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JennaMeri's Sleeve Journey

Amazing!! So happy for you xxx

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
Congrats on the loss and beautiful pics :) you must be happier now you seen bubble :) and so pleased your feeling better too ......... x x x x x
Okie dokes! So today was weigh-day, but as we've been at the Grand Prix all day I haven't had an opportunity to update 'til now. I've gained 0.8 lbs this week, which honestly, I'm not upset about, I've eaten LOADS this week (think Bubble was having a growth spurt, as I was starving every 20 mins)... and what loads I have eaten, haven't been some of the wisest choices. I'm able to keep some carbs down now, which helps with variety, but I also have never digested well (due to the PCOS) so if I eat them, I'm almost guaranteed to gain weight. Though, being that I'm pregnant and most pregnant persons have gained roughly 2 kilos by now, I'm definitely not going to complain about less than a pound. ;) I'd like to have lost 100 lbs by the time Bubble gets here, which means I have almost 6 months to lose less than 20 lbs. :) If I happen to gain weight, well, no biggie, I'll just start again from wherever I am after birth. Basically, I'm keeping track of my weight, but I'm not obsessing over it. It's a good place to be for me right now. :) Hope everyone is well!
Tiny gain ur doing so well still and sorry my man kimi caused the delay at the race
Well done Jen, that's nothing to worry about. Especially if you're aware you've been less than perfect with food. I have no such thing as a pefect week anymore, I am enjoying being able to eat regularly and still lose weight, so what if it's not 4lbs a week. I'd prefer my skin to shrink slowly, and not have the baggy skin. But you don't need to worry about that because you're going to have a beautiful, bouncing baby inside your tummy and everything else is insignificant!!! X
I wonder how much the bubble weight himself atm (including all his 'surroundings') :)

You are doing well :)
Apparently Bubble only weighs about 1.5 ounces (43g) just now. Won't weigh over a pound until about 22-23 weeks. Obviously, that's all depending on stuff (just taken from an averages chart). But, almost 3.5 inches from head to rump! lol I don't think I have much 'water weight' at the moment, and I definitely don't have a bump yet, so I don't think things weigh too much in there just yet. :p

I've calculated and I only have 56 work days left! Still four months of work, but because I only work three days a week it ends up only being about 2 months of actually going IN to work!! SO excited about that! lol

Hope every one is well!
Exciting times!! :D xx

Sent from my iPhone using WLSurgery
That IS exciting news, I can't wait to be on my countdown! haha, gosh seems like ages away until we can start trying, but is only 6 months at the end of this month :) x
Well, you could always pull a 'Me' and not try, but not prevent either and then get a real surprise. :p lol So far the first 14 weeks are the hardest part... ;) I just so happen to be 14 weeks today! Woohoo! At least I know my sense of humour hasn't left me completely yet. :p
Very sleepy today... should be my day off, but I had to switch today with tomorrow due to others needs. I don't mind really... just throws me off a bit. Though it's better than having to work four days in a row. Really do wish I could find a desk job... in my opinion, they are very underrated. People keep saying I'd get bored, but I'm most content with a ton of paperwork around me. Used to love it when my uni friends would come round and ask me to help them sort out their schedules for the next year or two. Schedule books all over, notes, their degree requirements and then sorting out the puzzle so that they could graduate in the shortest amount of time. It was great. :) I'm also very aware that I'm weird, so no worries if you read that and thought I was as well. ;)
Wish Bubble wasn't so hungry all the time... I feel like I eat for an army now as I'm constantly grazing and you're REALLY not supposed to do that. You only need a couple hundred extra calories a day in your THIRD trimester... but I'm hungry ALL THE TIME. I just finished a ginormous nectarine about 10 minutes ago and was so full I could barely breathe and yet now I'm basically starving again. :( Hopefully that will sort itself out a bit. Should probably return to work now.
Hope every one is well!
Haha, I'm sure a huge nectarine isn't going to kill you honey. Don't be so hard on yourself.

