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BANDERS UNITE ! Get to know each other chatter !

Hope you are doing well Slimso... all the best of everything is wished for you xxx
Good morning everyone:wavey:. How is everyone today? Well the man came to fix my boiler half and hour before he said he would and nearly caught me still in my nightie:eek:.

I did not sleep very well again. I wish I could figure out why it has got so out of sync. I may try having a cat nap in the afternoons when my energy levels drop off the scales - usually about 2 pm. Given that I have to get back to work soon I am worrying about getting into a pattern that I cannot maintain. Anyone else having problems with sleeping.

Hope you all have a blessed day.

tranquil x
Morning banders :D TB I know what you mean about being caught in your nighty.....The man came to fix out shower this morning whilst I was still in bed! I then had to stay in bed till he was done and gone before I could get up for a wee :eek: It was a close call ;) XX
Morning banders :D TB I know what you mean about being caught in your nighty.....The man came to fix out shower this morning whilst I was still in bed! I then had to stay in bed till he was done and gone before I could get up for a wee :eek: It was a close call ;) XX

This made me chuckle. When the man arrived I had not had a hot drink or anything and my mind was a fog. I begged him to allow me to make a cuppa before he started. He could see I was not firing on all cylinders (like my boiler:D) and allowed me to make a coffee. As I staggered out of the kitchen with it he started laughing and said I would feel better after the coffee. I have never been a great coffee drinker but have developed a taste for it as my first hot drink of the day which is very strange.

I always loved my coffee pre op but straight after it tasted so strong to me, Id never had it strong anyway. I now like it again but really weak and only 1 sweetener....very strange how our taste changes.
Hope you and the boiler are now firing on all cylinders ;) XX
Hiya Tranquil x I bought the kids mattress toppers and memory foam pillows (that are formed like regular pillows) as they don't sleep well at the moment. Seem to be working pretty good so far. If you want me to post the links to the singles I bought , I expect it will be easy enough to find the other bed sizes.
They are microfibre toppers about 2" thick and beautifully soft and springy. I was really impressed with them.
Hiya Tranquil x I bought the kids mattress toppers and memory foam pillows (that are formed like regular pillows) as they don't sleep well at the moment. Seem to be working pretty good so far. If you want me to post the links to the singles I bought , I expect it will be easy enough to find the other bed sizes.
They are microfibre toppers about 2" thick and beautifully soft and springy. I was really impressed with them.

Oh yes please Neen thank you. How are you today?

tranquil x
Fine thanks lovey xxx
Here's the pillows...I think they are great, going to get another pair for me and Dean as well.
2 (Twin pack) X Memory Foam Pillow / Pillows Traditional Shape, Full Size. with Removeable and Washable Velour Covers Treated With Ultra-fresh: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home

Bed topper (double)
Ambassador Mattress Topper Double Bed: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home
Bed topper Kingsize
Ambassador Mattress Topper King Size: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home

The toppers are so lovely! Wish I bought them ages ago. I would definately get one for our bed as well when we move (the owners have a water bed installed so we don't need toppers at the moment for us)
Thanks Neen. They look reasonably priced too. I must admit the bed has not felt a comfortable place to be since the op. It is finding a comfortable position to sleep in that I struggle with. I have to prop myself up with cushions and pillows.

Glad you are feeling better today.

Best wishes

tranquil x
Definately worth investing in the topper as it hopefully will help you a lot.
I have a fairly limp beanbag under my pillow that helps mold into a comfy position for me. Weirdly, I still can't sleep on my side and if I do my port is uncomfy...I can feel it quite easily now I have lost some weight.
I also have some sleep hypnosis that may or may not help you so say if you want me to upload it for you.
I know what you mean about the port. I had a lot of pain in the area for a long time after the op but could not actually feel it. I nearly gave myself a shock when I was showering the other day and felt it for the first time. After my fill last week I definitely know where it is now!

tranquil x
Hiya all, I hope you're all ok, and welcome to any newbies.
Reading about your ports has made me realise that I'm still not sure where mine is, I keep changing my mind as to wether it's on the left near my ribcage or in the middle.
Has anyone experienced an ache in their hip area? It's not sore, just noticeable and odd.
When's everybodies weigh in day? Mines tomorrow, but not expecting much, I've had a chinese takeaway over the weekend and I was surprised at how much I could eat (silly me didn't put it on a side plate!!), I've also got my totm. However, I've had my longish hair cut into a short bob, it'd be great if the cut off weighed 1lb lol!
Anyway, I'm off to bed, nighty night x
Hey Sarah xxxx Good luck with your weigh in xxx Mine is Saturday.
Not sure about hip ache...perhaps as you lose weight in general it throws the centre of gravity your body is used to at your heaviest out and things just ache as you get used to the new weight distribution. I have had weird aches like that and that's how I made sense of it anyway but take care x
I always eat more period time...I'm trying some hormone balance supplements to see if I can improve it. I want to go on the pill/implants but I am afraid I am still too fat for them to be effective.
It seems to vary with restriction..if your takeaway food had plenty of sauce and the food was softer then I would probably be able to eat a lot of it too and my restriction is pretty tight.
Try not to fret about the odd wobbly food moment though or you'll be miserable and guilty. Fresh start the very next moment after a splurge x
Thanks Neen, I've noticed that I'm much hungrier this week, maybe that's why. The chinese was chicken with cashew nuts and noodles so it was fairly soft, I will have to be careful in future. The hormone supplements sound like a great idea, I'd never heard of them.

Good luck on your weigh in, I lost 1lb, which I'm happy with, my thinking is that losing 1lb a week adds up to 3 1/2 stone in a year, which would be fab.

Well, I got the milk from the doorstep this morning, poured it on my weetabix and it was slushy, it's freezing again here, I'm bored with it now!! Just waiting for my breakfast to defrost ;)
Good morning everyone... great to see you around Neen, can't tell you how much I miss you xxx

Tranquil... sending a humungous hug as always and to you Sarah and everyone else....

A while ago John (our Glenville) made a recommendation to me... which changed me life... it was a 'Buckwheat Pillow'...

It's a heavy pillow, feels like it's filled with wheat... and you can shape it anyway you like to get comfortable... it gives me terrific support with my spinal problems, plus supports my neck and I sleep better than ever since having this.

It took a while to get used to it since it's heavy (a bit noisy with the wheat shuffling about) but in all honesty, the best investment I have made in a long time...

Just sharing whilst you are all on the pillow hunt... I've hunted every pillow going over the years and spent a fortune... but for me... it's the best I've found for my needs... hope this may help someone....

Love and hugs to everyone... have a good day my dear wls family xxx
Morning all. Thanks for the pillow tip Bev. I may invest in a couple together with the mattress topper recommended by Neen for some added support.

I got on the Wii for the first time in months yesterday. I am aching today. Only managed to do about 22 minutes but that is better than nothing. I aim to try and do a little every day to build up my strength and mobility.

Congrats on the loss Sarah - any loss is a good loss.

Still have another week on liquids - I am going to hate soup at this rate. Going to try an few fresh types for some variety - need to get to Asda in the morning.

Have a blessed day everyone.

tranquil x
Hi Guys and Gals.

Well today is weigh in day and another lbs lost this week bringing my total too 73lbs gone for ever, and I even managed to get into the 11 stone bracket whoopie doooo, been a long time coming .....Hope everyone is well and doing ok, am due too see the surgeon next week for a barium swallow/x ray , couldnt have it done before because of port resighting etc but better late then never ,every thing is ok just a formality I think. Sending luv and best wishes too everyone - MeJulie xxx