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my hospital experience

Oh Vicky your post has really cheered me up, ive been so worried about you... you are now feeling more positive and looking to the future... im well proud of you xx

The yogurt... when i was at your stage i would eat a whole yogurt too, i think its easy to go down.. so dont worry about eating the whole pot, that is ok xx
First of all let me just say I love each and every one of you and your kindness is overwelming. I feel sick everytime I eat...does this pass?? or am I eating too much/little? I don't know. I don't feel hungry at all EVER I literally think should I have something and then I do but it makes me nauseaus straight away which to be honest is putting off eating even more. I gained the 10lbs I lost on the pre-op diet back plus one but I've lost 3lbs in the last three days...??? I'm tired alot but not in very much pain really concidering what I had done. I don't know what I will do about the husband issue...he destroyed me a couple of years ago with an affair and the backlash of it afterwards (he kept seeing her). I went to a very dark place and nearly ended up dead (stupid I know but the sadness was just too much). I have always been a good person and sadly it's always the good people who get hurt the most. My heart is broken and I fear being alone but more than that I fear being stuck in a loveless life with someone who doesn't want me anymore. I don't really know if it's what he did, how I reacted to it, or just that I'm a fat woman who was on loads of meds with loads of medical problems but I have NO sex drive at all. Maybe thats why he constantly needs others but I just don't want sex. Maybe it's my needing sex to be connected with love thats the issue and I don't feel loved so I don't want sex...I don't know but I am NOT going to spend the rest of my life crying about some worthless peice of crap who only thinks with his downstairs head!!! I told him yesterday after taking abuse about my surgery and how I can only eat baby food, if I was only stronger instead of taking the easy way out, etc etc etc if he couldn't say anything nice to me to not bother talking to me at all others would. He just makes me feel so worthless and I hate that because I used to be so strong and sure of who I am...My friends all say I am a shell of who I used to be and their right I am. Anyway, I have filled out my housing form, just need to mail it now which I will do tomorrow when I go out for yogurt (the only thing that doesn't make me feel sick) and as soon as I can I am leaving enough is enough!!! Yes I have a great support team he just isn't part of it...an ex is though how funny is that???

Do you want me to sit on him.....have to make it quick though cos i'm having my operation this year and it might not hurt as much !!!

Andy1968 said:
Do you want me to sit on him.....have to make it quick though cos i'm having my operation this year and it might not hurt as much !!!


Haha... I think we'd all join you love, how nasty is he! Xx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
Haha... I think we'd all join you love, how nasty is he! Xx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery

Yes....what he did is unforgivable... ( Hoping i'm not speaking out of turn Viki :eek: )

You're better off without him and i hope above all hope that you get what you deserve after this....and you can only become a stronger person for it.
Keep in touch hun.... i wish you well

Andy xx
We can all keep her strong and help her on the way to becoming a new woman, Andy we would love see you sit on him!! lol x
I think people pay for that kind of thing (squashing!) Pre-oppers could start up a fund for anyone turned down for surgery!

Lovely to see you feeling brighter Vicky, your 10 stone weakling (physically and emotionally) is no match for you babe x Keep up the good work!
OMG thank you all so much...you people don't even know me personally and you make me feel like I could conquer the world...I am smiling so much he thinks I'm up to something. Oh and he's angry that my ex called me today and asked how I was and when I said cold he said he was going to buy me a 15 tog duvet and drop it off Saturday lol. Oh and he has told "his" friends that I am the one who did him wrong!!!! Forgive me for my next comment F***EN LYING B******D!!! Whatever not worth one breath I take. I'd love you to sit on him Andy but considering how he puts it around you might catch something icky LOL.
Thanks Rayne...after years of eating like it was my last meal and trying really hard to be good and only eat things I should so I don't undo my brilliant surgeons work I find myself questioning everything I even think about putting in my mouth. It's good to know eating a pot of yogurt is ok I'm never sure what is too little or too much...???? Is that silly?

I fancy going out tomorrow maybe to a movie and a bowl of soup (sorry all I can eat atm) out?? Anyone in Bexleyheath area want to join me??? text me if you do 07725108144 any of you can add my number if you want text or call anytime for any reason I can never have enough friends and I love you all so much:) Not in a creepy stalker way though lol.
Hey Viki

You sound so much better my love.

It's great your are putting your efforts into getting well and concentrating on your bypass.

It may seem hard and dark at the moment but get yer shades out cos your future is so bright. I'm off for my op tomoz so I will try and post as soon as I can.

Stay positive Hun and don't let the b****r get you down


Lou honey I hope your surgery goes well and you are recovered and join us on the losers bench quickly You will be in my thoughts.
Much Love
You are doing so well, good on you hun, :D xxx keep going as you are xxx

Sent from my HTC Hero using WLSurgery
OMG thank you all so much...you people don't even know me personally and you make me feel like I could conquer the world...I am smiling so much he thinks I'm up to something. Oh and he's angry that my ex called me today and asked how I was and when I said cold he said he was going to buy me a 15 tog duvet and drop it off Saturday lol. Oh and he has told "his" friends that I am the one who did him wrong!!!! Forgive me for my next comment F***EN LYING B******D!!! Whatever not worth one breath I take. I'd love you to sit on him Andy but considering how he puts it around you might catch something icky LOL.
Thanks Rayne...after years of eating like it was my last meal and trying really hard to be good and only eat things I should so I don't undo my brilliant surgeons work I find myself questioning everything I even think about putting in my mouth. It's good to know eating a pot of yogurt is ok I'm never sure what is too little or too much...???? Is that silly?

