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Feel a bit of a fraud for being here now...

Sounds like you're doing really well Gerry :D
Thanks ladies, It's great to have your encouragement. I did weigh myself yesterday morning (after hubby bought me my brekkie in bed.....wholemeal toast and a cuppa), but haven't lost anything since I started, which was a bit discouraging initially, but am going to keep on at it. My first goal is to stay on it for a week (just two more days to go). I think eventually it will help as I am not eating all the things that are really bad for me and filling up on them as well as scoffing dinner. Bought some more fruit and orange juice and wholemeal bread yesterday, so still planning on keeping going. Feeling chuffed with myself so far.

One thing I am worrying about is that when I go on the pre-op diet, it consists of only three meals a day, which in itself is a worry for me, because I suffer from hypoglycaemia and actually had an attack last Wednesday (quite a bad one) and had to stuff myself full of sweet things to fend it off. Out of the Allowances, my breakfast will consist of one slice of toast and a cup of tea. Then nothing until lunch. I know I won't be able to manage on that, even if I have a piece of fruit mid morning as a snack (from the allowance). If I have lunch at 1pm which again isn't much, then another piece of fruit from the allowance, I won't last until the evening meal. I just know my life is going to be one big round of hypo's and that worries me.
Hi Gerry. Don't worry about the pre-op, your surgeon and dietician will be used to working with patients with diabetes and will be able to advise you accordingly :)

You're doing great by the way :hug99:
Thanks Shel. I haven't actually been diagnosed with diabetes, although I am borderline. 0.5 more and I'd have it so they said. My problem is low blood sugar attacks. Had them for years, so have to eat little and often. Coping on my self imposed healthy eating regime, but not sure I'll cope on the pre-op diet, although its much better than those that some people are given. Even so, for me it's very restrictive.
Hi Gerry,

Just to say I think you are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you and how well you are doing!!!! keep it up... although you say the scales haven't moved, I am sure it is still helping you in many ways!!!!

If you speak to the dietician and consultant I am sure they will help you find the appropiate pre op diet, so that it will help you with your low blood sugar attacks...

Thinking of you and well done
Just been reading through you thread, Gerry... wanted to say well done on getting onto a healthy eating plan before you have surgery :)

As for low fat snacks, I try to have something like a slim a soup if I am feeling really cold and craving savoury. Actually, my current snack of choice is Snack A Jacks popcorn... 29 cals a bag and very, very nice :D

Wishing you all the best in your journey towards a happier and healthier you... you will get there ;)

Hi Gerry I have to say this is a concern of mine, I like to eat little and often (although it ends up a lot and often). I will be watching your thread to see how you get on as the pre op diet I have been given sounds very similar to yours...xx
Hi Gerry, sorry to hear about your group meeting experience. i can relate fully to how difficult that may have been for you. also well done on starting your healthier eating plan sounds like you are doing great. i have type 2 diabetes and manage ok with what i eat wothout my blood sugars dropping to low. like you i can usually spot the signs and try to stop it before it becomes full blown. like shel says the surgeons are used to dealing with people who can't maintain their blood sugars and they will adapt the pre op diet and post op one to suit you. good luck with it all hun and keep us posted xx
Thank you for the encouraging words of support ladies :).

Well, I nearly died of shock this morning. Had a letter through from the hospital saying I have to see the consultant on Friday 31st October at 7.30am :eek:. Thankfully it's during half term or I'd be having problems getting the kids to school. Have told hubby and he's going to take the day off work. My guess is that we will have to leave here at 6am to get there (Charring Cross). Hopefully we will be able to get a disabled parking bay this time. Last time it was a nightmare as we had to park quite a way away, on street parking, and hubby had to leave to feed the meter (which was hungrier than I am!).

I was rather concerned that 7.30am might have been a typing error, so I phoned them and checked and it's right. Oh well. At least we will get that bit over and done with first thing and have the day to ourselves.

Have still been sticking to my healthy eating plan (feeling dead chuffed with myself), and have been trying the Tesco's lighter choice meal replacement shakes. I find they make me feel really full (which I was surprised about, as my initial reaction before trying them was "yeah, well Nesquick doesn't fill me up, so why would they"). Don't know what it is about them but they can actually make me feel over stuffed. I had one yesterday and the day before, but in the afternoon, and by bedtime I was still feeling too stuffed, and my tummy was gurgling all night, (full gurgly, not empty gurgly.....if that makes sense). Anyhow, I decided to try having one earlier in the day today, and since having 2 slices of wholemeal toast for brekkie, then the shake a couple of hours later, I've not snacked at all as I feel too stuffed. It does say you can have three in a day, but I think I'd be sick if I had more than one.