I won't start until January, I'll behave haha. It's hard though xx
So weigh day again. Down 1.8 lbs this week. Still can't figure out what I can/can't eat with this baby. Things I can eat today will make me sick to eat tomorrow and things that made me sick yesterday I'll be able to eat tomorrow. Makes buying what I need for lunches/dinners REALLY tricky. My typical staples include: cottage cheese, nectarines, peaches, (newly added) satsumas, yogurts, sweet popcorn and prawn cocktail flavoured crisps, and of course as much water as I can drink with a big glass of milk every other day (makes me sick if I drink it two days in a row). I'm having to experiment with meats, 'cause I'm finding it difficult to eat them... been trying peanuts instead to get some sort of protein in, but it's definitely not been easy. Today I've had:
Breakfast: fresh Pineapple chunks and about 5 peanuts
Snack: satsuma
Lunch: 4 breaded chicken mini-balls, 1 pepperoni pizza triangle (the picnic size ones) with about 4 teaspoons of cottage cheese
Snack: satsuma
Dinner: whole bag of sweet popcorn and 1 slice toast with 2 teaspoons cottage cheese and 4 salami thin slices
Snack: bag of shrimp cocktail crisps
The slice of toast made me feel sick, yet I ate an entire bag of popcorn and didn't feel like I'd eaten anything at all. (There was about 30-40 minutes between the popcorn and the toast). I really need to have more veggies, but I don't like raw veggies and it takes so long to cook things. Once I'm hungry I've basically waited too long to eat and have about 10 minutes to finish eating or I'll have such bad heartburn/nausea/indigestion that it takes the next three hours to get rid of it. I need things that are quick and easy, which most of my staples are. I s'pose I'll figure it out at some point.
Hope every one is well!
i know what you mean about it having to eat quickly once your hungry im the same! ive been having salads super quick to put together and ensures you get lots of roughage x x
Only quick if you have the stuff around to make them. We typically don't 'cause they end up going off before we eat it all and we end up wasting so much. :( I can't have the pre-made ones 'cause the dressing makes me sick. *sigh* If this kid turns out to be a fussy eater, I'm not going to be pleased.
Sadly thats pregnancy for you tastes can change hourly I dread to think how hard it is post wls but you seem to be doing as well as can be just trial and error to find the happy medium I guess but your doing fab still so congrats
I have the problem with salads going off before i finish the bag (as my husband only likes cooked veg). I found living plants helpful and if i buy a head of lettuce it keeps beter than those bagged salads. i always buy cooked beetroot, cucumber, tomatoes (now in summer they have all different colours; red, yellow orange, green) and some radishes. I add some cooked chicken or cheese and thats a salad done.

Not sure if they are suitable for after the op (the one i have is 0.1g of fat and 6g of sugar per 100g) but i buy grated pickled beetroot in a jar (from polish section from tesco or my local polish/lithuanian food shop) that helps with the lazy dinners too..i just drain the amount of beetroot i want (as the rest keeps better in the fridge in the jar in the juice it came with) and add some red onion if i want extra flavour and have it for dinner with my meet (goes lovely with meatloaf, pork, chicken) sometimes I just add some canned beanes, some onion (spring onions or chives) salt & pepper (could add some olive oil or sesame seed oil if i feel extra gourmet.., can add cucumber too if i feel i want a change.. Or processed peas. and then have that with chicken breast or with some feta cheese crumbled and some walnuts. (Do the same with cooked choped beetroot insead too as you can get those cooked in supermarkets.. just i get ones in natural juices.but i find the jared one has a different flavour so it is good for a change).

Also i chop tomatoes, cucumber, radish and some onion (or chives), some salt and pepper..then add a spoon (depends on how much you need sometimes only a teaspoon is enough) of low fat buttermilk or half fat sourcream or 0% fat natural youghurt that makes a nice summer salad for dinner to go with your chicken breast. Or even can be eaten alone.. You can add some rougly sliced/torn lettuce or spinach to the mix too.

Hope someone else help you with more ideas.
Weigh day again... down 1.4 lbs. It's also my 6 month surgiversary and I've lost exactly 6 stone! Only 16 lbs away from 100 lbs lost. We're going away for a wedding next weekend. Should be fun... minus not being able to drink, and feeling crappy in the heat. lol And we'll be leaving for the US in about a month for my sister's wedding. Inbetween those weddings I have an appointment with my midwife (should get to hear the heartbeat!), one with the consultant (find out if he thinks I'm high risk enough to need extra scans) and my 20 week scan (MIGHT find out if it's a boy/girl!)! And there's Hubby's birthday... which I still need to buy something for him. We're going away for a weekend just after his birthday and I'm taking him to Wroxham miniature world (he's huge on model trains and lego... yeah, he's a little bit of a big kid, but takes it VERY seriously) and just hang out on the beach for a couple days to relax before our big, stressful trip to see my family. Things should calm down a bit after we get back from the US... and the weather should be a bit cooler as well, so I might not feel quite so uncomfortable.
Hope every one else is doing well!
Oh so good you have lots to do :) will help you to pass the time quicker :) hope your trip to see your family will not be as stressfull as you think it might :)

I am a bit jealous of the beach bit to be honest!!! :) :) husband is stuck at work atm so cant go anywhere.. :) would love to spend at least one day on a sandy beach!

Enjoy every minute of you and your husband being together just two of you :)
lol... Honestly, I don't have the energy... but I also can't just let Life go on around me without participating, so I nap for 10 mins when I can, take breaks and do what I can in between. At least I know my blood levels should be alright since I'm never exhausted at the end of the day. In fact even with getting up at 5:30 in the mornings I can't fall asleep until gone 11 at night. Annoying, but that's how it is for now. :)