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January 2017 Surgeries

@Louisex21 i know @Want2b3 suffered with milk after surgery she may be able to give you an idea of what she was having during the first stages

@Louisex21 Can you try some almond milk? Or soya milk? Can you see @Want2b3 diary? That might give you some ideas.

What about trying some soup? or broth? That might help if it is the milk causing an issue? Even frozen NAS squash to suck?
Tried milk again and it's gone straight through me so tomorrow will try almond milk. I've frozen some nas cubes and they are lovely. Doctors said I'm dehydrated and that my fear has become a phobia and got to have blood test to check my iron levels b12 ect. Referring me for a barium swallow to make sure all is ok and if there is something causing this pain when I do drink. Xx
Tried milk again and it's gone straight through me so tomorrow will try almond milk. I've frozen some nas cubes and they are lovely. Doctors said I'm dehydrated and that my fear has become a phobia and got to have blood test to check my iron levels b12 ect. Referring me for a barium swallow to make sure all is ok and if there is something causing this pain when I do drink. Xx

I couldn't drink milk after my sleeve, but managed French onion soup which I strained so it was just the liquid. I also had some other soups strained. Then after a couple of weeks I moved on to blended soups and stews. Very thin at first. When I tried my first solid meal it got stuck and I felt terrible - if I could have turned back time to before the operation I would have. What I did was go back to fluids only for a day and then went through the stages of very liquid blended, mashed until I dared try solids again and this time I was fine. Since then I have been mostly ok, although I can't eat rice - it seems to sit in my stomach and swell until I am sick. I can manage a small glass of milk now, but it did give me the runs for ages. What the others have said - sip your drinks. It took me a few weeks before I dared a gulp. I just kept my glass right in front of me so it was always there reminding me to sip again. I recorded the amount I drank for the first few weeks to be sure I was getting enough in every day I hope you start to feel better soon.
I couldn't drink milk after my sleeve, but managed French onion soup which I strained so it was just the liquid. I also had some other soups strained. Then after a couple of weeks I moved on to blended soups and stews. Very thin at first. When I tried my first solid meal it got stuck and I felt terrible - if I could have turned back time to before the operation I would have. What I did was go back to fluids only for a day and then went through the stages of very liquid blended, mashed until I dared try solids again and this time I was fine. Since then I have been mostly ok, although I can't eat rice - it seems to sit in my stomach and swell until I am sick. I can manage a small glass of milk now, but it did give me the runs for ages. What the others have said - sip your drinks. It took me a few weeks before I dared a gulp. I just kept my glass right in front of me so it was always there reminding me to sip again. I recorded the amount I drank for the first few weeks to be sure I was getting enough in every day I hope you start to feel better soon.
Thanks hunny doctor wanted me to start trying the next stage but had a melt down and told him everything about not wanting to eat because I'm scared. He said I need to eat slowly and. It put a lot in my mouth but he basically thinks it's more physiological but has ordered a barium swallow to make sure.. I'm scared of food now and I never thought I woukd say that but I am I'm terrified to drink when out just incase I get dumping or stickie so I don't drink out. I know I need to overcome all these obstacles and doctor thinks I have abit of the blues to... and with being dehydrated aswel it's not helping. I will get there it's step by step at the minute xx
That's a great loss and only a couple of pounds under your target well done your doing amazing, keep it up xx I actually think I'm very lucky considering Julia and Angeline have had a really rough time, I was a lot like I'm going to be thin and this is going to be a walk in the park, I was so wrong and I thought like probably like some people it can't be that hard surely but until you have had the op then reality kicks in. I have my mom constantly on the phone to me saying have you had anything yet? This is not good you not eating! I'm really concerned. Your going to make yourself ill. This is not why you had the op it's just falling off you!! This is what I've had lately then my hubby saying no wonder you don't want to eat because you have no energy and living off coffee is not healthy!! Then my sister I didn't want you to have the op you look ill and your upsetting me your going to end up really poorly!!. I've had a tearful week because I know they are right but I'm just never hungry because I'm filling myself up on coffee. Not sleeping I'm constantly in bed sleeping losing weight really fast gone from a size 24 to a size 18-20 and not feeling healthy but I do have great support and it's made me realise they are so very right and promised them I will try harder getting my protein in and slow down on the coffee. I'm having why have you done this to yourself? Moments but I said I was moaned at for over eating and now moaned at for not eating! I have changed my relationship with food by seeing it as "you made me fat" not healthy thoughts so booked an appointment with my gp for help to overcome this fear of food before I am ill or worst end up in hospital and I have kids to think about and what made me realise when my daughter said mommy why do you look poorly! That was the turning corner for me because now it's affecting the kids and I need to sort this out!! But the stickies that I had has made me very fearful of eating to.. I will get there and I know most people on here are right in what they said so it's time to phone Dieatician and bariatric nurse and see my gp tomorrow to get sorted. I don't regret this and I don't want to put people off I'm just giving my personal experience but every one is different in there experience on this journey and I now know I'm strong enough to overcome this!! I know I've gone from one extreme to the other but I will overcome this and get back on track I've realised where I've gone and going wrong. Because of being bullied all my life I've always had this brick wall built round me and never let it down because I'm protecting myself and I always think I'm right where now I'm ready to break this brick wall and start again on the right path of this journey as it's not to late and to listen to people!! Sorry for the essay and sweetcheeks don't worry you have done ace very proud of you. You have come such a long way and have faith in yourself you are doing so amazing xxxx
This is what its about being on here ppl like me want to know the truth. Your rite its time to break that wall and walk through to the other side little and often will help you need to keep trying slowly does it and please go see the nurse and dietitian tell them how things are going they can't allow you to carry on like this. Think of yourself first and then just listen to the worry of your family and children they wanted you to have this op to be heathy and live longer dont give up just keep fighting hun. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant try swapping it for vitamin waters or something else. I really hope you get some help lovely really worried about u. I know this is easy for me to say as I haven't had my op yet but just keep fighting it is your life and you need to protect it, you didn't go through it for fun now the hard road starts but sweetie there is a amazing time ahead keep that head high and fight through the tuff times and soon enough you will be enjoying the new healthy you.

