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The Banders Saturday Weigh In

Hi all .STS this week .I'm beginning to worry I'm not losing enough weight .It's 10 weeks since my band op and I lost a stone initially and 7lb s more since then .I'm up to 4.5 mils in the band but I don't feel much restriction yet .Is this normal and how much does the fills go up to .I would Ne really grateful for any info .Thanks Liz x
Morning all, we're away for a couple of nights as of later today so I'm weighing in a day early. 1.5 pounds off this time, only 1 pound to go to get my BMI below 30 and to be overweight. It'll be lovely to get rid of the obese tag! Happy Easter everyone! X x
Hi all .STS this week .I'm beginning to worry I'm not losing enough weight .It's 10 weeks since my band op and I lost a stone initially and 7lb s more since then .I'm up to 4.5 mils in the band but I don't feel much restriction yet .Is this normal and how much does the fills go up to .I would Ne really grateful for any info .Thanks Liz x

Hi Liz, for me it's taken my 3rd fill to really feel this elusive restriction and I think I now have around 6.5 ml in my 10ml band. I only had the third fill around 5 weeks ago. I have lost weight slowly compared to some (61.5 pounds in 15 months) but I'm happy with how it's going. I thought to myself that if it takes 2 years to get to where I want to be then so be it - after all it took nearly 20 to put the weight on!

Of course we are all different but I hope this has helped. X
Mel, thats brill. You will get there soon xxx

Scottt - as we all say, our bodies are different and the bands work differently for each of us. Even our providers give us different bands/fill levels/food guidance. For me, I reached a stage where my weight stayed the same for a while - it worked for me, to increase my calories and protein. I have always counted calories, and my restriction is not so great as for other banders. I certainly can still eat a large plateful of food rather than a tea plate - so I just have to try to make the right food choices. I am not perfect, but I have found what works for me, so I am going to stick with it. I walk my dogs, but dont do any other special exercise (shame on me) - but I really want to have a lifestyle that fits in with me, for the longer term, that way I think I am more likely to be able to maintain the loss. I had a 7ml fill in my 14ml band the first time, but then after that its been 1/2-1ml as and when required. I would add, that while I do not rely on the band to tell me when to stop eating, it does keep me feeling fuller for longer and certainly stops me eating as much as a I used to do. You will get there xxx
Hi thanks so much for you messages I really appreciate your input . I still eat so much less than before ,I think I'm panicking needlessly ,I have another fill in 2weeks and they said it's usually the 6 ml mark in a 10 ml band that makes the difference .I'm the same as in I'm only hoping to get the next 2.5 stone of by Xmas this year .I have binned the scales and just get weighed at boots once a week now . On the plus side my work clothes finally fit me properly again and i'm never actually hungry oh and I don't eat bread anymore ( I was a toast aholic ) thanks again Liz xxx
I used to be a bread and toast aholic so I am very happy my band does not like bread! It gets stuck! No great shakes though, as I don't really miss it to be honest. The thing I would miss most is lots of fresh veg, which is why I prefer to have maybe a little less restriction than some banders but still to be able to eat plenty of those. Sad but true.

Anyway, I was due a sts or small gain week this week, and that's what happened...STS :D

Good luck all my fellow banders in their check-ins today. I am off to buy my Easter treat, Cadbury cream egg ... :devilangel:
Toast for breakfast, sandwich at lunch, toast while dinner cooks, toast for supper...,yep that was me....however it came I lived on it..crumpets, teacakes, waffles, uncut, tiger, bloomer, French stick you name it but never wholemeal lol which is all I have now...1 slice of wholemeal at the most each day (and that's not everyday) ...oh how life changes!

Quite often crave French stick with butter but my band soon reminds me it's a no go...which is bitter sweet :)

happy days :)
Hi All :wavey:

ALthough I have my own weigh in thread, I feel it'd be nice to add to this one too.

So I'll start with my current weight - 260.4lbs
Glad to hear the toast/ bread thing is the same for others .I don't miss it at all or maybe just the convenience when out and about .Soups always a good alternative .Thanks again for all the comments it really helps to know these things are normal .Liz x
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5lbs off for me this week! That last fill did the trick and I now weigh 12st 5. I've lost around 23lbs in the 2 months since my op. My goal is 10st 7 so I don't have too far to go.

What I have found since the fill is that I've had stuck episodes quite often with meat. I had one bite of chicken today and had to go and be sick. I've been sick about 4 times since my fill 2 weeks ago. I hate the feeling but I guess I need to eat meat in a softer form.

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1lb off for me this week! Hurray....considering it was Easter weekend last weekend and I drank my bodyweight in alcoholic beverages it was a stupendous weightloss! Holidays are never going to be easy for me- just happy I lost really :)
2lb weight loss for me. Total loss since my band now 25lb. Pleased with progress. :)
5 pounds since Monday is awesome. Once again well done all you losers :)
Yeah, if only every week were the same ay!
I am doing a dinner party tonight though so it'll probably all be back on by the morning! Hehe xx
2lbs off for me this week. Eventually after 3 weeks of sts. Must have been water retention clinging to those big bad ones! I have been increasing calories over the past month which has been / is a little frightening when i am so used to losing weight. This week average of 1360 per day. If I can lose my last 5lbs to get me to my 12st goal, by losing 2lbs a month now I would still be mega happy.

Best of luck everyone x
Hi all .I had a fill on thursday I'm now up to 5.75 mls in a 10 ml band .The difference is amazing .I've lost 2 lb since then so in really chuffed .well done everybody else . Liz x