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my hospital experience

Have sent you a message on fb xxxx
oh hun i just want to be there to give you a great big Rayne hug, please hun dont waste your energy on this man... for now concentrate on just yourself... as you are priceless whereas this man is a worthless piece of BLEEP!!
Your eating will get better, the first couple of weeks ar tough.. liquids, pureed, then things start to pick up.. i felt sick at first aswell..but it will get better.. hang in there hun xx
Keep your eye on the prize... that being a new confident you, you will meet a nice new man who loves you for who you are, which is a wonderful, lovely and caring woman. dont waste your tears on him, he is not worth them... i know it tough i have been there... but he will get what he deserves.. and you will be the winner hun... for now only one person matters...AND THAT IS YOU!!!! xxx
ooh im changing my name to Mystic Rayne... cos i know the above will come true xxx

Hey Rayne you don't see me having my op anytime soon do you!!
lol xx
First of all let me just say I love each and every one of you and your kindness is overwelming. I feel sick everytime I eat...does this pass?? or am I eating too much/little? I don't know. I don't feel hungry at all EVER I literally think should I have something and then I do but it makes me nauseaus straight away which to be honest is putting off eating even more. I gained the 10lbs I lost on the pre-op diet back plus one but I've lost 3lbs in the last three days...??? I'm tired alot but not in very much pain really concidering what I had done. I don't know what I will do about the husband issue...he destroyed me a couple of years ago with an affair and the backlash of it afterwards (he kept seeing her). I went to a very dark place and nearly ended up dead (stupid I know but the sadness was just too much). I have always been a good person and sadly it's always the good people who get hurt the most. My heart is broken and I fear being alone but more than that I fear being stuck in a loveless life with someone who doesn't want me anymore. I don't really know if it's what he did, how I reacted to it, or just that I'm a fat woman who was on loads of meds with loads of medical problems but I have NO sex drive at all. Maybe thats why he constantly needs others but I just don't want sex. Maybe it's my needing sex to be connected with love thats the issue and I don't feel loved so I don't want sex...I don't know but I am NOT going to spend the rest of my life crying about some worthless peice of crap who only thinks with his downstairs head!!! I told him yesterday after taking abuse about my surgery and how I can only eat baby food, if I was only stronger instead of taking the easy way out, etc etc etc if he couldn't say anything nice to me to not bother talking to me at all others would. He just makes me feel so worthless and I hate that because I used to be so strong and sure of who I am...My friends all say I am a shell of who I used to be and their right I am. Anyway, I have filled out my housing form, just need to mail it now which I will do tomorrow when I go out for yogurt (the only thing that doesn't make me feel sick) and as soon as I can I am leaving enough is enough!!! Yes I have a great support team he just isn't part of it...an ex is though how funny is that???
Love the end of your post, sounds like your stronger already without realising. You have taken the steps to improve your life with WL surgery and now are realising that why should you be treated badly by others. As everyone else has said, first and foremost take care of your self and dont overdo things and if you need to vent or rant about anything then just go for it. Im sure all of us at 1 time or another have had the same experience as you are having, although without the added hardship of getting over surgery. Take care of yourself.xxx
thank you everyone I sometimes just need to hear kind words to feel better.
He's a loser and I know that and I would hope he ends up a sad lonely old man with nobody there for him when he needs it but thats vendictive and it's not who I am. I actually hope he finds happiness and doesn't hurt the next person who dares to love him.

