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BANDERS UNITE ! Get to know each other chatter !

You can do it Kelly!!! Just half an hour a day...even break it down to 3 lots of 10 minutes , walking on the spot if you want.

If you like tuna , why not try the same as I am doing at the moment to help keep yourself full?
I have a bowl of tuna (not in oil though) drained in the fridge ready to go eat...so make yourself do that maybe? Or get some sugar free gum to have if you have a craving.

See if you can unwrap the dvd today and just do a warm up.
We'll do some together today OK?
Even if it's five minutes x
Morning, well nearly afternoon. Despite the yoga and jacuzzi I did not sleep. Need to download what you sent me Neen :cry:
Yes you do young lady!!! I dunno...can't help some people can ya ;)

Morning Mazza! Yes please do try to have a go with that. Dean has always had trouble with hypnosis having any effect but he tried this one and he slept and did not grind his teeth during the night whilst sleeping either.

It might not work straight away but it's worth persevering with, as it's an extra tool to help you relax. If you have one of those mp3 pillows even better.
Evening all.
Not had a chance to do any tai chi today, i have been Birthday shopping for my son. He is 14 on the 27th october. He has Aspergers syndrome(autistic spectrum) and is sooo hard to buy for. Well last night he asked for some Adidas pt trainers..what are they says i lol...he has never shown an interest in fashion or footwear before so i was quite pleased anyway £44 later ( they were on sale) i got the pt's, amongst other things..he likes the meercats too!!!

Planning to get on the wii fit tomorrow x
Hello Kelly! I'll let you off chuck...after all if you've been round the shops it's exercise innit?

Both my sons are Autistic actually Kelly so I understand how hard things can get and how much of life has to be planned carefully.
My two have been taking it in turns to be awful at school since term started and I tend to comfort eat so you can work out where I go wrong and why it's so often!!
It is really hard getting them presents...my eldest is 11 and likes anything to do with spongebob and super mario so his room is like a shrine with all different spongey and moustacheoed toys in...and the younger one is 9 and likes this really obscure range of discontinued toys and this japanese video game character group ...also obscure...and is a nightmare to buy toys for x
They certainly are particular eh?
oh wow something else we have in common along with this weight loss marlarky! It is hard work, love him to bits. I just hate xmas and birthdays lol, it wasn't too bad when he was younger but know he's getting older it is getting harder, he has 3million hot wheels cars but wants more, he does like spongebob, gary is the fave. Mario and co are other great faves and now the meercats...I couldn't live without ebay and it's array of weird and wonderful things..life saver sometimes! One christmas he wanted a red combine harvester and a set of bag pipes haha bless him xx
LOL yeah ebay!!! Tell me about it!!!
Mine are just as happy with bendy straws, elastic bands and deflated balloons....all sorts of strange bibs and bobs..they make their own little action figures...hehe

Anyway hun, hope you are doing OK! I am trying to pysche myself up to get on the rower or treadmill tonight...had a bit of a bad moment with my youngest at tea time and when I sat down to eat mine I was still stressed so it soon jetisoned (spelt wrong!) itself into the loo :( Ho Hum!!

The reason (and this may not be the right way to explain it so apologies) for bands feeling tighter when stress hits by the way girls is apparently that when we are uptight or upset, our brains release the stress hormone cortisol which makes things inside (eg stomach) inflamed/swell and that is why we sometimes have things sticking or exiting the wrong way all of a sudden..
Hi everyone

Neen, I can totally relate to the stress tightening! Ive been like that this evening too. At least we know what it is and how to handle it, careful what you eat or you might just see it make a re appearence :(
LOL yeah ebay!!! Tell me about it!!!
Mine are just as happy with bendy straws, elastic bands and deflated balloons....all sorts of strange bibs and bobs..they make their own little action figures...hehe

Anyway hun, hope you are doing OK! I am trying to pysche myself up to get on the rower or treadmill tonight...had a bit of a bad moment with my youngest at tea time and when I sat down to eat mine I was still stressed so it soon jetisoned (spelt wrong!) itself into the loo :( Ho Hum!!

The reason (and this may not be the right way to explain it so apologies) for bands feeling tighter when stress hits by the way girls is apparently that when we are uptight or upset, our brains release the stress hormone cortisol which makes things inside (eg stomach) inflamed/swell and that is why we sometimes have things sticking or exiting the wrong way all of a sudden..

Loving them making their own figures that's great:D. Thanks for explaining what causes the sudden rushes to the loo, i think i shall be spending my life in there then. Believe it or not the exercise may de stress you xx
Well things get stuck as well when you take too big a bite and don't chew or eat too fast as well..but that is something I found out regarding the stress factor as it had been a mystery till now for me!

Good evening Mazza! don't forget to download that hypno for tonight OK? Don't make me come up there!
Actually maybe that might be good...just ask me something about video games or the history channel and I'll start droneing on...you'll be out like a light.
I should be OK now...I had a little weight watchers pudding thing and no way am I wasting my chocolate ration hehe , so that stayed down.

Thanks both of you, I am probably going to get on the treadmill for a slow walk in a few..I have my exercise tee shirt on and everything but my bum is having trouble lifting from the nice comfy sofa at the moment!!!
Glad you enjoyed it hun x

Ulrika band has been a real pain today, really stressful day at work, hectic at home etc. Not a good day food and otherwise - oh well :( tomorrows another day x
Aw thanks x

I mean by not good food wise that Ive hardly eaten - bad I know so Im going to make myself a milky (decaff) coffee in a bit and have a few rich teas (35 cals each). We are so busy at work and Im sooooooooo tired so Im going to give what you sent me a try and hope my OH doesnt get in from work too late :( x

Speak to you all tomorrow x x x
Morning All, i can see it's going to be one of those days today. I have raging pmt, my bloods boiling at the slightest thing....breathing deeply and counting to 100000000.

hope your all well and happy ;) xx