Thank you for your lovely comment hunni I actually lost 12.5bs by this morning and they have put me forward to see the surgeon although I already had an appointment but they still needed to refer me to my surgeon. I have an appointment this friday 3rd with the anesthetist which was booked today so finally after 18 long months I am on my way. Can you Tell me what happens at the anesthetist appointment?
Please keep us posted hun keep fighting sending hugs xxxx
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I know it's not right and that's why I'm finally breaking down my break wall I've built over the years to get help it's history repeating its self were I was addicted to Pepsi but now my addiction it coffee no sugar. Still caffeine addiction though but I had the op to break habits not to start same habits but with different drinks xx update though done very well no coffee today though had a glass of milk and my vitamins so I'm slowly getting there now to go doctors soon xx
Wow well done hun proud of you keep fighting you are doing it wahooo keep going xxx
Are you using skimmed milk or semi/whole? Fat contact can upset your bowels. If you must have coffee then switch to caffeine free and have it will all milk - skimmed. Also try fruit or herbal teas. Lots of good advice in the other posts. Having the runs is a small price to pay for getting some milk in. It will ease the heartburn. We have all suffered bowel issues of some kind as we learn how to feed ourselves. Your body is going to need time to heal and adjust.
This is what its about being on here ppl like me want to know the truth. Your rite its time to break that wall and walk through to the other side little and often will help you need to keep trying slowly does it and please go see the nurse and dietitian tell them how things are going they can't allow you to carry on like this. Think of yourself first and then just listen to the worry of your family and children they wanted you to have this op to be heathy and live longer dont give up just keep fighting hun. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant try swapping it for vitamin waters or something else. I really hope you get some help lovely really worried about u. I know this is easy for me to say as I haven't had my op yet but just keep fighting it is your life and you need to protect it, you didn't go through it for fun now the hard road starts but sweetie there is a amazing time ahead keep that head high and fight through the tuff times and soon enough you will be enjoying the new healthy you.

