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Do the fills hurt?


Bumps along somehow
What are the fills like? I am seeing Consultant at Dolan Park on Wednesday and hope to book surgery soon after. I know it is pointless asking any medical professional as to whether anything hurts as they always say "Some discomfort" (e.g. when I had a womb biopsy with no anaesthetic which was not "moderate" but screaming agony).
Would I be able to drive after a fill? I know it's a long way off but I just want to get as much info as possible - I have found this forum absolutely brilliant. From Jenni:confused:
hi jenni you will be fine, you feel a sharp scratch like any other needle then a slight pressure but apart from that you will be ok, and its fine to drive straight after a fill.

liz x
Hi there, I found that as the needle only had to get through the surface layers, then into the membrane of the port, it did not feel like a usual injection. Once the needle was in, I could not sense it at all.

It's over very quickly and you will be fine to get on with your normal day.

I have one this afternoon at 3.45pm

Some people have them under xray, some blind, each provider/surgeon is different, so if you have any concerns, ask them at your consultation.

Good look with your journey:)
good luck with your fill today caz ! i hope you get the restriction you want.

liz x
I see on your profile that youve been banded twice
Was the first one removed or do you have two
Im confused
I see on your profile that youve been banded twice
Was the first one removed or do you have two
Im confused

hi jim my 1st band had a fault after 3.5 years which i must state is a rare thing to happen, i was fully de and rebanded in august during the same op.

liz x
Well I now have 3.75 mils in a 9mil band.

And it was totally painless as before. I stood to have this one, was asked to drink water until it passed through slower than when fully aspirated.

I have a little swelling where the needle was but that happened last time too. It will be gone by tomorrow.

I have managed a bowl of soup and some porridge this evening...bliss to get some food in, hadn't eaten since midday.

Time will tell on the restriction. Also sadly my surgeon is retiring :( So when I go back for my next check up in 6 months I wont be seen by him. Although I wish him all the best.
Hi Q, I had my op at Dolan Park, which surgeon r u seeing. I had Dr Paul Super who I found to b very good. Fills are painless hun, like everyone has said, its just like having a small injection and you can do everything after ( apart from eat lol - fluids for 2 days!! ) I`ve got another fill on Thurs which I`m actually looking forward to - don`t usually say that about having an injection lol. All the best for Wed xxx
Thanks people. I am seeing Dr Sigurdson. Am reassured about fills:)
I agree, the fills dont hurt at all, just a little scratch and thats it.
My Consultant asked me to breathe in and then he just puts the needle in.
I have 7.2ml in a 10ml band and doing ok, Im following the SW plan and eating as much as I can with the restriction and its working for me!