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BANDERS UNITE ! Get to know each other chatter !

Hello Nina,

Thanks for pointing me the way to here....Better news on the weight loss front and I spoke to the clinic to see what was going on...they have advised me to go on the lactose free milk, as I may be mal-absoring nutrients and therefore my body maybe holding on the my weight. So once I finish the semi skimmed I have in...*I will move to the lactose free. At least thought I have lost 3lbs in the last 2 days now...so I am half way to where they want me to be. I just want to hopefully lose at least 2 stone by the end of the month.
Morning All, i can see it's going to be one of those days today. I have raging pmt, my bloods boiling at the slightest thing....breathing deeply and counting to 100000000.

hope your all well and happy ;) xx

Aww noooo !! I am in the middle of my visit :( Blurgh...) don't forget hun...TUNA!!!!!!!

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost another 2lbs of my regain! So in the midst of killer period from hell I am back to 222lbs and hopefully, all being well...crazy kids permitting etc...I might just be matching the ticker again next week or actually moving the darn thing!

Hurray for tuna and one day at a time!
Hello Nina,

Thanks for pointing me the way to here....Better news on the weight loss front and I spoke to the clinic to see what was going on...they have advised me to go on the lactose free milk, as I may be mal-absoring nutrients and therefore my body maybe holding on the my weight. So once I finish the semi skimmed I have in...*I will move to the lactose free. At least thought I have lost 3lbs in the last 2 days now...so I am half way to where they want me to be. I just want to hopefully lose at least 2 stone by the end of the month.

YAY! You found us! We are small but determined :D
Hope that you can find a moment to read through the whole thread as I think we have covered some good points already!

That's good news about the changes to your milk diet. I really hope things can pick up for you a bit now in terms of the enjoyment of it.
As you say, what you have lost so far is great and bang on for the targets , so that's awesome news!

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon, done my housewifery now and have to get a meal ready for tomorrow as the in laws are coming for Sunday lunch.
(yes I am having some...and pudding...and yes I still have to do my treadmill-ing as well :))
Aww noooo !! I am in the middle of my visit :( Blurgh...) don't forget hun...TUNA!!!!!!!

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost another 2lbs of my regain! So in the midst of killer period from hell I am back to 222lbs and hopefully, all being well...crazy kids permitting etc...I might just be matching the ticker again next week or actually moving the darn thing!

Hurray for tuna and one day at a time!

i will try the tuna but only have it in sunflower oil at the moment:eek:..tut tut...still got to be better than a snicker like i had for breakfast!....am goin to go get a tin of slimfast in and start having that for breakfast as i don't eat any really..and maybe the odd lunch if i'm busy.

I meant to say thank you for adding me as a friend as well..i have 2 now lol xx

I am goin to make a cup of tea and sit and read yours and mazza's diaries as i have not gotten round to reading them yet!..hopefully i'll be nice and chilled by the end :D. xx
Sounds like a plan!!! I can send you a cute little dash game to play if you want...I'm now off for a bit of World of Warcraft or the Sims 3...I am a big kid I'm afraid but they actually do distract me pretty nicely.

I had my usual Oatso simple with cinnamon (and extra cinnamon and a bit of splenda for the sweet fix) today and I will be full for ages now.

We have pizza day on a Saturday and I can usually have a couple pieces but always try to make time to go on the treadmill later on.

Try brushing your teeth and zingy mouthwash after you eat to kill your taste buds a bit!

Don't dwell on having the snickers for breakfast...it's done and over with.

The problems really start when we throw our hands up in despair and declare the whole day a wash out after a blip....just continue from now as though you are having a virtuous day and you will avoid a lot of angst and have that damage limitation of not adding to the problem with guilt eating.
Neen, I will do my best to read the whole thread, I need to look around a bit more too. Just trying to so 5 things at once, plus watch the kids...so not sure I am as multi-tasking at skills as I would like. More sucker me for trying *LOL* Anyway have a nice dinner. I am pleased that you are able to eat a relatively normal diet without it being such an issue.

I am hoping that maybe I will be able to lose a decent about of weight before the surgery... But am scared that If I do it might change my mind out the surgery...and then should things change again they won't even look at me again.
I guess think long term...the band is going to help you learn new habits to not only lose this current excess but also enable you to learn how to keep any excess from accumulating in the future.

That's a problem so many of us have, we can lose the weight while we're on a diet but then when we come off that regime , we plough it all back on again and then some.

