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The Banders Saturday Weigh In

Hello all.

I lost another 2lbs this week, taking my weight to 131lbs ( 9st 5lbs) - Good luck to everyone this week. xxx
Hi. Hope it's ok to join... Might cure me of my scales obsession! Op last Saturday. Lost 11lb but have been post op on fluids so don't expect that to continue! Lol.. Still nice to see :) :)
Hi ladies!
I didn't post last week so my two week update is 2lb last week and 3lb this week so five lost in total. That brings my total loss since surgery (7weeks ago) to 1 stone 5 and my total loss overall since just before pre-op to 2 stone 5! I've also lost two dress sizes and am looking forward to hitting the 12's!

flutterby1966 said:
Well done on the losses ladies and for anyone who has had a blip ... think of me last week 4lbs on (I do think part of it was water retention but definitely I over ate as well)...but I managed to drop it this week, so there's no need to let things get you down.

A regain of focus and posting my daily intake on one of our other threads, definitely helped me. It may help you both too Mis and Sophie. You CAN do it xxxxxxx

Okay okay, I stayed the same!! Lol... Not the most awful thing in the world but I've been eating really well and exercising, getting my 2litres etc. I was hoping for a loss and admittedly I do weigh every morning and it's really got me down this week. So last night I had a quadrouple chocolate cupcake and it was bloody lovely!!!!!!!!
I'm going to hide the scales away until next Saturday becuase it's amazing how much it's effected my mood. Xx
Hi ladies!
I didn't post last week so my two week update is 2lb last week and 3lb this week so five lost in total. That brings my total loss since surgery (7weeks ago) to 1 stone 5 and my total loss overall since just before pre-op to 2 stone 5! I've also lost two dress sizes and am looking forward to hitting the 12's!

I'm joining in! 1 week post op...well, 6 days to be exact. I've lost 12 whole pounds!! I'm sure I'll put some back on because I'm only on liquids at the moment but it has made me feel positive about the band for the first time since I've had the op.

What I don't understand is how you put weight on when you have a band. We can't (well, when we have restriction) consume as much as we used to and I thought if we burned off more cals than we ate, we'd lose weight? I hope to gawd that this works for me because there's no point in having it otherwise is there? And it stays there forever!

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Alcohol for one slips thru perfectly and so does chocolate! And at that without any restriction! I had couple of bad days at Xmas (not eating healthily) and 2.5lb went on immediately! Guess its like when we have previously dieted..then we come off the diet, go back to eating crap and we put it all back on plus more quickly.

Our body adapts to smaller intake yes so you can no longer stuff a whole pizza down but without the healthy eating and exercise its no miracle worker....bad choices will still play havoc!!!

Just half a pound for me. Hardly feeling any restriction at the moment and have a fill Friday so hoping to be back on track in the next week or so. I say 'or so' as went out last night and had one of two sherbets!

Michelle - fantastic loss, go girl! x
Which ww meeting do u go to sharon? I was thinking of joining ww for the ongoing support and ideas for new recipes etc. I reckon I still have about ten percent if my weight to loose. How much weight do u need to loose to become a gold member?
Can you believe I actually forgot about alcohol! It's been weeks since I had a drink - I must be mad! I think I was focussing on the food aspect - I'm missing it so much!

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flutterby1966 said:
Which ww meeting do u go to sharon? I was thinking of joining ww for the ongoing support and ideas for new recipes etc. I reckon I still have about ten percent if my weight to loose. How much weight do u need to loose to become a gold member?

I go to SW at Lyppard Centre on a Thursday night at 6.30. Really like the woman as been to a couple before and the leaders just read out how much weight everyone has lost and that takes up the whole time. Not sure about the Gold member criteria. I'll dig the book out later and have a look.
Ok.. well only 1lb off for me this week.. it was 2 earlier in the week but i guess I can't get away from eating chocolates on Valentine's day can I. Head straight for this next week now and not eating crap.!! ;);)
I only lost 1lb this week :-( I'm 2 weeks post op with no fill so I hope I don't gain before the fill. I keep thinking what if my band hasn't worked?!

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3lb off for me this week :) .....(thank god that packet of haribo's didnt seek revenge)! Oopsie! :D Happy with that...hit 4 n half stone now, so now to crack on upto 5 stone last..no rest for the wicked :)

Karen: I lost 6lb when I was 2wk out but on the 3rd week only half a pound...which is hardly worth it...quite a few seem to have little action around this point....youve shocked your body...by not eating solids etc..its missing all those takeaways..cakes etc..so dont panic...! 1lb is still a loss and more will come off for sure in the coming weeks!! x
Didn't weigh this week (weigh thursday nights) as had to pick daughter up from my mum and dads as its half term. Will wait until next week now rather than go on my own scales so will weigh same time same place. Had a fill yesterday so hoping to get back on track. Had Zumba for the Wii this week, didn't follow the steps very well but was knackered afterwards so I suppose that's what counts.

Well done to the losers x