I fancy going out tomorrow maybe to a movie and a bowl of soup (sorry all I can eat atm) out?? Anyone in Bexleyheath area want to join me??? text me if you do 07725108144 any of you can add my number if you want text or call anytime for any reason I can never have enough friends and I love you all so much:) Not in a creepy stalker way though lol.
I'd love you to sit on him Andy but considering how he puts it around you might catch something icky


I love you all so much:) Not in a creepy stalker way though lol

:sigh2::sign0009: :giggle::giggle:
Viki, I'm so happy to hear you're doing better. I know how you feel. The support here is unreal. It's overwhelming to think people are so kind! I've been through a divorce myself and understand how you feel. I've actually gotten to be quite comfortable on my own. I do hope to find someone special eventually. I hope you enjoy your day out tomorrow! Let us know how it goes! You're doing great!
Sadly nobody took me up on my offer though it was really short notice. Maybe next time:)
I took my daughter and a friend and had a half bowl of a heavenly tomato and basil soup at this wonderful italian restraunt. Then did a bit of shopping...it was lovely and I had a brilliant time. Came home and started fixing the husband dinner and he said is it only for him and when I said yes he threw a strop and said f*** it he didn't want nothing he'd just eat bread or something so I said fine and put everyone away and told him he needed to stop acting like a spoiled 3 year old. Now he isn't talking to me...I'm so sad...NOT!!!!
I'm going out to see my ex tomorrow lol. He has called me everyday since a week before my surgery asking if he can do anything for me/get me anything/pick up my shopping...he came to see me in hospital 5 times (my husband came once and I had to invite him and make sure nobody else would be visiting me and he made comments about the girl who I made friends with in hospital being another sad a** fatty taken the easy way out). The ex (btw) is an ex because I was still hung up on husband and broke up with him to go back to husband:( Stupid woman I am!!
Oh and he saw my stomach today and said Christ thats a mess and he bets I don't get a thing out of all this stupid crap...I hope someday he has to choke on every nasty thing he says to me right now. I mailed my housing form today!! Cross your fingers I get a place asap!!! I'm not letting him get to me now it's all just infuriating me. People who love you don't just say it that show it and no matter how much they disagree with what you are doing they stand by you and offer their support...he doesn't care about me or love me at all.
Hope you're doing ok....sorry I was offline for a couple of days and unable to send you an 'virtual support' :patback::hug99:


Keep the faith hun xxxxxxxxxx
he is a 100% arsehole.. you are so better off without him... ooh and if you make him dinner again...im gonna come down and tell you off!!
Sadly nobody took me up on my offer though it was really short notice. Maybe next time:)
I took my daughter and a friend and had a half bowl of a heavenly tomato and basil soup at this wonderful italian restraunt. Then did a bit of shopping...it was lovely and I had a brilliant time. Came home and started fixing the husband dinner and he said is it only for him and when I said yes he threw a strop and said f*** it he didn't want nothing he'd just eat bread or something so I said fine and put everyone away and told him he needed to stop acting like a spoiled 3 year old. Now he isn't talking to me...I'm so sad...NOT!!!!
I'm going out to see my ex tomorrow lol. He has called me everyday since a week before my surgery asking if he can do anything for me/get me anything/pick up my shopping...he came to see me in hospital 5 times (my husband came once and I had to invite him and make sure nobody else would be visiting me and he made comments about the girl who I made friends with in hospital being another sad a** fatty taken the easy way out). The ex (btw) is an ex because I was still hung up on husband and broke up with him to go back to husband:( Stupid woman I am!!
Oh and he saw my stomach today and said Christ thats a mess and he bets I don't get a thing out of all this stupid crap...I hope someday he has to choke on every nasty thing he says to me right now. I mailed my housing form today!! Cross your fingers I get a place asap!!! I'm not letting him get to me now it's all just infuriating me. People who love you don't just say it that show it and no matter how much they disagree with what you are doing they stand by you and offer their support...he doesn't care about me or love me at all.

He's about to be a very FLAT ex Husband :mad: :mad: :mad:
positivity is what you need around you now and there is plenty around here! so ignore small minds and concentrate on getting better. how is your healing going? what sort of things are you eating now? xxx
Sounds to me like your ex is being very supportive. Maybe there's still something there..... I'm glad you have someone that realizes that you are doing something good for yourself. Keep up the good work and the great attitude!
As long as your ok - thats the main thing! I just wonder that if his current 'bird' puts on the lbs how impressed she'll be with his support or committment!
You probably know already that your are like, MILES better without him - though through the initial stages it may not feel quite like it!
Keep the faith xxxx
Aww Vicki, I hope you realise how amazing you are! I just read through for the first time and feel exhausted. Lol. Your strength and perseverance are to be envied. Your life is just starting now.
Good luck sweetie! The world is yours!
Btw I live in Sidcup and go to Bexleyheath all the time. Maybe we can starbucks some time?