What I hope my band will give me long term is a safety net and a way of helping myself regain control if things go awry.

I have to say that it has acheived that for me already many times, as I have wavered around within a half stone now and then but ultimately kept going downwards rather than back to where I started.

I can eat pretty much anything now, even bread and pasta.
I shall be having roast spuds and sausage casserole tomorrow..the difference is, my plate will be a smaller dinner plate and I will have a moderate one storey portion of everything...and I will be eating slowly (finishing last as always) and really enjoy it.

Not feel stuffed and guilty, not eat it so fast that it barely touches the sides...but eat elegantly and savour every bite and not feel deprived at all.

That is a definate plus of my band and something to really be happy about!
I just wanted to reassure you that "normal food" is possible after banding and we can get that moderation and balance.

I think do your best each day and see how you feel when the time comes.
You will not suddenly be refused if you have lost weight successfully...keeping it off is what you need help from the band with too.
I guess think long term...the band is going to help you learn new habits to not only lose this current excess but also enable you to learn how to keep any excess from accumulating in the future.

That's a problem so many of us have, we can lose the weight while we're on a diet but then when we come off that regime , we plough it all back on again and then some.

What I hope my band will give me long term is a safety net and a way of helping myself regain control if things go awry.

I have to say that it has acheived that for me already many times, as I have wavered around within a half stone now and then but ultimately kept going downwards rather than back to where I started.

I can eat pretty much anything now, even bread and pasta.
I shall be having roast spuds and sausage casserole tomorrow..the difference is, my plate will be a smaller dinner plate and I will have a moderate one storey portion of everything...and I will be eating slowly (finishing last as always) and really enjoy it.

Not feel stuffed and guilty, not eat it so fast that it barely touches the sides...but eat elegantly and savour every bite and not feel deprived at all.

That is a definate plus of my band and something to really be happy about!
I just wanted to reassure you that "normal food" is possible after banding and we can get that moderation and balance.

I think do your best each day and see how you feel when the time comes.
You will not suddenly be refused if you have lost weight successfully...keeping it off is what you need help from the band with too.

Thanks Julie! Hope you're having a lovely weekend xxx


I been poorly for last two days , everything (except fluids)I ate I bought up yesterday (soz for tmi) I been pretty stressed (emotionally) lately (coz of mum) and today everything is going str8 through me , keeping fluids down and I reverted back to slops today and keeping it down;) so I presumed my percy (pouch) was a little sensative and that caused me to be sick all day , Ty for asking, hope your doing well xxx Julie xx
Oh Julie ! I'm so sorry to hear that :( It's miserable when everything is coming back..ugh.
You definately have the right idea just sticking to fluids though and I hope everything settles back down again over this weekend for you.
Crossing fingers you have the chance to take it easy a little bit and get your stress levels down so your pouch can calm down too x
Feel better soon x
Hi there banders,

Been reading this threat with interest still. So good to have a thread for those of us with bands so its a fair comparrison etc. You are so supportive Neen I wanted to say thank you for adding me as a friend too. I also now have 2!

I have been doing pretty well really, nearly two weeks post op now and getting excited about mushies (could do with a bit of advice about that really, not sure what counts eg. cottage pie, fish pie, rag pudding???? hehe). I have let myself down a couple of times though and eaten things i shouldt, I think it only goes to show the extent of my problem with food if I am willing to risk my band slipping to have a nibble on a biscuit!!! Just cant get my head round that and felt so stupid too. I have also had a handfull of cheesy puffs and have chewed up numerous things and spat them out!!! Gross I know. I never realised I was so obsessed. I dont seem to have done any damage though and am trying very hard not to do it. Think I just wanted to admit it to someone though so Im going back to the old secret eating thing. Never want to do that again.

Feel free to tell me off.
Oh Julie ! I'm so sorry to hear that :( It's miserable when everything is coming back..ugh.
You definately have the right idea just sticking to fluids though and I hope everything settles back down again over this weekend for you.
Crossing fingers you have the chance to take it easy a little bit and get your stress levels down so your pouch can calm down too x
Feel better soon x


