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JennaMeri's Sleeve Journey

Weigh-in day today! I've lost 3.2 lbs this week, which means I've now lost 5 stone since January! :) Pretty pleased with that since I've gained a baby. :p Feel sort of weird that I'm still losing so much a week even though I'm pregnant, just seems to go against what should happen. But I was told it may happen, and the ones who should know so I'm not going to worry about it. I'm trying to eat a bit more, but it's really tricky sometimes 'cause I get full so quickly. Just going to concentrate on upping my fruit and veg intake. Haven't been doing much exercise (nausea has been making me feel like crap), but I am trying to go on walks throughout the day, which isn't too difficult since Pup needs to go out anyways. ;) That's really all I have to update at the moment. Hope everyone is well!
Yay congrats on another loss and the 5 stone mark
Weigh day! Happy Sunday everyone! :) I've lost 3.6 lbs this week. Though I'm also starting to feel a bit better (at least today I am), so that may start going up soon 'cause I'll be able to eat more. :) Haven't been doing any proper exercise lately, I've just been too nauseous to even think about it, but if I continue to feel better this week, I may try it a day or two and see how it goes. Might look up pregnancy yoga on YouTube or something, see if that's anything I could get in to. Wish swimming didn't cost anything, I'd just do that. Oh well. Hope every one is well! :)
Congrats on another loss hopefully the sickness will stop soon and your not one of the unlucky ones who stays sick right through will keep fingers crossed
It's incredible to think that you're losing weight while pregnant isn't it? How amazing!! That's an amazing loss hunny, well done!! I wish swimming was free too :(

Glad you're feeling less sicky, hopefully it'll start to calm down now :) x
Weigh day! Happy Sunday everyone! :) I've lost 3.6 lbs this week. Though I'm also starting to feel a bit better (at least today I am), so that may start going up soon 'cause I'll be able to eat more. :) Haven't been doing any proper exercise lately, I've just been too nauseous to even think about it, but if I continue to feel better this week, I may try it a day or two and see how it goes. Might look up pregnancy yoga on YouTube or something, see if that's anything I could get in to. Wish swimming didn't cost anything, I'd just do that. Oh well. Hope every one is well! :)

Yay wd Jenna on the loss hunni still doing fantastic :) good news your feeling bit better too............ Yoga sounds fantastic it will certainly help focus the mind too :) maybe calm your mind and help with the bad dreams. Ohhh gosh i wish swimming was on the nhs too lol i'd be there daily !!! hope your well today x x x x
So another Sunday has come around... last Sunday before I FINALLY get to see my midwife on Wednesday. UGH the wait has been FOREVER! But it's weigh day today and I'm down 1.6 lbs! :) I have now lost 75 lbs total! Only 15 more pounds to go before I reach my goal and 50 more pounds before I reach my ULTIMATE goal. SOOO excited! Hope every one else is well! :)

OH! And my BMI is actually UNDER 30! Granted not by much, but it IS! :D :D :D
go girl doing fab and dont forget to ask midwife about healthy start vouchers they not much but help with veg/fruit etc during pregnancy
I'm so tired today... was yesterday as well. Midwife appointment was a LOT of paperwork and some bloods taken. She put in the request for my dating scan, so hopefully I'll hear about that early next week. Either that or I'll phone them. :p I'm so impatient. I seem to be feeling better, as long as I remember to eat. If I don't and it goes too long, I start to feel sickly again. It's not fun, but definitely improving! :) Hope everyone is well!
Weigh day again and I'm down 3.6 lbs. Went for a long walk with the pup this morning around the lakes, but not feeling so well now. Think I may have gotten too much sun... slept for about three hours this afternoon and still have a headache.
Found your diary :D

Still can't believe they haven't got you a scan date. Fingers crossed it comes soon! Xxx

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Found your diary :D

Still can't believe they haven't got you a scan date. Fingers crossed it comes soon! Xxx

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery

I DOOO have my scan date now! It's next Friday (27th)!! :D I got impatient after my midwife appointment and phoned the hospital to ask about it. Haven't gotten my letter yet telling me what I need to do (ex: drink loads), but I'm sure that will get here tomorrow or Tuesday. :)
Congrats on another loss hope you feel better soon and good luck with the scan
Incredible loss again hun, you're a superstar. Ohhh I bet you're so excited for your scan, I'm excited for you! Eeeeeeek. How is it that you're smaller than me, and preggers, and losing more than me week in week out, no fair I tell you!!! X
Another Sunday! I've lost another 3 lbs and I've passed the 80 lbs lost mark which means I have less than 20 lbs to go to reach my 100 lb goal! :)

In other news (aka Baby) we had the dating scan done on Friday. Man was that uncomfortable! Had to have a full bladder and then she PUSHED ON IT with the ultrasound wand. Ugh! lol I posted in my pregnancy forum post, but I know some that read this haven't traveled over there, so I'll say it here too. :) Baby kept doing headstands (apparently my uterus is vertical instead of being slightly tilted to one side or the other), so they were unable to do the NT diagnosis (means I now have to get the QUAD blood test done), but Baby measured at 12w2d which is EXACTLY where they should have been, so YAAAY! We got to see two arms, two legs, two eyes and the heart beating! She said there was nothing from what she was looking at that gave her any concerns at all. Baby moved around a LOT too, even did some belly bounces 'cause she kept trying to make it move and Baby just wasn't cooperating. :p She said that it's already being naughty. lol I'll post the pictures here too! Otherwise, things are going well... starting to not feel as sicky, which makes me feel even better. :D Hope every one is well!
