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So…it's really happening!

Hi all, I hope you are all doing well :) So...seven weeks post bypass for me yesterday. I had my follow up appointment with the team at sunderland today which went rather well. Everyone is happy with my progress and weight loss and I got the go ahead to start with stage three normal food from today! Hurrah!! It is also weigh day today and I finally made it under 200lb... just by one pound but that makes my total loss 45lb now and only 5lb to go to my next mini target...yay :p

Great news sunshine xx
Hi all, I hope you are all doing well :)

So...seven weeks post bypass for me yesterday. I had my follow up appointment with the team at sunderland today which went rather well. Everyone is happy with my progress and weight loss and I got the go ahead to start with stage three normal food from today! Hurrah!!

It is also weigh day today and I finally made it under 200lb... just by one pound but that makes my total loss 45lb now and only 5lb to go to my next mini target...yay :p

Fantastic news Sunshine, well done xx
Hi all, I hope you are all doing well :)

So...seven weeks post bypass for me yesterday. I had my follow up appointment with the team at sunderland today which went rather well. Everyone is happy with my progress and weight loss and I got the go ahead to start with stage three normal food from today! Hurrah!!

It is also weigh day today and I finally made it under 200lb... just by one pound but that makes my total loss 45lb now and only 5lb to go to my next mini target...yay :p

Very pleased for you well done for all the hard work hun xx
Thanks guys! your support is much appreciated. :D

I have decided it is time to step up my activity levels. I got a Fitbit for my birthday last month and I have set that up with advice on what my goals should be at the moment from my bariatric team when I saw them on Monday. I also got advice about diet targets from the dietician which I have set up in myfitnesspal which I am finding fab. It keeps count of your calorie intake and you can set your own calorie target so it counts for you. You can also set protein, carb and fat targets which I find really helpful as it works out what you have had from the foods you have ate. So with these two tools I WILL become more healthy!

The worrying thing is the fitbit also tracks your sleep. My husband has sleep issues and wakes me during the night some times. I thought it was bad at the minute as I am constantly tired but did not realise just how bad...7 times I was woken last night....no wonder I am like mrs grump today :(
Yesterday was 8 weeks post surgery for me...47lb down now!

Things are going ok. I have had a few dumping episodes over the past week on my return to normal foods. Might I just add, dumping is the pits!!!

Iv also got a cold so feeling a bit sorry for myself but cracking on with things. I hope everyone else is getting on well x
Dumping is terrible I felt rotten all day yesterday after I dumped after breakfast! X

Hi Sally,

It is such a horrible feeling. I guess it is just a case of trial and error at the moment as to what foods are going to make it happen but it's starting to make me nervous about eating at all. How are you getting on? X
Yesterday was 8 weeks post surgery for me...47lb down now!

Things are going ok. I have had a few dumping episodes over the past week on my return to normal foods. Might I just add, dumping is the pits!!!

Iv also got a cold so feeling a bit sorry for myself but cracking on with things. I hope everyone else is getting on well x

Wow sunshine 47lb down!! U must be very pleased. I must say im 5 weeks post op and have had a few dumpin episodes. Its not pleasent. I get really bad back pain lol xx

Hope everyone is well... how u gettin on sally x
Doing well thanks feel really well although tired last. Few days but that could be cos ive started to swim again. Back to gym next week too got another sick note from Gp as I work 14 hour shifts or nights and don't feel ready for that yet! How are you? Xx
Hi Sally, It is such a horrible feeling. I guess it is just a case of trial and error at the moment as to what foods are going to make it happen but it's starting to make me nervous about eating at all. How are you getting on? X

I'm the same constantly worried I'll dump but you just never know I'd had bran flakes all week then on day 6 I dumped??? X
Its strange isnt it. Im bk to the gym too. This is my second week. Ive been workin along side my partner coz hes been showin me the weight machines properly! As i dont have a clue lol. For toning up. My cardio is alot better too. Can run a bit longer but i have to keep stoppin to pull me pants up!!! Ive not long had them either haha. Im sure u will be fine at gym hun. Ive ordered a dvd called PIYO too. Its pilates and yoga mixed with cardio. For tightenin up xx
Hi all,

It is good to see that everyones doing well :)

The gym... my next nemesis! I was (and expect still am) a gym lover. I had a really horrible experience a few months before surgery in the gym where I felt ill, went blue and lost consciousness. I have not been able to bring myself to go back since then. I am terrified to say the least. I am trying to convince myself that I need to get over this and back in there but it is difficult. I am rapidly approaching my next mini target of 50b loss so I think I might make returning to the gym my next target (with a lovely reward for achieving of course).
So...I was 9 weeks post opp yesterday and today I am over the moon to be able to say... I have hit my mini target of 50lb lost! I am delighted :)
Thats amazing sunshine, well done.. bet ur over the moon with that. Im 6 weeks post op nd have lost 2 nd a half stone. I see dietitains next thursday im really hopin my scales r wrong and have lost more lol. As i feel like ive lost more xx
Is everyones mini target 50lbs? Or did u set that urself?x
Thats amazing sunshine, well done.. bet ur over the moon with that. Im 6 weeks post op nd have lost 2 nd a half stone. I see dietitains next thursday im really hopin my scales r wrong and have lost more lol. As i feel like ive lost more xx Is everyones mini target 50lbs? Or did u set that urself?x

Wow well done vicky, does that include liver shrinking diet? X
That's fab how's the gym going? I've got induction tomorrow. How you getting on? X

Really well. I was moanin coz tge weight wasnt shifting from my hips. My partner said give it time ots not gonna happen overnight. But lookin at them today tgey have gone down loads. Good luck with gym. Ive had a day off today but will be goin all week x