See this is the thing...I HONESTLY don't eat large amounts of food. I eat regularly. I think most of my issues were emotional eating. And not actually being hungry when I ate. But I have been seeing someone about my issues and I really feel it has helped me to realise that when I am angry about something I would instictively eat something whether I wanted to eat or was completely not hungry. But being on this diet has made me also see that sometimes I would eat things because they looked nice and scrummy, again but not actually hungry. I have have been said to my hubby when watching gordon ramsey shows...jamie oliver shows....since being on this diet, wow I could just eat that....but I am not hungry. I think I have in the past just eaten at time because it looked nice. But I am not a chocolate eater ( although I do like it once in a while) I don't really eat sweet stuff. I am a baker by profession, so I really don't like to eat that stuff...I am around it all day. I just think a big part of my problem was bordem eating...and eating when I wasn't truely hungry. I have done it in the past...only eaten when I was hungry and stopped when I start to feel slightly full...but if I wanted more I would wait 10-15 minutes and if still hungry would eat...if not then I wouldn't...and it helped me to lose weight. It's just remembering to stick to it.... I excerise...I make sure I eat my 5 fruits and veg a day, I only get take aways maybe once every 1-2 months...I never eat ready meals. everything is from scratch and fresh, and I don't eat large portions, but I am still huge. I know that most of my weight has been added with each child I had and I just can't shift it anymore. Even after hireing a personal trainer at £5000 and even doing body chef with a calorically limited amount of food...of which I only ever ate maybe 800 cals a day at most as their herbs in the food made it disgusting at time. So I was happy to go without. But even that had next to no weight loss. ANd I just don't know why maybe they don't try and look at something else.

Anyway enough of the rant...I hope the band will work...but I am scared that since I don't eat large portions it may not work so well...and I really can't stomach ( no pun intended) having a sleeve or band done.

p.s thanks for listening hun...I am glad to have met someone so kind and thoughtful on here....
Hi there banders,

Been reading this threat with interest still. So good to have a thread for those of us with bands so its a fair comparrison etc. You are so supportive Neen I wanted to say thank you for adding me as a friend too. I also now have 2!

I have been doing pretty well really, nearly two weeks post op now and getting excited about mushies (could do with a bit of advice about that really, not sure what counts eg. cottage pie, fish pie, rag pudding???? hehe). I have let myself down a couple of times though and eaten things i shouldt, I think it only goes to show the extent of my problem with food if I am willing to risk my band slipping to have a nibble on a biscuit!!! Just cant get my head round that and felt so stupid too. I have also had a handfull of cheesy puffs and have chewed up numerous things and spat them out!!! Gross I know. I never realised I was so obsessed. I dont seem to have done any damage though and am trying very hard not to do it. Think I just wanted to admit it to someone though so Im going back to the old secret eating thing. Never want to do that again.

Feel free to tell me off.

Don't worry about what you've done wrong, that's just going to make you do more of the same out of guilt..
Just move on from this moment and have some stuff ready to grab that won't hurt you.
It is important to take care of yourself carefully now as your body is trying desparately to heal itself and you don't want to damage anything.

Have some nice non bits yogurts and fromage frais ...dip the spoon in and lick it off slowly.
Slow everything right down.
Put the spoon down in between licks and make sure it is totally obliterated in your mouth.

This is your new way of eating...slowly savouring everything...slowly taking a tiny bit at a time.

This is your chance to change what is not working for you and you mustn't be afraid to feel hungry...you will survive I promise.

When you are really physically hungry , the next time you are due to eat, what you eat will taste great.

Don't be scared to wait ...if you find yourself going on auto pilot and grabbing for something...don't be afraid to stay still..holding the fridge door or cupboard...holding the food and just wait.

Let a big breath out first and then slowly breathe in filling the bottom of your ribs and gently breathe out.

Ask yourself, looking at this bit of food that you aren't meant to be having right now...will this taste good enough to risk searing pain in my stomach?
Will this taste good enough to make up for rushing to the loo with huge amounts of foamy spit gushing out of me after I swallow it?

Really does it taste THAT good?

You can do this...one bit of food , one meal and one day at a time x
Thank you, nothing is worth that is it?

Going to go and do some fantasy clothes shopping now to focus me. River Island usually helps.

Thank you again.

