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May Surgery anyone?


I'm going to purchase some ear plugs for the hospital so I can't hear you snorers :) :) :)

Good luck everyone :)

i snore, i know because my husband records it on his phone and thinks that if he plays it back......by some miracle.....i will snore no more :-(
Well i am still sticking with the pre op and so far 7lb down. This time next week i will be on my way to the Czech Republic, i am excited and looking forward to it.
I guess may is going to be a busy month for surgery but there will be plenty of support for all of us :) xx
:D you just made me laugh out loud. Bless how their minds work. x
Fantastic! I'm May 21st! Would be great to share the experience with you guys. I'm getting a bit anxious but at the same time it couldn't come soon enough I wish it would just hurry up and get here and I can stop thinking about it! What pre-op diet are you on?

I've been told to do the Milk diet 1 week pre-op. I'm vegetarian and stressing about how I'm going to get enough protein after the surgery.. and what I'm going to actually eat!

Doing the milk diet too! I understand the yogurt and milk is all protein. But not sure after surgery what is possible. I think Porridge was on the list which is milk too so maybe some thing along those lines as the meat soups are out for you. Don't forget to ring your dietician today.. tell them what you are worrying about ie. wondering what you should get in as you don't eat meat. I am sure they will have some good tips for you.
Good luck. Have you tried googling your question too?
Really good luck ooh we all will be on the milk diet about the same time too!
kat x
I used to snore horrendously but a bizarre side effect of my bypass is that I stopped snoring almost immediately!!! ;) x
Ooh maybe that will work for us too! x
I'm due for a gastric bypass on May 6th.
Today is my first day of pre op milk diet and I truly hate it. Hate all that liquid washing my stomach. Suffering from nausea since my first half litre of milk this morning.
I'm vegetarian too and was thinking of buying a tub of whey proteins for the post op diet. They are extracted from milk and I'm not vegan so I can have them.
Good luck to you too ! I think I will get some ear plugs too! I wonder if the flight ones will do the same?


Oooh I don't know, definitely going to get some now though :) xx
I'm due for a gastric bypass on May 6th.
Today is my first day of pre op milk diet and I truly hate it. Hate all that liquid washing my stomach. Suffering from nausea since my first half litre of milk this morning.
I'm vegetarian too and was thinking of buying a tub of whey proteins for the post op diet. They are extracted from milk and I'm not vegan so I can have them.

Awww bless ya hun. I hope it gets better for you, it's the first day and the first couple of days will be the worse. Chin up, you can do it :) x
Good luck Kimboski, am sure your nerves will settle x
I was just told to follow a low carb high protien

Doh, trigger happy....
Diet, so I just decided to do slim fast, I have a shake and yoghurt in the morning, a shake at lunch and then a meagre meal on the evening tonight it was a very small aldi plate gammon, and 2 dry fried lovely yolky eggs (they were nice) some days I have a slim fast meal bar instead of a shake

Good luck everyone :) xx
hi i am being banded at dolan park with mr super on 20th may. Have asked if i can do cambridge diet instead of milk diet, and they are more than happy with that, as you get all your vitamins and nutrients xx
Thanks SleeveGirl!
Hope tomorrow will be better because I'm still working this week. I couldn't really get an early sick leave.
Wednesday it's public holiday in Italy and then it's only 2 more working days.
Anyway, I didn't try any more milk today. Went on stock cubes and protein supplement and I'm feeling much better. Will retry milk tomorrow (with coffee or chocolate protein supplement I bought today).
Thanks SleeveGirl!
Hope tomorrow will be better because I'm still working this week. I couldn't really get an early sick leave.
Wednesday it's public holiday in Italy and then it's only 2 more working days.
Anyway, I didn't try any more milk today. Went on stock cubes and protein supplement and I'm feeling much better. Will retry milk tomorrow (with coffee or chocolate protein supplement I bought today).

Glad you're feeling better Bally :) Not long to go :)
Hiya hun, I think we just get the vitamin tablets, I don't no myself which ones would be best I guess the A to Z vitamins are the right ones. I have just had a look at my letter and I am in the same ward C31. I have to go in at 2.30pm

hehe just read this. I will see on the 20th if not before at pre op. I am hoping to be on crutches and not wheelchair by then. last knee dislocation was Tuesday last week. So fingers crossed No more for a while. Ha else they will need a crane to get me onto the operating table! xx

Feel bit sickie today. ONe Day to go pre op:help2: Really really nervous today. more about the dratted scales than anything. Lots of water drinking today.
Hope you are doing ok Caraline and nerves are ok too?
kat x
I'm due for a gastric bypass on May 6th.
Today is my first day of pre op milk diet and I truly hate it. Hate all that liquid washing my stomach. Suffering from nausea since my first half litre of milk this morning.
I'm vegetarian too and was thinking of buying a tub of whey proteins for the post op diet. They are extracted from milk and I'm not vegan so I can have them.

Aw Hope you feel better soon Bally. Fingers crossed for you xx It will be worth it once you are post op. Huge hugs
Kat x
Morning South beach, I am actually feeling OK. which I am surprised about. I have got my weight down some more which is good. I was panicking but I have managed it. I forgot I had some water tablets in the cupboard, which have come in handy lol. I am so sorry to hear about your knee. God that must be so painful x
Couldn't make it to work this morning. I phoned and took a day off. I'm feeling shaky and need to pee every 5 minutes. Losing liquids is part of the pre op diet, I suppose?
Pre op Day

Morning South beach, I am actually feeling OK. which I am surprised about. I have got my weight down some more which is good. I was panicking but I have managed it. I forgot I had some water tablets in the cupboard, which have come in handy lol. I am so sorry to hear about your knee. God that must be so painful x

Congrats hon x
thats really good news. I lost more weight too. Passed today. Big sigh of relief. So roll on May 20th for admission. How did today go for you? Hope all went well. Had nurse vicky today who was very efficent. She tried to look for veins while I was having my blood pressure taken! Needless to say it went up! But went back to normal once she stopped poking my arm. Really glad that is done. Now just the milk diet to look forward to.:bliss:

Well gotta look into a new bathroom now as I fell this morning and my chair went through the bath side! My poor hubby has another diy job for one of his rare days off :(

Fingers crossed all went well for you too.
Kat x
Couldn't make it to work this morning. I phoned and took a day off. I'm feeling shaky and need to pee every 5 minutes. Losing liquids is part of the pre op diet, I suppose?

aww bally,
Hope you are feeling a little better.