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New Member
So 1 week ago today I had my gastric bypass. Everthing went really well and for that I'm thinkful. I went to my post op 1 week check up today and I lost 10pounds which makes me happy. I am now on the prueed food diet which honestly I am scared to eat anything cause I don't want to get a blockage. Lol. But anyway just thought I would update sence I haven't been here for 3 weeks. Wish me luck
congrats and good luck with the pureed. I had a hard time going from liqueds to pureed and still have a hard time here and there. I'm a month out so only 3 weeks ahead of you and i still have good days and bad days. Just make sure to try one food at a time i know they say its to find out what bothers you. But i swear in the beginning if you put too many different things in there your pouch gets mad lol. Best of luck with everything and congrats on the 10 lbs its the best feeling to see the numbers going down on the scales. I am 41 lbs down this month and it feels great. :D :D
Well done to you, a really possitive start and i'm sure it will continue x