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i am officially 101 lb loser as of today :)

I felt sooo privileged witnessing your WI today sweetie and the smile on your grinning face was a picture! xx

John I can just picture the scene:)

Roche I am always inspired when i read your posts-your honesty at all times is so refreshing

101 pounds gone is a triumph :happy096:
Well done honey! I am so thrilled for you.
Well done Roch, i've been thinking of you and hoping you were well, what a fantastic loss, i'm so happy for you xx Jan
Well done!
That's fantastic Roch, you must be very pleased with yourself and quite rightly so, well done!:D
Well done misses... maybe now you'll have as much faith in yourself that everyone else does & that yr doing everything as you should do. xxxxxx
Hello stranger!!:D
So, you finally got your surgery then?! Im sooo pleased for you, and over 7 stone off, that is amazing, you really deserve it, pics are looking great!
I tried to use the link on this thread but dont have privaledges to read your diary:(...must be coz im a miniminer? Anyway, just wanted you to know i still think of ya. Lookin amazing kid, just wish i was doing as well:rolleyes:
Keep fighting the good fight. Take care hun xxx