evening on sweets and crisps. Feeling crap. Doing minimal exercise and curling up in a ball on the sofa too self conscious to go anywhere due to my self image.
Fat, disgusting, horrible, hateful, ugly...the list goes on.
Due to having messed up my huge lose of 7 stone, I lost all hope. I couldn't see myself ever losing so much weight again, so I ate to make myself feel better, then feel worse.
I realised, I am 31, I am an adult, I can go for an option that I never even considered, something to help me get my act together. I know I can lose weight but I need that kick up the butt to get going and Mr Li gave me that.
The Gastric Band.
I have been fat from birth. That is what it has felt like. By the time I was 4, I was nearly 4 stone. I loved sweets and I was spoilt and got my way - a lot.
When I was 6 my mum took me to a dietician and they apparently told her I blackmailed her for sweets. Pretty impressive for a six year old me thinks.
My mum would place a healthy meal down in front of me at the dinner table and I would wretch until I got a bag of sweets in my hand. Guess I was a pretty powerful 6 year old!
Anyway, with the help of this dietician and my mum, I lost the excess weight and there are actually pictures of me in existence at ages 7-9 looking quite slim with bean pole legs. Then the weight started to pile on again as I became a secret eater.
I would take things from the kitchen, to my room, eat and think I was pretty smart because I did it without my mum finding out. In the end she always caught me out when she went to get something out of the cupboard and it no longer exsited.
I guess negative attention was just as good as any.
With regards to fat genes my brother was overweight but overcame that independent of any interventions other than diet and exercise by age 20, my sister who I have constantly compared myself to, is slim and always has been. My mum has struggled with her weight since the age of 35 or so, but is only approximately 3 stone overweight which I dont consider much as I am so huge. My dad is a pretty healthy weight, maybe 2 stone over. No one in my whole family is super obese - like me.
I have went through periods of losing weight and regaining it. Last year before the summer I had lost 7 stone from healthy eating (following my own plan) and attending the gym 4 -5 times a week. I climbed a mountain at home in Ireland. I was still 17 stone in weight but I was a fit maniac. I loved it. But I got out of the habit and the old habits crept in. By the new year I was in the 20's again. Binging every evening on sweets and crisps. Feeling crap. Doing minimal exercise and curling up in a ball on the sofa too self conscious to go anywhere due to my self image.
Fat, disgusting, horrible, hateful, ugly...the list goes on.
Due to having messed up my huge lose of 7 stone, I lost all hope. I couldn't see myself ever losing so much weight again, so I ate to make myself feel better, then feel worse.
I realised, I am 31, I am an adult, I can go for an option that I never even considered, something to help me get my act together. I know I can lose weight but I need that kick up the butt to get going and Mr Li gave me that.
The Gastric Band.