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Today of all days...


I WILL look like this!!
My 3yr old son Jack has woke up with bad chicken pox! :(

Havent time to take him to docs so went to chemist across the road, and it cost me £23!!!! Hes worth it tho.

Not sure if he wil be able to visit me in hospital 2moro tho :cry:
hope he's feeling better soon. It's not advisable for him to visit yo as it could cause an outbreak in the hospital as its extremely contagious. good luck for tomorrow
oh poor thing best tip i had for it was piriton syrup great for helping with the itching. not sure he would be allowed in hosp with chicken pox tho:( good luck for your op
Hi Fedup

Hate to put a dampener on things but i personally think you should ring the hospital to check your ok to be admitted you could be a carrier of the germ ,
Chickenpox is a highly contagious virus, with an incubation period of 15-20 days. Chickenpox is most contagious the day before the rash appears and until the blisters are all dry and crusted over (usually about 5 days).

Sorry but i think it may be safe than sorry.

keep us updated ,fingers crossed for you .

try not to panic cos I know I would be xxx - let us know what they say

Get little one in cool baths and on piriton works wonders
fingers crossed xxx
Piriton is an excelent idea. And I expect you know that you can leapfrog Paracetamol and Ibuprofen administer doses alternatly so as one goea down the other comes up, Medised is better than calpol cos it has a sedative effect.
Hope he's not too bad ~ it's such a vile and medieval disease
Hi there...sorry to hear your littlun is poorly....hope he feels better soon.

I have just read this from a hospital guidelines on chickenpox...sorry it might not be what you want to hear, but I think you need to contact your surgical team.:(


Every newly admitted patient must be questioned at the time of admission for prior history of chickenpox and exposure within the past 3 weeks to any individual with chickenpox. The following are guidelines for admission of a patient who has been exposed to chicken pox:

  • If a child has been exposed:
  • Admission should be delayed until after the incubation period (3 weeks) if possible.

  • In case of unavoidable admission:
  • The patient should be admitted under airborne for the period beginning 9 days after exposure and continuing until 21 days after exposure. If chickenpox rash develops, the patient is placed in airborne and contact.

  • In case of surgical admission with a history of chickenpox exposure:
  • The attending physician should be notified of the exposure and if the patient requires elective surgery, the attending may postpone surgery until after the communicable period (21 days exposure). If the attending does not wish to postpone the surgery, the patient should be placed in respiratory isolation immediately after admission and surgery performed as the last case of the day.

  • Ambulatory surgery patients:
  • Ambulatory surgery patients may be admitted up to 7 days after exposure. Mark chart before sending to surgery and notify surgery and recovery room.

Can you be a carrier even if you had chicken pox as a child? I thought you were immune?
what rotten luck. My little lad is masquerading as spot boy also. I hope everythings goes ok and on plan. Luv Debs
Just found this on the hospital info for Gloucester:-

If you have been in contact with chickenpox, measles or mumps within 3 weeks of your admittance to hospital, please inform a member of staff.

So you are going to have to tell them hun, sorry.
Even if you have had chickenpox you still carry the germ and can pass it on to others. Exposure to chickenpox does not cause shingles. You can get chickenpox more than once, although it is rare. I've had it twice (I'm special).
awww sorry to hear about your son, hopefully you are able to ease his itching as mentioned, you really have little choice in informing them, better you do it today then tomorrow when you turn up, at least this way they can prepare things if they decide to admit you, or put you on a cancellation list or get you booked back in for as soon as is possible
Even if you have had chickenpox you still carry the germ and can pass it on to others. Exposure to chickenpox does not cause shingles. You can get chickenpox more than once, although it is rare. I've had it twice (I'm special).

It can Shel, in older people especially. Shingles (rather distatefully called Herpes Zoster) is caused by the chickenpox virus - varicella.

My Nan had it awful in her 60s, spookily after a visit to my house when I had chickenpox as a girl. She had also had chickenpox herself as a girl.
Soz Red, but nope. We researched it loads when my son had it last year cos of my health probs/job

However, contact with a person with shingles or chickenpox cannot cause shingles.

Shingles (Herpes zoster)