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May Surgery anyone?

I'm a sleeve, the only needles I had we're 2 days in tummy and trust me I felt such a fake screwing my face at something I really did not feel, and a couple at the bottom of my back, well my bum I suppose and they were pretty insignificant as well( you wouldn't have thought so the way I reacted before getting them though :-( ) xx
Another May surgery here, I am having the sleeve on May 22nd, just found out yesterday that I have the H. pylori bacteria of the stomach. Started the antibiotics. Anyone else have this problem? This may push my surgery date to June.
Good luck hun x
Good luck Ready4Life2 Hope all is well x
Another May surgery here, I am having the sleeve on May 22nd, just found out yesterday that I have the H. pylori bacteria of the stomach. Started the antibiotics. Anyone else have this problem? This may push my surgery date to June.

I had that. It was cleared up in a week with 2 lots of tablets and something else that I can't remember (helpful I know!).
I'm so nervous too, keep having doubts... I start my pre op on Monday/Tuesday x
Hi everyone, I bet everyone is getting excited, panicky, stressed. But I am sure we are all doing it for the right reasons. today is my 2nd day of milk diet. and I am feeling sort of ok today. Feel like I have baby brain though :werd: for some strange reason. but I think it might be with me not eating like the way I used too. Roll on day 3 tomorrow and for those who is starting the milk diet next week. Make sure you drink plenty of water of sugar free pop :waterbottle:
Morning all Day three of milk diet and have lost weight! Had to get some lift from feeling so lousy. Yesterday was better. I have found that if I make sure some form of milk or fruit or water is in me every two hours I cope better and I had the banana for breakfast yesterday which made a huge difference to tummy growls! Good luck all on the milk diet and fingers crossed we will all be skinny minis next year :) and super healthy.
Morning Kat, How you doing hun. Yesterday was a bit better for me. but I guess today is supposed to be the worse. It seems a bit so unreal watching the weight just drop off with this milk diet, doesn't it. never-mind a week come Monday and it will soon be over with. and I managed to make veggie soup yesterday! and with me been so hungry just having something hot. it was soooo nice x
Morning Kat, How you doing hun. Yesterday was a bit better for me. but I guess today is supposed to be the worse. It seems a bit so unreal watching the weight just drop off with this milk diet, doesn't it. never-mind a week come Monday and it will soon be over with. and I managed to make veggie soup yesterday! and with me been so hungry just having something hot. it was soooo nice x

Good morning Caraline. I am good thank you hon. How are you? Congrats on the soup btw. Which receipe did you go for? I found it funny how hunger makes it the best veggie soup ever! I phoned the dietician and we can have garlic and ginger and chicken stock cube in our soups too. I can not remember if I updated on here that info. Brain not so with it ;)
I have joined that myfitness pal site to keep track of calories. As it is free. I did use one before that I paid for. Wonder how many calories we are getting a day. I guess its training our bodies for post op when we will be fluids and protein. What are your plans for today? Do you find you are getting tired quicker?
Hope you have a good day hon. Yep roll on 20th just want to get it all done now. ;)
I'm so nervous too, keep having doubts... I start my pre op on Monday/Tuesday x

Aww good luck sleeve girl. All I can say is preparation makes it a lot easier. Are you doing the milk diet too? If so I found sainsbury's do 4 pints cartons while asda was all litres. They have handy marks on the side of the skimmed I guess semi would be the same. I just pour out a pint in the morning for hubbys milk for porridge and coffees rest of bottle is my days allowance. I got 12 pints in So I can keep my 3 pints separate to him. I would of got more but wasnt sure how much our fridge would hold! Sainsbury's had 10days on their use by date.
I am getting tried a lot more yes. Makes a change been ready for bed on a night, as usually am a wake all night. Yes that soup was lovely I kept some over for today, But I will have to make more. I only did a small amount just in-case it didn't turn out right. Just getting ready to go to Yorkshire then I will be home all day x
I'm due to have bi pass on 20 th may I'm nearly do e one week of pre op diet but I'm glad mine was not a milk diet mine is food and very little milk. Love to speak to people who are at my stage and others who know the ropes please thx