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BandedHuns Mad Fat Diary

Ahhh thanks my lovely ladies!!! Yes I'm in the food today, and u get the full feeling on soup, I eat slowly . My faithful friend Leeds said he was able to move into mushy soft food by 1.5 weeks... So as I'm pretty much recovering well like he was I'm thinking THG might ( pls god) let me... That sounds great a blended roast dinner.... Yum!!! ( but I obvs cook mine so low fat no oils when I cook so I can't imagine it being high in cals either)

I'm totally prepared to have a gain ... But am hoping ill be able to start road running to combat that ?!?! Fingers xd. Plus I could use the gym at work. Get some loose skin gone!!!!
I got my band fill date.... Tuesday the 6th May 2014 at 11:40 ... Whoooooo. ( meant to be late's but I get 4 hours for hospital appointments ) so yaye! Looking forward to it now. Under a month to go! Whooo. Will feel weird having to see what the fill feels like. Quiet nervey but excited as I feel I really need some restriction... I just hope it doesn't t make it unbarebale to eat , I want to try get enough in, but take the hunger away. Work work work With the tool .... :)
Yay :) nice one I bet your looking forward to it.

I was out with friends today and had half a cottage pie at Costco :) I was stuffed... And that used to be a pie and slice of pizza when I was there before.. Oh how times change...

Tonight I'm staying at a mates and he's cooking chicken pie.. With over cooked chicken and a filo top .. Feeling normal again
Thanks peeps! I've been naughty and sucked chocolate. Feel crap for doing but I know I'm not going deprive myself when my bands at its spot, I want restriction on my portions. I want to be like my Leeds friend... Eating a lot less! ..

Leeds your foods amazing ... Fingers xd I can start eating soft stuff Monday onwards.

Just want to be realistic and not feel like I'm on a six month weight loss journey and I'll ruin it all later.... So figured a small amount of something is a better than the binges I used to partake in. ?
Have a look at my food diary for today. Its terrible!!! You wont feel so bad for a tincy bit of chocolate!![/QUOT

Will do darling,,, where is your diary babe?

Am I trying to be too perfect, I've not eaten over my calories... I keep thinking what LouLoumou said about enough to satisfy the binge ... So two biscuits rather than a packet .,, it's just bad coz £5k!!!! Ahhhhhhh ?????
I've been a complete div today and pushed the boundaries. I got stressed with my mum. Things going in at home and I are on it... Literally sucked chocolate all day. No decent foods. Let me tell you. I'm getting what I derserve. The sh!ts! Grumbling stomach. Roaring intestines. Nausea. Urgh!

I have learnt my lesson.

I'm staying with liquids, I needed to come on here and be honest. You know what, I'm
Not seeing it as a failure, or anything like I would when I was on and off whatever diet I used, I'm seeing it as a lesson.... ( ok I've not gone and consumed half what I normally would) but it still wasn't clever at all!!!

Tomorrow is a new day. A liquid day. A day to look after my tummy and my band and not ruin it because of stress. Anxiety and anger.

I'm worth a life if slimness.

I can't wait for my fill so I get some restriction .
Well done for being honest Hun x x it's really hard sometimes when those situations crop up where we would have relied on food to get us through it, but hang on in there x
I've been a complete div today and pushed the boundaries. I got stressed with my mum. Things going in at home and I are on it... Literally sucked chocolate all day. No decent foods. Let me tell you. I'm getting what I derserve. The sh!ts! Grumbling stomach. Roaring intestines. Nausea. Urgh! I have learnt my lesson. I'm staying with liquids, I needed to come on here and be honest. You know what, I'm Not seeing it as a failure, or anything like I would when I was on and off whatever diet I used, I'm seeing it as a lesson.... ( ok I've not gone and consumed half what I normally would) but it still wasn't clever at all!!! Tomorrow is a new day. A liquid day. A day to look after my tummy and my band and not ruin it because of stress. Anxiety and anger. I'm worth a life if slimness. I can't wait for my fill so I get some restriction .

Hang in there :) everyone has good days and bad days... And your facing things head on... You have made a massive change, and it takes time to adjust...

I have been nibbling the odd chocolate button now and again... While out yesterday I was shakey and had a Mars milk shake.... I knew I was well below calories for the day... Did the trick and I felt fine shortly after.

Don't beat yourself too hard babes... Start today a new and try and stick to it...
Woke up and guilt set in. Y? But I can't let the guilt consume me as that's where the danger circle starts. I've got my fill booked in. A month today and in that time is like to think, working with the band I could be in the 13s by then.

