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hi girls im all done and dusted !

Hi Heather

Glad it went well. Take it easy but move around as much as you can and let the wind blow free lol x

Maz x
Yey you did it!! Well done take it easy, hope your recovery is a breeze.... x
Glad all went well :)
hi all feeling alot better today the journey home was a bit rough and the pain in my shoulders been getting on my nerves but the wounds themselves arnt bad at all i hav'nt managed to get to bed as i could'nt lie down or get comfortable for the wind in my shoulder so i stayed on the sofa with my legs on the coffee table last night and my hubbie has been out and bought a pouffee today so i'll hopefully get some sleep 2nite ive spoken to coleen from wlsgroup 2day and shes told me what she wants me to eat(drink) lol and has arranged my post op assessment for the30th @2.45pm i know hayley has her cosultation then but not sure what time!! Let me know hayley , i will start a diary when ive had some sleep and feel more normal speak soon love heather xxxx
well done Heather...the sleeping part does eventually get better, I spent several nights on the sofa propped up with loads of cushions, but I also used a single duvet folded up behind me in bed too.

take care xx
hi all feeling alot better today the journey home was a bit rough and the pain in my shoulders been getting on my nerves but the wounds themselves arnt bad at all i hav'nt managed to get to bed as i could'nt lie down or get comfortable for the wind in my shoulder so i stayed on the sofa with my legs on the coffee table last night and my hubbie has been out and bought a pouffee today so i'll hopefully get some sleep 2nite ive spoken to coleen from wlsgroup 2day and shes told me what she wants me to eat(drink) lol and has arranged my post op assessment for the30th @2.45pm i know hayley has her cosultation then but not sure what time!! Let me know hayley , i will start a diary when ive had some sleep and feel more normal speak soon love heather xxxx

Ahh Heather my appointment is at 11am. How long do u think my consultation will take??? I'll try and stop behind for a bit if I don't have to go back to work in the afternoon :)

hi all just a quick update im fine and have lost a stone so far including pre op ,but im knackered and have no energy i just need to rest and i`ll b fine i have got very little pain at the min which is fab just trying to get enough protien down is a problemb4 im feeling bloated i will b in the swing again soon thanks for all your lovely thoughts and wishes love heather xxxxx