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Walsall Massive Support Group

Oh no dreaded photos, i will just hide at the back as I always do so you can just see my head :)
Well anyone who doesnt want their picture taken i wont :)
ill be hideing to i have a phobia about photoes have since i was a kid silly i know lol there are no pics of me since i was a kid . I am dreading my sons wedding . i am not eaven on my sisters wedding pics last year lol . looking forward to seeing everyone again tomoz x hope snow does not stop it .
Rachel as long as you don't point it at me we should still be bff at the end of the evening :) xx
Hi guys, not sure if anyone remembers me, but i was on here abit last year, hoping to share my story with you....but i'm afraid i lost hope as i was told that there was no funding from walsall pct and that was that, my hope shattered. Well good news at last, nearly 7 months since going to see my GP i finally have my first appointment at walsall manor on the 16th march. Its been a long time coming, but i don't care, it's hopefully gonna be worth the wait.
Can anyone share with me what happens at this first appointment, it says in my letter that it'll take 2 - 3 hours?
Just letting you guys know. Tonights meeting is being prosponed to same time same place next week due to this awful weather. I will however be online for a while tonight on msn using the new Walsall massive email. So if anyone wants a chat please feel free xxx

[email protected]
Sorry to have to cancel the meeting for tonight - but as the weather is not brilliant and we do not want to put any of you lovely people in danger the meeting will take place usual time next Friday at my place at 7.30.

It will give you Eastender fans the chance not to miss tonight's live programme!!!

Again i am sorry for the short notice but i look forward to seeing you all next week so until then i am sending you all hugs and fairy dust to keep warm and smiling xx
Hi guys, not sure if anyone remembers me, but i was on here abit last year, hoping to share my story with you....but i'm afraid i lost hope as i was told that there was no funding from walsall pct and that was that, my hope shattered. Well good news at last, nearly 7 months since going to see my GP i finally have my first appointment at walsall manor on the 16th march. Its been a long time coming, but i don't care, it's hopefully gonna be worth the wait.
Can anyone share with me what happens at this first appointment, it says in my letter that it'll take 2 - 3 hours?

A kind soul pointed me in your direction.

Can I ask how you managed to get this far? So far I've hit a blank wall with the PCT. I even sent a text message to Mr. Khan yesterday asking if part funding was a viable option and he replied and said they don't even do that.

Cheers x
Hi guys, not sure if anyone remembers me, but i was on here abit last year, hoping to share my story with you....but i'm afraid i lost hope as i was told that there was no funding from walsall pct and that was that, my hope shattered. Well good news at last, nearly 7 months since going to see my GP i finally have my first appointment at walsall manor on the 16th march. Its been a long time coming, but i don't care, it's hopefully gonna be worth the wait.
Can anyone share with me what happens at this first appointment, it says in my letter that it'll take 2 - 3 hours?

Sarah that is brilliant. I did here that Walsall were going to provide some fundinf for Walsall folk this year, I am so please for you.

My first appointment I saw Dr Hartland and Ana the bariatric nurse who go through previous medical history, tell you about the proceedure that kind of thing. Then I saw the dietician.

After that I have to have a 4 month cooling off period before my next appointment which is when you tell them what proceedure you want. Howver some folk on here have said recently that the 4 month cooling off period is going, so this may speed things up for you.
Sorry to have to cancel the meeting for tonight - but as the weather is not brilliant and we do not want to put any of you lovely people in danger the meeting will take place usual time next Friday at my place at 7.30.

It will give you Eastender fans the chance not to miss tonight's live programme!!!

Again i am sorry for the short notice but i look forward to seeing you all next week so until then i am sending you all hugs and fairy dust to keep warm and smiling xx

Thanks Topsy, looking forward to seeing you next week.
Hi guys, not sure if anyone remembers me, but i was on here abit last year, hoping to share my story with you....but i'm afraid i lost hope as i was told that there was no funding from walsall pct and that was that, my hope shattered. Well good news at last, nearly 7 months since going to see my GP i finally have my first appointment at walsall manor on the 16th march. Its been a long time coming, but i don't care, it's hopefully gonna be worth the wait.
Can anyone share with me what happens at this first appointment, it says in my letter that it'll take 2 - 3 hours?