So I want to thank you two for being so supportive, I think you seriously think getting the band will take away cravings, but I've found it's ignited them. The want is crazy.

My plan this week is to stick to my yoghurt and soup and keep my calories low to compensate for the sucky chocolate day....

So here's to successful banded week ?!?!
Hi ya nikola,

That's great you have your consultation! Good luck and keep us posted ;-)

It's a strange one, at the moment I don't feel like there's anything in. There's definitely something meaning I can't eat as much , so eating soup etc I get full quickly, but then I feel empty quickly. I'm not loosing weight anymore which I predicted would happen if I started eating calories. I need to be sensible from now on. The chocolates gotta go. Yes it goes thru the band but it so high in fat and calories is counter productive, just end up like one of those that "fail" the tool. I just can't wait to start eating crunchy foods. A nice Moroccan salad .... Yum

One weird thing I was talking to some other recently banded girlies about is the grumbles and roaring in the intestines. Now I don't know if I've an upset stomach or it's part of the band but last couple of days it's got worse, going to the toilet is like having a "wee" all day long and night my stomach roars and grumbles. It's so loud, my OH hears it too. Now, I know there a nasty bug going round where the sh!ts and bug in the tummy make you rumble like this .... But I don't feel ill, it's just nothing staying in my digestive system and the noises. ( gross conversation but it's not just me feeling like this )

So this is the update I guess. I'm being ultra sensible today, not listening to the head in relation to food and I'm going to try contact THG for some support

Have a good day everyone :)
Morning Banded Hun.Sorry to talk about it but I haven't been off loo for 2 days now.Im sure it must be our tummy a protesting against being tied up and messed about with.They will get used to it soon.Fingers crossed so will we.Good news though I'm only 2lbs of being in the 13 stone target yippee. Hope your ok today and keep up the logs xx
Hi ya nikola, That's great you have your consultation! Good luck and keep us posted ;-) It's a strange one, at the moment I don't feel like there's anything in. There's definitely something meaning I can't eat as much , so eating soup etc I get full quickly, but then I feel empty quickly. I'm not loosing weight anymore which I predicted would happen if I started eating calories. I need to be sensible from now on. The chocolates gotta go. Yes it goes thru the band but it so high in fat and calories is counter productive, just end up like one of those that "fail" the tool. I just can't wait to start eating crunchy foods. A nice Moroccan salad .... Yum One weird thing I was talking to some other recently banded girlies about is the grumbles and roaring in the intestines. Now I don't know if I've an upset stomach or it's part of the band but last couple of days it's got worse, going to the toilet is like having a "wee" all day long and night my stomach roars and grumbles. It's so loud, my OH hears it too. Now, I know there a nasty bug going round where the sh!ts and bug in the tummy make you rumble like this .... But I don't feel ill, it's just nothing staying in my digestive system and the noises. ( gross conversation but it's not just me feeling like this ) So this is the update I guess. I'm being ultra sensible today, not listening to the head in relation to food and I'm going to try contact THG for some support Have a good day everyone :)
Morning! Everything you've said sounds completely normal Hun. I had the grumbles & every toilet issue possible! (Depends mainly how sloppy the food is!)
Sounds like your tummy is healing nicely & the hunger is coming back & the head hunger too (that's the worst)
I've not lost over this last month. I feel its really unfair cuz even though I've had a few bad days (1500, 1800 & once at 2000 cals) over the week I'm still averaging 1100 - 1200. I've cut right back on the alcohol & upped the exercise.
I've pretty much spent this weekend back in my usual self destructive cycle of eating to punish myself, having no self control & effectively giving up (telling myself if i cant loose weight at 1200 cals a day i might as well eat 2000 cuz i can maintain on that too & eat biscuits!) its ridiculous!
I do seem to only be able to loose weight if i skip breakfast & sometimes lunch. The earlier i eat the worse day i have, it's like eating something sets my head hunger off. I know it's not healthy but its what works for me.
So that's what I'm doing today. Back on it. Only 3 days till my next fill :)
Ps sorry for the essay!
No Emm's, please don't apologise! I so can relate to this , when I eat in the morning it seems to make me hungrier in the day .... However I see this as my metabolism kicking in. On the other side I see when I don't eat in the day , the evenings are menacing - I want to binge because I see I have the calories/points/syns left to binge... It's so complicated.

Emm's, have you had fills yet? I'm growing increasingly concerned I'm going to be hungry ... I mean I don't take alot of food on board. I just don't like the feeling if needing food so soon after. Does the hunger ease with the fills??