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Walsall Massive Support Group

Thanks for the warm welcome back to minimins, i almost feel guilty for leaving in the first place. I just got so fed up with not being able to contribute with a story of my own and when i finally found out that walsall weren't funding then my hopes were shattered. i really hope as i've now recieved an appointment this means they are now funding again...lets hope anyway. Thanks for all your comments, it's lovely to come back and see how far you've all come with your weight loss, you're all an inspiration to me x:thankyou:
Cause you can Jul - bring her along she will be more than welcome xx
Sorry Moonflower - yes it was me (i think???) you should have come in and had a cup of tea and a warm it was a cold night. See you next week - sending you hugs and fairy dust for your troubles xx
Am very pleased for you Sarah, as we all know the end of the financial year is upon us and Walsall Manor obviously know 'new' money comes into the pot in April....

Glad to have you back, if you can't manage the Walsall support group meetup yet maybe we could meet for a coffee? It would be nice for you to have another friend on the journey and well to be honest as lovely as i am (blows own trumpet) i could do with some lovely friends as i'm still very new to Wolverhampton :) Have pm'd you and hope you feel up to meeting xx
Will hopefully have some good news next week for everyone :D
Am very pleased for you Sarah, as we all know the end of the financial year is upon us and Walsall Manor obviously know 'new' money comes into the pot in April....

Glad to have you back, if you can't manage the Walsall support group meetup yet maybe we could meet for a coffee? It would be nice for you to have another friend on the journey and well to be honest as lovely as i am (blows own trumpet) i could do with some lovely friends as i'm still very new to Wolverhampton :) Have pm'd you and hope you feel up to meeting xx

I feel totally frustrated by Walsall PCT :(
whats up cah-ching?

I'm not one of your group sorry. I think I was "thinking out loud" so to speak. I'm not post or pre-op. I didn'teven get that far with my GP - she didn't have a clue, the nurse fobbed me off and now I've been left to my own devices. Not sure which op is right for me nor where to go for real unbiased advice.

My local hsopital is Manor - yet apparently while my BMI qualifies me - I have no co-morbitities. However the GP & Nurse were both clueless as to where to go or what to do for someone with a BMI of 46. My health trainer is next to useless ... nice but useless.

Frustration galore :(:cry::cry::cry:
CC maybe you should come along to the next meet of the WM support group. I know that you are not yet a WM Patient, but you may be able to get advice from others in the same boat.

As far as I know, getting funding from Walsall isnt impossible, just far more difficult than other areas sadly. Walsall say (on the BOSPA website) that they follow NICE guidelines, so your GP should at least refer you.
CC maybe you should come along to the next meet of the WM support group. I know that you are not yet a WM Patient, but you may be able to get advice from others in the same boat.

As far as I know, getting funding from Walsall isnt impossible, just far more difficult than other areas sadly. Walsall say (on the BOSPA website) that they follow NICE guidelines, so your GP should at least refer you.

Thanks Sam :hug99:

Yes I saw that on the BOSPA website too. I even called my PCT to get specifics - they didn't know. :cry:

I've a psychological assessment with a psychiatrist this Tuesday - is it worth mentioning anything to him? It's a private consultation (costing £220) cos my GP surgery have been nigh on rubbish in getting me counselling. I also notice Mr. Kendrick does private work .... is it worth seeing him privately (VitaClinic in Birmingham) you reckon?
have you thought of changing GP's as yours does not sound very helpful at all hun. Also ask for sleep tests for sleep aponea as that is classed as a co morbidity along with high blood pressure and such. I agree come long to the next meeting and we can all give you some advice of some kind hun xxx
Thanks Sam :hug99:

Yes I saw that on the BOSPA website too. I even called my PCT to get specifics - they didn't know. :cry:

I've a psychological assessment with a psychiatrist this Tuesday - is it worth mentioning anything to him? It's a private consultation (costing £220) cos my GP surgery have been nigh on rubbish in getting me counselling. I also notice Mr. Kendrick does private work .... is it worth seeing him privately (VitaClinic in Birmingham) you reckon?

I agree with Lisa's recommendation of changing GP's. You need someone on your side. You meet the criteria for referral to WM. Your GP shouldnt refuse you a referral. If when you get to the hospital they tell you that Walsall patients have certain hoops to jump through (weight management etc) then so be it.

