Tilli, my worries are similar to yours. I also want something permanent, but my circumstances make that I physically don't have time for the op. I am only home for 4 weeks And there are no surgeons within travelling distance who can se me, asses me, then operate in that short time.
I hope you find the right decision for you . It's so hard!
So, the balloon is my option. 12 months , being fitted on the 27th July!! 3 weeks!!! Aarrtgghhhh
I'm excited nervous and petrified that it won't work!!! But my mind is ready for it and I'm starting to think about my goals and the year ahead. This time next year...... I'll be talking about getting it removed!!
Yes it is really tough...but let's make sure that whatever route we both take we'll make it. My balloon is due only a couple of days after yours so we can always push each other. I just need to find a way to get some of my issues under control as well. I'm all about emotional eating, not actual hunger. A lot of the times I think I eat to punish myself. I need to find another outlet for emotional release.
It really pisses me off that I can't control food! I am one of the most stubborn people you will ever meet, I really should be able to use my willpower. Then again maybe that is the problem - being a control freak I need one area of my life where I can just let go of control, and that has become food (which subsequently ends up controlling me instead)?
Time to break that pattern.
I take it you live abroad Rebecca?