OK ladies I will now post more often!!!!
I am failing.
I am sick after any solid food no matter how little I eat or how much I chew.
If I had a choice of choccy or solid food I would go for the choccy if I could because it would go down easy and I then would'nt have the horrible uncomfortable pain after vomiting.
I don't go for the choccy by the way lol as I do have will power but it would be easier.
I had no illusions over my band but when my dieticien told me I should be able to eat a tea sized plate of textured food, I thought that would be fantastic but I can't even eat a tiny piece of fish or meat without having to run to the loo to dislodge it.
My family or finding it distressing and have asked me to seriously consider having it removed. I don't want to do this but I am going to ask for another defill to see how that goes.
I am so fed up of eating sloppy foods that I would rather go without anything and this is whats been happening.
The sight of soup makes me gip as I've had so much, weetabix omg if I had to eat another one I'd die lol.
Slimfast seem to be the only thing I still enjoy but even they get a little boring after a while.
So thankyou for reading this and I will keep making an appearance instead of just lurking so get ready for the moaning and the begging for help xxxxx
OK ladies I will now post more often!!!!
I am failing.
I am sick after any solid food no matter how little I eat or how much I chew.
If I had a choice of choccy or solid food I would go for the choccy if I could because it would go down easy and I then would'nt have the horrible uncomfortable pain after vomiting.
I don't go for the choccy by the way lol as I do have will power but it would be easier.
I had no illusions over my band but when my dieticien told me I should be able to eat a tea sized plate of textured food, I thought that would be fantastic but I can't even eat a tiny piece of fish or meat without having to run to the loo to dislodge it.
My family or finding it distressing and have asked me to seriously consider having it removed. I don't want to do this but I am going to ask for another defill to see how that goes.
I am so fed up of eating sloppy foods that I would rather go without anything and this is whats been happening.
The sight of soup makes me gip as I've had so much, weetabix omg if I had to eat another one I'd die lol.
Slimfast seem to be the only thing I still enjoy but even they get a little boring after a while.
So thankyou for reading this and I will keep making an appearance instead of just lurking so get ready for the moaning and the begging for help xxxxx

Oh you poor thing, I feel so sorry for you and I can understand how worried your family must be. It does sound a bit like your band may be a little tight but I am only 2 weeks post op so not very experienced, Im sure someone will be along who knows more. Have you spoken to your provider about this already? It must be driving you mad to still be on soups, I know exactly what you mean about not eating, its crazy how quickly you can get sick of a certain food and it makes you want to gip. I have only been on liquids for two weeks and cant eat soup anymore (my husband thinks I am being soft) it just looks foul. I have been having the slim fasts like you b ut they do get boring. Well done for not just going off and eating chocolate, you already seem to have the right idea, I dont know if I could be so restrained.

Im sure someone will be along who knows better soon, just wanted to show my support really, keep posting and Im sure you will reach that sweet spot they talk about and reach your goals. You didnt put yourself through this for nothing did you. It will all be worth it one day. Thats what I keep telling myself anyway, hehe :D.
OK ladies I will now post more often!!!!
I am failing.
I am sick after any solid food no matter how little I eat or how much I chew.
If I had a choice of choccy or solid food I would go for the choccy if I could because it would go down easy and I then would'nt have the horrible uncomfortable pain after vomiting.
I don't go for the choccy by the way lol as I do have will power but it would be easier.
I had no illusions over my band but when my dieticien told me I should be able to eat a tea sized plate of textured food, I thought that would be fantastic but I can't even eat a tiny piece of fish or meat without having to run to the loo to dislodge it.
My family or finding it distressing and have asked me to seriously consider having it removed. I don't want to do this but I am going to ask for another defill to see how that goes.
I am so fed up of eating sloppy foods that I would rather go without anything and this is whats been happening.
The sight of soup makes me gip as I've had so much, weetabix omg if I had to eat another one I'd die lol.
Slimfast seem to be the only thing I still enjoy but even they get a little boring after a while.
So thankyou for reading this and I will keep making an appearance instead of just lurking so get ready for the moaning and the begging for help xxxxx

Hiya, my friend is having exactly the same problem, all she eats daily is a tin of spaghetti and a large bar of aero. She can't eat any meat, bread, rice or pasta. She had hers done in november last year and is really regretting it. I'm sure nina, mazza or someone else with experience will be along to help you soon. Just wanted to wish you lots of luck and hope you can get things sorted xxx
Morning folks, bit of an odd day yesterday, after me making adrink and sitting down to read the banders diaries, the door knocked..it was my neighbour asking if i wanted to go to ikea. Thing is i don't know her really been here a year now but only said hello in passing. I thoughty she must need to talk to come and ask me to go with her...so off i went to ikea, and she did need to talk so a good deed was done!.

I did start your diary last night nina got to about page 7 of how many lol..shall continue today and hopefully start mazza's too. It is really great having an insight into others eating habits and good to see what you eat too..so thank you for keeping them.

Right off to continue reading xxx