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My Gastric Bypass Journey -Onwards and Upwards-Well this is a start

Hiya Mandy

She's ok thanks, out of hospital now but got a chest infection. Bless her, she's 89 on the 28th June.

Hope your feeling ok hun, I think its just your body adjusting hun to be honest as everything you had before you were being sick but don't worry it will come off xxx
Ah mandy mandy mandy lol im reading ur posts and thinking my god thats me all over again lol, u will feel like that but its even harder when u c some1 else eating normally, a bypass can be cruel but u must find a way around it and stop using those damn scales it will only make u feel worse, try to stick to once a week as ul get more benefit that way failing that u leave me no option but to hit u round the head with them, il phone u 2nite and c wot we can come up with, it all depends wot type of foods ur eating that can have an effect on u, take care xxx
LOL Georgina!

Well Mandy I think you'd better do what she says otherwise you'll end up with scales on your head and we don't want that do we!

Hope you've had a great weekend xxx
Ah mandy mandy mandy lol im reading ur posts and thinking my god thats me all over again lol, u will feel like that but its even harder when u c some1 else eating normally, a bypass can be cruel but u must find a way around it and stop using those damn scales it will only make u feel worse, try to stick to once a week as ul get more benefit that way failing that u leave me no option but to hit u round the head with them, il phone u 2nite and c wot we can come up with, it all depends wot type of foods ur eating that can have an effect on u, take care xxx


Lol LOl not weighed myself all weekend, taking your advice, you cheered me up talking on Saturday, good to talk to someone who knows how it is and knows what i am going threw!!!! Thank you so much your a star!!!!
LOL Georgina!

Well Mandy I think you'd better do what she says otherwise you'll end up with scales on your head and we don't want that do we!

Hope you've had a great weekend xxx


I am listening to what she says!!!!!!! weekend not much on, but had achat with Famous geogina nad she helped me heaps
Well today is another day!! just had a tiny portion of cottage pie and feel as sick as a dog, what can i eat that will be ok!!!!!!!!!! driving me mad.... hate the sick feeling!!!!!!!!!!!

Got to go to my little ones school today!!! each class has to open a cafe and the parents go in and buy the stuff and eat it and the class that sells the most wins!!!!!!! How delightful and i cant eat any of it!!!!!

Will be fun though
From what I've read you need to try foods one at a time to see what works and what doesn't. was the cottage pie home made? if it was shop bought it could be high in salt?

I have had it loads of times before.... one day it is ok and the next it isnt!!!!! i am just struggling generally with food......
just take each day as it comes hun, what suits one day may not go down so well the next, but may suit again the day after. Frustrating but true, stick at it, the results will be worth it xx
It is worth every bit of it!!!!!!!!!! sometimes it gets very frustrating, but it is true it is like being a baby again and I have to learn to walk before I can run!
It is worth every bit of it!!!!!!!!!! sometimes it gets very frustrating, but it is true it is like being a baby again and I have to learn to walk before I can run!

Just remember your own advice when the going gets tough then hun - remember the hare and the tortoise!!
are you doing the chew chew chewing? And avoiding drinks with meals? Can't think what else to suggest!
im still doing liquidised at moment, I had a problem where i keep bringing food up and went back in and it was fine for a week but back again, see the consultant on the 26 so will chat with him again then
ah well the 26th isn't long away, hopefully they can find the problem and fix it :)
Good morning Everyone!!!

Well I went to the cafe thing, ended up buying all sorts of food but couldnt try any of it........ tried some vile drink (juice) it was beetroot, carrot and apple juice!!!! nearly threw up there and then!!!!!!!!

Cooked tea for hubby and son last night, then did mine, chicken in a pot liquidised it went down well, but unfortuantely came back up five minutes later!!!!!!! and made me feel awful.... so stuck to water rest of the night....

Got up this morning thinking positively and had 2 spoonfuls of weetabix and yippeeeeeee it has stayed down so far............

going to have a galss of milk for dinner and then for tea tonight i am going to try scrambled or poached egg.....

Hope everyone is good.....

some other exciting news, i managed to get into a skirt today that i havent worn for two years!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooohooooooooo
yay well done you :)
have bought a hinari genie blender thingy ready for making mush and home made soup!