I'm just wondering, if I manage to loose some weight on this self imposed diet, will they still be so rigid about making me do the pre-op one, if I can continue loosing weight on this self imposed plan. Surely loosing weight is going to make the liver shrink anyway, regardless of how it's done, and I can control my sugar this way, where as with the pre-op diet, although more like a normal diet than some have been given, I know for sure that I would be out cold on the floor before mid morning. Guess this will be something to ask at the appointment on 31st.
Oh Gerry so pleased you finally got your appointment threw!!!!!!!!!!

I iwll be thinking of you, I am off upto Blackpool that day for a weekend away!!!!! but i will be thinking of you........
Thats great Gerry!
Fantastic news Gerry. keep up all your hard work. 31st oct will be here in no time at all i'm really excited for you. keep us posted xx
Oh my God!!! My eating habits have altered drastically over the past week and a half! I can't believe the change in what I was eating, compared to what I'm having now. To be honest I don't know if I should be worried or not.

I used to eat loads of stuff that wasn't good for me, and I was constantly snacking. I'd eat chocolate, biscuits, cake, triffles, creamy desserts etc. One 'Sundae' dessert that I loved was 295 calories alone, and sometimes I'd eat two in a day.

Now I've moved on to having the meal replacement shakes. I bought one each of strawberry and chocolate flavours of the Tesco Lighter choices ready to drink shakes. I've always been totally against them as I used to think "what good is a glass of Nesquick going to do me". Tried a freebie Slimfast sachet years ago and nearly puked, it was awful. Anyhow, I tried these out, and I actually liked them and they really filled me up. I bought the powder to make my own. Initially I could only stomach one a day as they filled me up so much but I was still snacking. Now for the past two days, I've had one for breakfast, one for lunch and a regular dinner and I'm just not hungry for anything else. No snacks at all.

Is this right? Is this healthy? Will this cause me problems or work in my favour for the bypass? Would it be acceptable as a pre-op diet? I'm feeling really confused.

I'd decided to put myself on a 'healthy eating' diet before I saw the dietitian, psychiatrist & consultant at the hospital on 31st of this month, cutting out sweets, biscuits, cakes and all the bad stuff, but I never thought it would do this to me. I know I should be pleased (and I truly am) that I am not snacking or feeling hungry, but I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not. I'm remembering the old Slim Fast ads that said "A shake for breakfast, one for lunch and a proper dinner". That's telling me it's ok, but for someone who's used to snacking all day every day (mainly out of boredom), I can't believe that I am now on two shakes and a low calorie dinner and nothing else. Maybe it's the motivation of the thought of the bypass. I've not changed my mind, but in there somewhere is a little voice that's saying "What if I loose so much weight that I don't need it" or "What if the dietician sees the change in my eating habits and says I can do it on my own.....then I fail and put it all back on".

Oh God.....what's happening to me??? :(
Gerry it's fine. The dietician isn't going to say that you can do it alone, you can tell her what you've been doing but make it clear that this is short term and you wouldn't be able to sustain it long term.

If it helps, think of it financially. They aren't the ones that have to control the purse strings, it is their job to see patients through the surgery, so to send people away is actually a disadvantage to them as no patients = no job :D
Thanks Shel. Your words mean a lot.

I just can't believe the change in my attitude towards food over the past week or so (nearly two weeks now). My daughter had friends over for her birthday party last night, and she had her cake and I didn't want to disappoint her by not having any, so I had a tiny 1" square piece, but felt awful afterwards, and quite downhearted that I'd eaten it. Sounds daft I know, but it made me feel like I'd imagine an anorexic to feel. I went to bed feeling sick. I know it's going to be great if I can loose weight from it, but I still can't get my head round how I can have been constantly stuffing my face a couple of weeks ago, now not wanting anything other than my two shakes during the day and weight watchers meal in the evening. How can I possibly have changed my eating habits so quickly?
The simple answer is because you know it's not a long term fix. I made similar, but not so drastic, changes pre-op, between my initial consultation and the pre-op appointment. I think it's partly your head getting to grips with that it knows is coming, so don't worry about it so much, just relax into it and enjoy the weight loss :)
Good, all exercise helps, not just with weight loss but with improving your general fitness levels, and the fitter you are, the faster you'll recover :)