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Hope Hospital's one stop shop appointment on Thursday


Loves her gorgeous family
Well the time is almost here for my appointment on Thursday at 1pm, meeting Dr New (or someone from his team) and Mr Ammouri and the dietician.
I have no idea wht to expect or what questions will be asked and to be honest I am scared stiff.

I have put weight on, no idea how much but my pants tell me i have !! and with having no cooker for 2 weeks my mums tea's have gone down a treat. So I am sure I will pay for it.

What I wanted to know is -

Will I be asked why I want to lose weight ?

Will I have to get undressed ?

Will I be weighed ?

When you have all gone do you go alone or with you other half ?

Will I have bloods taken ?

Will I get the stuff for a sleep apnea test ?

How much longer will I have to wait for the OP (If they agree I can have it ) ?

Sorry lots of questions starting to feel quite sick about it all now.

Thanks x
Were you told what the wait would be ?
I took my partner with me. I was weighed by the nurse and then seen the consultant who asked questions and checked my chest. Was asked to pop next door to see the dietician and then went back in to see the Dr who agreed I could have surgery as long as I lost 5-10% of weight, I've to go back in 3 to 4 months (oct/nov) I also had bloods taken.

All hospitals work differently.. Good luck with your appointment. x
Thanks, did you have to have any weight management prior ? I have had 6 months of weight management so will cry if I am told to go and lose weight first.
Fingers crossed and good luck with 5 - 10 %
Julie Have you met the surgeon yet ?
I am getting myself in a pannic now incase i have to go back in god knows how many months and lose weight as i know i have put on since the weighht management stopped, why on earth dont they make you carry on with the weight management in teh background arggghhhh
why is this so bloody hard
Thanks x
Were you told what the wait would be ?
I had my pre op test last Nov and was told The surgery would be in Jan/Feb this year but the heart tests I had to get is holding everything up . But hopefully it want be long now . I know its easy for me to say but relax hun because all the surgical teams are really lovely to talk to , you will be fine . Take care .
Margaret xx
I am attending the weight management, I had my 1st meeting with them last Tuesday, this is part of the NICE guidelines that you attend before surgery. They assured me that as soon as I lose the 5% that I can get referred to the surgeon (not seen him yet). But I will still have to attend the weight management up until I have the opp. x

Thanks, did you have to have any weight management prior ? I have had 6 months of weight management so will cry if I am told to go and lose weight first.
Fingers crossed and good luck with 5 - 10 %
Thanks Julie, hopefully as I have already done teh 6 months weight management and lost more than 5% (Hopefully I will not have put it all back on) I will get the go ahead for surgery.
Its terrible having to go through it all though
Lets just hope I dotn have to get undressed haha thats my biggest worry,
Helen, first I want to wish you luck and then tell you to take a deep breath. It will go fine. I just went along with a friend last week for moral support to her one-stop clinic at Hope so I will give you the answers that applied to her, hopefully that will be helpful.

What I wanted to know is -

Will I be asked why I want to lose weight ?
They did not specifically ask my friend why but they do want to know where your head is at about expectations post-surgery. If they do ask, give them all your health-related reason as well as your self-esteem ones, they need to have a full picture of your goals.

Will I have to get undressed ?

No, my friend did not have to undress, she had a section scar that Mr. Ammori inquired about but he did not ask to see it.

Will I be weighed ?
Yes you will be weighed and your height measured.

When you have all gone do you go alone or with you other half ?

I personally took my hubby to mine and I accompanied my friend to every aspect of her appointment, everybody seemed open to a supporter attending.

Will I have bloods taken ?

My friend was sent to the pre-op department directly after her one-stop as she is now scheduled for surgery in the next 6-8 weeks. However, she was the only person from the one-stop clinic that was sent for bloods so in most likelyhood you won't be sent for bloods the same day but at a later appointment.

Will I get the stuff for a sleep apnea test ?

No, the department of Cardiology does that test and is set-up on a separate
appointment directly from that department.

How much longer will I have to wait for the OP (If they agree I can have it ) ?

The wait from pre-op assessment to surgery is currently 12-18 weeks but that timeline can be altered by other tests and appointments you might require. My friend had all her other appointments out of the way (sleep apnea, psych assessment & weight management) so she is ready for surgery.

I will give you a run down for her appointment:

1st - she arrived at Ladywell bldg, checked in and waited with a group of about 6 pre-ops. 2nd - she was taken to be weighed & measured. 3rd - a group session was held with the Bariatric Nurse Michelle Eden where she did a presentation explaining the band and the bypass. People were able to ask questions. Then the Bariatric Dietician gave a short presentation of the steps for post-op eating. 4th - she was called in to see Dr. Sayed who has the same function as Dr. New which is consultant endocrinologist. He reviewed my friend's medical record and double checked that they had all her test results. He then passed her file to Dr. Ammori. We had a bit of a wait to see Dr. Ammori so we chatted to the other pre-ops. 5th - she saw Dr. Ammori, he made sure she knew what she wanted, talked about the complications and risks of surgery, he reviewed her medical history and he decided she was ready to be sent to the pre-op department to get her final tests done. He asked her to do the livershrinking diet for 3 weeks. She asked him when she could expect a date and he was a little vague but gave her a window of time being 6-8 weeks, I think he has to be vague until it is actually on the books, I was not given my exact date at my pre-op assessment either. It is probably a policy so that if someone with very urgent needs is seen after you, they can schedule the dates accordingly and not have to take back your date. It took roughly 4 hours for the assessment one-stop clinic.

Hope all this info helps you,

p.s. - she was never asked about her slight gain since last seeing Dr. New or told she needed to lose x amount of weight before the op.
Thanks girls feeling a bot choked to be honest not sure if it is relief or emotions or what woudl cry but have a builder in the next room x
thanks again Phatgirl you are a true help thanks x
Thanks Gaynor x
Hi Nic
Sorry another question out of the 6 other pre ops did they all have someone with them ?
My hubby wants to come but I dont want him just waiting round for me for hours or feeling in the way.
Good Luck for thursday. When I had the one stop preop thing I had my meeting with Dr New then Mr Ammori and I was sent straight to the preop assessment clinic where I had all my preop tests done (I had already had my sleep apnoea test done a few weeks before). Anyway dont worry you wont be asked to get undressed and dont worry if you have put on a bit of weight, I had put on a couple of Kg as my appointment for one stop was months and months after my last appointment at the clinic and I think I started emotionally eating again. So DONT PANIC they are all very very lovely and helpful.

Good luck
There were 3 with a supporter and 3 without. Honestly don't worry, your partner will be allowed in for every aspect and nobody will make him feel in the way. The only part I was not allowed in for was in the actual pre-op clinic where my friend's blood was taken and the MRSA swab was done and that was because there was another patient in as well so it was a privacy issue. That part took less than 10 minutes.

YOU WILL BE FINE, don't worry!

What am I like I am like a 4 year old I think my kids would cope better than me.
I have typed a list of questions and also what diets I have done and how "well" I did on them and also what weight I want to be etc etc... god I will be there all night too at this rate lol...he might as well just push my to the theatre and get it over with just to shut me up haha xxx I wish