Hi Sarah

I remember you. Congrats on gettin further in the system. Fingers crossed you'll be done by the end of the year x Welcome back
Hi guys, not sure if anyone remembers me, but i was on here abit last year, hoping to share my story with you....but i'm afraid i lost hope as i was told that there was no funding from walsall pct and that was that, my hope shattered. Well good news at last, nearly 7 months since going to see my GP i finally have my first appointment at walsall manor on the 16th march. Its been a long time coming, but i don't care, it's hopefully gonna be worth the wait.
Can anyone share with me what happens at this first appointment, it says in my letter that it'll take 2 - 3 hours?

Hi Sarah - its lovely to hear from you again. congratulations on getting your foot on the ladder. I was one of the first to have to go through the cooling off period and the whole process took 9 months from my first appointment in January to my op in October. Sambucca didn't have to 'cool off'. Her first appointment was one week before mine yet our op date was only five weeks apart so it doesn't make that much difference really. You've come so far and been through so much, you really deserve this.
The first appointment is nothing to worry about. You will probably see dr. Hartland and Ana the bariatric nurse. They simply go through the procedure with you and make sure you understand the op. They will discuss the pre-op diet and ask you to try to lose a bit of weight. You will probably be sent along to Easibook for bloods. Mxx
Topsy is it okay if i bring my stepdaughter along next Friday? Only we deliberately haven't had her this weekend because of the meet and then the snow rained on our parade.. She is extremely quiet and well behaved as Lisa, Wendy and Rachel all know from our coffee meet... Trevor was looking forward to coming along and listening to everyone, he is considering wls to get rid of his apnoea (and the extra 7 stone the gp said he is carrying lol) x
Topsy is it okay if i bring my stepdaughter along next Friday? Only we deliberately haven't had her this weekend because of the meet and then the snow rained on our parade.. She is extremely quiet and well behaved as Lisa, Wendy and Rachel all know from our coffee meet... Trevor was looking forward to coming along and listening to everyone, he is considering wls to get rid of his apnoea (and the extra 7 stone the gp said he is carrying lol) x

I will vouch for Julies lovely step daughter give her a mobile phone to play with and you forget shes there....... Trevor on the other hand:rolleyes:
I will vouch for Julies lovely step daughter give her a mobile phone to play with and you forget shes there....... Trevor on the other hand:rolleyes:

I cannot argue with the truth (where's the saint smiley? i need a halo) xx
Went all the way there as didnt get the mess must have scolled to fast. Didnt want to knock as the lady didnt look like your picture. If it was you sorry but as no-one else turned up I didnt want to knock. Just let me know if it was you looking I was parked outside for awhile whilst hubby checked (or not) for me he could see anything.
Hopefully will be able to get next week at least the couple hours out i managed to calm down as hugely stressfull day. I did resist the urge for a Macy d's so that was good.
See you soon
Could someone pm their mobile number so can text to make sure its on and I get the right house next week thanks in advance

Sorry for being a der brain must have been a baby brain moment yet again

Went all the way there as didnt get the mess must have scolled to fast. Didnt want to knock as the lady didnt look like your picture. If it was you sorry but as no-one else turned up I didnt want to knock. Just let me know if it was you looking I was parked outside for awhile whilst hubby checked (or not) for me he could see anything.
Hopefully will be able to get next week at least the couple hours out i managed to calm down as hugely stressfull day. I did resist the urge for a Macy d's so that was good.
See you soon
Could someone pm their mobile number so can text to make sure its on and I get the right house next week thanks in advance

Sorry for being a der brain must have been a baby brain moment yet again


I've sent you mine Moonflower and i agree with your comment about Leslie. I sat at the last meeting for half an hour before someone mentioned her name on here and i thought no way! Originally i thought 'who's this skinny bird and why's she here lol' .... Btw she is very lovely xx
Cheers Julie
