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My diary - From the beginning

I've had tapas with a delicious but ever so slightly dull man. There won't be a second date. The squid in fiery tomato sauce was heavenly, the chicken with prunes was disgusting and unnatural. No wine, I drove.
Well done Sarah! It shows there is life after WLS. Sorry the date never worked out. I always said that good men are like parking meters, by the time you find one available, it's usually got something wrong with it!!! X
Well done Sarah! It shows there is life after WLS. Sorry the date never worked out. I always said that good men are like parking meters, by the time you find one available, it's usually got something wrong with it!!! X[/QUOTE

My thoughts exactly.

Never mind Sarah, dating - its like weight loss we'll get there in the end. The trouble is by then were old and wrinkly.
No wine for me either. I've now launched an attack on sugar free polos. Now what harm can they do? I go to bed still being able to walk in a straight line, get up in the morning and my head is my own, and don't have to spend half the day on sofa just incase I'm still over the limit. So polos are the new life support. Next week I'll be replacing them with the gym. I've only had the membership a year and as yet haven't made it to the induction.

Lets hope my date is a little more stimulating.
He was a nice enough fella and I enjoyed the evening. If nothing else, it was an ego-boost as he was mighty fine and I felt like I was a smidge out of my league looks-wise. It's just unfortunate that I'm so... not sure what the right word is... adventurous, maybe. He's not got a passport, content never to leave the UK, and he wasn't keen on tapas as he couldn't tell what anything was. When I ordered squid I thought he was going to gag. I love to go to new places and meet new people and try new things and learn new skills, whereas he was uncomfortable with anything he didn't know.
Fair play, he was good company and I've had worse dates (had one guy turn into a tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist over dinner, conversation turned into an hour's increasingly strident rant on how I'd been brainwashed by the government's militaristic propaganda because I said I'd watched Spooks. I only watched it because I fancied the dark-haired bloke who was in North and South).

I really enjoy dating, it's always a good way to spend an evening:)
What a bummer!! I live for travel - who doesn't have a passport these days!! I think I'll make that question 1 on my date. And are you carrying any foil. I'll need to be prepared - so so long out of the game I'm going to fall at the first hurdle.

Sounds like you really know how to pick them. I think if I'd dated over the last 8yrs I'd have some corkers to tell but sadly I chickened out and made food my friend/enemy!!

Can't believe I'm even meeting someone now. The plain was to get slim and fit but it's all happened the wrong way round.
I've had some astonishingly funny dates, but I've also spent some lovely evenings in good company. It's just not as amusing to talk about the good dates!

I hid from any sort of male attention from when I was 25 through to 36. I figure I'm just making up for lost time now. Even at my heaviest in 2010, once I started dating again I've never been short of company, and life is FAR too short to wait until I've lost the weight. Think of the fabulous nights I'd be missing out on!

You go for it and I hope you have a lovely evening:)
Sarah, you really made me laugh! Hahah! You're very brave. I can't imagine dating now...but then I'm an old granny!

Good luck Chummy. I guess all things happen for a reason and if you meet someone who digs you now, it shows a depth to their character. (Digs you? Who says that? God I'm old!)
Sarah, you really made me laugh! Hahah! You're very brave. I can't imagine dating now...but then I'm an old granny!

Good luck Chummy. I guess all things happen for a reason and if you meet someone who digs you now, it shows a depth to their character. (Digs you? Who says that? God I'm old!)

Cheers Chappers. After all its one date but my mindset says 'what are you doing' - RUN!!

I just love Sarah's messages she's so so funny. Brings a smile to my face regularly. I think she should write a book - how to survive the dating game!!!
Haha, when my parents were getting divorced one of the girls I worked with suggested I write a sitcom, but the problem I had was that it was all so unbelievable I don't think anyone could have related to it!

The thing is, while my life has moments of high tragedy, there are far more comedic moments and those are the ones I choose to focus on.

Chappers, my mum is 63 (a fact I'm sure she'd be delighted I share with the world!) and if I could get her to go on a date lord knows I would. I send her a Christmas card every year "to my mum and her boyfriend" (hey, I'm a scouser, they sell them round here), and she always laughs that I continue to live in hope. Mind you, I buy her a mother's day card that says "you're like a mother to me", so my card-buying habits don't stand up to close scrutiny...
Haha, when my parents were getting divorced one of the girls I worked with suggested I write a sitcom, but the problem I had was that it was all so unbelievable I don't think anyone could have related to it!

The thing is, while my life has moments of high tragedy, there are far more comedic moments and those are the ones I choose to focus on.

Chappers, my mum is 63 (a fact I'm sure she'd be delighted I share with the world!) and if I could get her to go on a date lord knows I would. I send her a Christmas card every year "to my mum and her boyfriend" (hey, I'm a scouser, they sell them round here), and she always laughs that I continue to live in hope. Mind you, I buy her a mother's day card that says "you're like a mother to me", so my card-buying habits don't stand up to close scrutiny...

Lol again.

When I married - stupidly!! My mother sent us a card saying " son and daughter in law". And didn't even notice her error, I did after the divorce.
Sometimes I forget that this is actually Franky's diary. Sorry bud. I suppose we should congregate in the chat room - boring!
Sarah I am so coming to the Wirral for a crazy night out with you. Think we should do a overweight meet and then a thin reveal - like the 'Swan' on living.
Actually, I think I'll open my place up for a Franky Diary meet and greet. Then in a year or two a reunion!

Can you tell I'm having a very uneventful day at work?