Thank you for your lovely comment hunni I actually lost 12.5bs by this morning and they have put me forward to see the surgeon although I already had an appointment but they still needed to refer me to my surgeon. I have an appointment this friday 3rd with the anesthetist which was booked today so finally after 18 long months I am on my way. Can you Tell me what happens at the anesthetist appointment?
Please keep us posted hun keep fighting sending hugs xxxx

Wow well done hun proud of you keep fighting you are doing it wahooo keep going xxx

Are you using skimmed milk or semi/whole? Fat contact can upset your bowels. If you must have coffee then switch to caffeine free and have it will all milk - skimmed. Also try fruit or herbal teas. Lots of good advice in the other posts. Having the runs is a small price to pay for getting some milk in. It will ease the heartburn. We have all suffered bowel issues of some kind as we learn how to feed ourselves. Your body is going to need time to heal and adjust.
I use skimmed milk. and at my appointment with the anaesthetist he asked me if I still wanted to go through with it. About all the risks ect and signed ready fo surgery xx
I'm still very weak and taking things slowly. The district nurse is coming in every other day to change my dressings, hopefully I can work on strength once the wounds heal.

Foodwise things are going well. Just started week4. I've been home a week and the first thing we did was make some chicken stock so every soup I make starts with a protein boost.
Hi everyone , I'm back home again after another stint in xxx lots happened since I first came out post op. Glad you've done so well with you weight loss seeetcheeks!!! I'm Very proud of you!!!
louisex21 you poor thing .... speak to your team asap tomorrow and keep trying. Totally understand about the fear factor but keep telling yourself positive thoughts.... PMA can take
You to good places xxxx
I'm still very weak and taking things slowly. The district nurse is coming in every other day to change my dressings, hopefully I can work on strength once the wounds heal.

Foodwise things are going well. Just started week4. I've been home a week and the first thing we did was make some chicken stock so every soup I make starts with a protein boost.
Hi Sweetie xxx how ya doing ? We've been through the mill
But hopefully both are recovering well xxx how's wound going ? Xx
This is what its about being on here ppl like me want to know the truth. Your rite its time to break that wall and walk through to the other side little and often will help you need to keep trying slowly does it and please go see the nurse and dietitian tell them how things are going they can't allow you to carry on like this. Think of yourself first and then just listen to the worry of your family and children they wanted you to have this op to be heathy and live longer dont give up just keep fighting hun. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant try swapping it for vitamin waters or something else. I really hope you get some help lovely really worried about u. I know this is easy for me to say as I haven't had my op yet but just keep fighting it is your life and you need to protect it, you didn't go through it for fun now the hard road starts but sweetie there is a amazing time ahead keep that head high and fight through the tuff times and soon enough you will be enjoying the new healthy you.

Thank you for your lovely comment hunni I actually lost 12.5bs by this morning and they have put me forward to see the surgeon although I already had an appointment but they still needed to refer me to my surgeon. I have an appointment this friday 3rd with the anesthetist which was booked today so finally after 18 long months I am on my way. Can you Tell me what happens at the anesthetist appointment?
Please keep us posted hun keep fighting sending hugs xxxx

Hi there
How did your appointment go on the 3rd with the anesthetist? Did you get your op date? I am off to see the anesthetist on Thursday 9th as dietitian felt it important when I saw her on 26 Jan that I be seen quickly. I am hoping that surgeon will see me on same day - otherwise I have to wait until 23 March to see him.

So its fingers crossed for me.

Anyone else at L&D on Thursday?
SJ x
Hi Angeline (and everyone else). Yes, we have been through the mill. The wound is infected and producing so much exudate they have put a drain pouch back on. It's been a very difficult start but hopefully the end result will be worth it. I'm glad I don't have a young family to look after or a job. My brain only seems to be functioning at around 50% which feels very weird.

I'm going to try to create a diary.
Hi @Julia56 sorry to hear that you are still having problems. Hope the drain is able to come out soon.

Look forward to reading your diary