I managed to eat some stew I made today (blended smooth of course) and didn't feel as sick afterwards. I only eat soups and yogurts right now. They seem to be the only things I can eat EVERYTHING else makes me feel sick (soup does sometimes as well). I bought the options chocolate drink I saw suggested on here numerous times but it made me feel sick...my daughter said to try again tomorrow when I haven't just eaten as that might be why so will give it one more try to make sure it's a no-no for me.
I managed to get some yogurts today but gosh it's confusing trying to find a nice one that doesn't cost a fortune, doesn't have a tonne of fat or sugar in it and doesn't taste like crap. I like greek yogurt so in the end I went for activa greek wild berry and morrisons low-fat greek (no fruit just plain yogurt love it). Do any of you have any suggestions on a good nice tasting low-fat low-sugar yogurt that I don't have to pimp myself to buy??? lol
Also a suggestion for a heavenly treat. Del Monte fruit and fibre fruit cups. They are lush and pureed and just fruit:) On sale at Morrisons for £1 for two pack comes in 3 flavors.
again thank you my darlings for your kindness:)
Hi, I'm new here so you don't know me but I have been in tears reading all the posts on this, may I start by saying well done and good luck with the carrying on with the start of your new life and now my god your such a brave lady! to have gone through the op just to go home to a plank! Well I can tell you now I think your amazing and with everything you have just gone through you can do ANYTHING! Im kinda lucky with my husband cos he has been through the op himself although he has slightly messed up so is getting jealous that I'm doing it which I'm a tad worried about! I'm the same as you and don't have a sex drive, and haven't for 3 years! So I'd love to know if that improves as you go on lol :) .... I'm going to be here a lot now I've found this app every post is inspiring me and teaching me more things id never thought of! So I'm here if you need me (i know there are a lot of amazing people here who say that too but I am so thought I'd let you know) thank you for your posts especially to say how much your going through, your a great inspiration to me,
Good luck
Toni xxx
well didn't u marry an absolute arsehole!!! u deserve a medal!!! in a way he's done u a favour tho!!! 100% fresh start for u now....new attitude...new home n new body!!!
well done ex arsehole to b!!!
I've sed the same to someone else on here of a very similar situation n thts ....well done on losing roughly 14 stone in a day!!!! (obvs depending on his weight lol).
i had my op on 28th Dec so will be roughly goin thru same stages at same time....gooooo ussssss!! xxx
well didn't u marry an absolute arsehole!!! u deserve a medal!!! in a way he's done u a favour tho!!! 100% fresh start for u now....new attitude...new home n new body!!!
well done ex arsehole to b!!!
I've sed the same to someone else on here of a very similar situation n thts ....well done on losing roughly 14 stone in a day!!!! (obvs depending on his weight lol).
i had my op on 28th Dec so will be roughly goin thru same stages at same time....gooooo ussssss!! xxx
oooops double posting lol....on fone n it sed try agen lol xx
Vicki your courage and upbeat attitude continues to inspire me. You deserve to have a really great 2012, and he deserves a crap one!
glad your feeling a bit more positive today :)
i love hot chocs so i have that as my milky drink in the evening, but i find that the options hot choc is now a little too sweet, i buy the sachets... so i only use half the sachet.. try that hun... it helped me.
Yogurts.. i dont really like them and i hate fruit in yogurts.. so i just buy the weight watchers caremel and vanilla onces as they have no bits in... the only time i have some yogurt though is to have a spoonfull to take my tablets. so im having less than a tub a day. i think there was a thread somewhere about yogurts.. in fact it was one of my threads lol... have a look as i think there are soe suggestions on there x PS you are doing well... have you tried making you own veg soup and pureeing that? xx
I always had the petit filous fromage frais, tiny pot and full of protein and clacium and often on special offers. xxx
yeah i had munch bunch fromais frais at first... and they are cheap x
well didn't u marry an absolute arsehole!!! u deserve a medal!!! in a way he's done u a favour tho!!! 100% fresh start for u now....new attitude...new home n new body!!!
well done ex arsehole to b!!!
I've sed the same to someone else on here of a very similar situation n thts ....well done on losing roughly 14 stone in a day!!!! (obvs depending on his weight lol).
i had my op on 28th Dec so will be roughly goin thru same stages at same time....gooooo ussssss!! xxx

I love that...I lost 10 stone in a day lol he's a small ex arsehole to be lol
Wow I inspire people???? My cup runneth over:) I'm just me it's all I ever tried to be but I'm glad any of my words can touch any of you or inspire you in any way. I know there will eventually be a new guy who treats me good but to be honest right now I'm not even interested. I want to be alone, free to come and go as and when I like, answering to nobody, spending my money however I like, cooking and eating what I want...no rules no bs just me and my things in my place. Then if I want to go see my friend and stay all night nobody can accuse me of sleeping with anyone or text me a million times telling me how useless I am. Obviously I am VERY useful or he wouldn't try so hard to make out he can't live without me...though really the way to prove that is NOT sleeping with someone else and treating me like something icky he stepped in. Oh well his lose.

Anyhow this isn't about him is it really it's about me and I'm going to be fine:) I went to the store yesterday and bought some yogurt. I still love greek yogurt so thats what I went with. I might go with muller corners greek yogurt then I can just leave the over sweet syrupy fruit corner and eat the yogurt corner. Idk.
I looked in the mirror this morning and actually thought I look pretty no make-up still in recovery but I think I look pretty...wow!
Have a gorgeous day love to you all:)
So good to hear your positivity , it bounces off the page .
Although my hubby didn't , that I know , cheat on me , I know how that initial feeling of going it alone feels . By the sounds of it you will be fine hunni xx
I am also struggling with yogurt, but like the little fromage frais. The own brand ones are just as nice as petit filous. Another bonus is a smaller portion than yogurt.

Vicki I am really impressed at your resilience and know that you are going to have a great life once you can get shot of your ex and do your own thing.

Take care

Crackers x
ok I must be eating too much ...though my yogurt is not the size of a n ormal pot it is twice the size of a fromage frais.
I only eat til I feel full but I always eat the whole pot I just don't eat for hours afterwards and I never feel hungry so its just my brain saying eat not my stomach
Hey Viki

You sound so much better my love.

It's great your are putting your efforts into getting well and concentrating on your bypass.

It may seem hard and dark at the moment but get yer shades out cos your future is so bright. I'm off for my op tomoz so I will try and post as soon as I can.

Stay positive Hun and don't let the b****r get you down