As for the Pysche assessment. Would be very interested to hear how that goes. I didnt see Mr Kendrick myself so cannot say whether it would be worth paying for a consultation - but again, if referred to WM by your GP then you could receive this for free.
have you thought of changing GP's as yours does not sound very helpful at all hun. Also ask for sleep tests for sleep aponea as that is classed as a co morbidity along with high blood pressure and such. I agree come long to the next meeting and we can all give you some advice of some kind hun xxx

I had my blood pressure tested when I went to get my pre-op bloods done at Surgicare (before I cancelled the op due to reservations). My blood pressure is high :( I always thought it was normal and so I attributed the blood pressure reading to my TOTM at the time.
I agree with Lisa's recommendation of changing GP's. You need someone on your side. You meet the criteria for referral to WM. Your GP shouldnt refuse you a referral. If when you get to the hospital they tell you that Walsall patients have certain hoops to jump through (weight management etc) then so be it.

As for the Pysche assessment. Would be very interested to hear how that goes. I didnt see Mr Kendrick myself so cannot say whether it would be worth paying for a consultation - but again, if referred to WM by your GP then you could receive this for free.

I need to see my GP this week. She's usually ok. The other GP is crazy, arrogant and will sign just about anything to be honest - I dislike going to him. It's darn hard to get a GP around where I live let alone a good one :(
Cah-ching i would go for a full MOT get your bloods done (diabetes - don't say you have no symptoms of thirst etc cos i had no symptoms at all), ask for a sleep apnoea referral also (if you don't snore just lie and say you do), come along to the WM meet, you may not be there yet, but you well could be really soon....
I'm really fed up - my ex has been having our girls for the last two months on a Friday at 4 o'clock! This week he tells me he is coming Saturday morning grrrrr! I may have to miss the meet, although Trev said he will stay at home with the girls. It's so annoying! I'll have to make a executive decison before the next few days...cos i'm bring Wendy lol xx
Cah-ching i would go for a full MOT get your bloods done (diabetes - don't say you have no symptoms of thirst etc cos i had no symptoms at all), ask for a sleep apnoea referral also (if you don't snore just lie and say you do), come along to the WM meet, you may not be there yet, but you well could be really soon....

Hiya, I had my bloods done at Manor on Friday. I asked the doc to check for diabetes. I've been having incredible thirst lately - noticed it over the last week. Not sure I have diabetes though as I don't indulge lots in the sweet stuff - although when I was binge eating on Cambridge DIet I did. I also am always tired and fatigued - lethargic actually. Yet when I go to bed at night I can't sleep.

I don't snore ... at all :(

I'm really fed up - my ex has been having our girls for the last two months on a Friday at 4 o'clock! This week he tells me he is coming Saturday morning grrrrr! I may have to miss the meet, although Trev said he will stay at home with the girls. It's so annoying! I'll have to make a executive decison before the next few days...cos i'm bring Wendy lol xx

Would love to meet you - I hope you can make it. I'm so pleased I've been invited along. I really do appreciate it.
Am very pleased for you Sarah, as we all know the end of the financial year is upon us and Walsall Manor obviously know 'new' money comes into the pot in April....

Glad to have you back, if you can't manage the Walsall support group meetup yet maybe we could meet for a coffee? It would be nice for you to have another friend on the journey and well to be honest as lovely as i am (blows own trumpet) i could do with some lovely friends as i'm still very new to Wolverhampton :) Have pm'd you and hope you feel up to meeting xx
Thanks again julie, i got your pm and your support means alot to me....lets hope they save some of that pot contents for little old me x
Cah-ching i would go for a full MOT get your bloods done (diabetes - don't say you have no symptoms of thirst etc cos i had no symptoms at all), ask for a sleep apnoea referral also (if you don't snore just lie and say you do), come along to the WM meet, you may not be there yet, but you well could be really soon....
Good advice julie, i'm off to the docs tomorrow, haven't been sleeping well for months now and hubby says i'm stopping breathing in the night. I've noticed i wake up out of breath and the occassional bitten tongue and sore throat, it don't sound good does it when i put it like that lol Joking aside i've really had enough now.:cry: