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Tatiana's Pre-Op Diary

I don't suppose you could have the bariatric surgeon and the breast surgeon work on you at the same time could you?


I'm hoping that the bariatric surgeon would be capable of taking out a skin cyst and not have to get the breast surgeon into theatre as I'm not sure he's at my hospital on a Friday - they have 2 sites and he has appointments at both!!

It's been filling this week and is a bit sore if I position myself wrongly so I hope they won't say it doesn't need to be removed, I got so desperate earlier that I gave it a bit of a squeeze (naughty I know) just to get some of the fluid out of it (was blood stained as usual) and now it does feel a bit better but that can't be done all the time and will lead to scar tissue which won't help!!

Well, it must be getting close as I've been to the GPs this morning for my pre-op bloods to be done! Also got all my mess changed for the next couple of weeks and the first month post op - have to order more after that.

Now on d5 of pre-op and, when I added up calories ect for yesterday, I was low even though I had what I call normal soups! Will have to make sure I eat better today so I'm not short!

GP has given me a week of antibiotics as the skin cyst is filling and sore, and I've got a cold! He's worried they might postponed the surgery if I have cellulitis. Also, the breast surgeon has said they won't remove it so I need to go back to the beginning and get referred to a general surgeon - no chance of getting it done when I have my sleeve!

Oh well, off to take mum shopping now,

Got up this morning and I'm glad my GP put me on antibiotics for the skin cyst as it definitely seems to be getting infected!

Just got to hope that the antibiotics work or I'm worried they won't operate next Friday!

Got phone call this lunchtime from lung function team, could I come for sleep study either this thursday or next. As next friday is surgery am going this week.

Doing study at home and take machine back friday morning. Am unlikely to have results by op but ok to go ahead. Will be booked to see consultant probably January sometime but at least test is pre-op!

Was only referred week last thursday by anaesthetist and GP referral not done yet!

Fast work or what?

Great news hun ur op not long now ;) will they not drain the breast cyst? I went breast care wiv my friend a few wks bk as she found a lump ;( anyway great news she had a mammogram which shown a cyst then we waited 10 mins they called us threw n she had a ultra sound to confirm it was then the nurse used a needle to numb. The area of breast then another needle n syringe n drained it there n then ;) so was all sorted it mins ;) x

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Hi Tracy,

I wish!

The breast care team have said that, as it's only a skin cyst, they don't need to see me again. If I have problems I'm to ask my GP to refer me to the relevent speciality - probably a general surgeon!

I'm just crossing my fingers that it responds to the antibiotics, and won't say anything about it unless directly asked!

Aw me 2hun good luck ;) xx

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Picked up my sleep study machine this afternoon and was shown how to use it. All set up just need to strap myself into it before going to bed!

Cyst doesn't seem to be getting any worse so fingers crossed that it's responding to the antibiotics.

Also, wasn't sick after my mess this morning but didn't take the Forceval so think it was them making me sick. Just hope I'm alright with them tonight!

Hope you get some sleep tonight, while strapped to your machine. Good luck xxx
So I had my sleep study on Thursday night and took the machine back yesterday morning. Although the study needs properly analyzing the technician did look at a few hours of the recording, primarily to check it had recorded, but to see as well if it showed anything.

It appears that I had a few episodes of desaturation and a couple if apnoeas just during that short time of the night.

Now results will be sent to the sleep consultant, who I'm yet to have an appointment to see, and they will try to get a copy to my notes before my surgery on Friday.

Relieved it's over just want to know the awswer now! Miss impatient, that's me!

Now only 6 days til my op and I'm having to stop one of my pain message tomorrow and switch to something less potent and less effective for me - also it's a problem as I'm struggling with being bunged up this week (have resorted to movicol from today in addition to the fibogel) and the alternative med is full of codeine which is notorious for blocking you up!

Also, still not getting the right number of calories in! Must change something today, so having just milk this weekend as worried liver won't shrink!

Two days to go then it's into hospital for me!

Thing is, I'm desperate for some real food! I am having a food day on thursday as we'e off out for lunch with the bowls club, other than that it's been soup and milk days for the last 2 weeks.

Right now I'm not sure how I feel but guess that can be the same as having doubts. I had a call yesterday from the hospital and first thought was that they wanted to cancel my op - but no, they called to offer me facet joint injections for my back. Sadly it's too close to my sleeve op.

Anyway, time to get niece off to bed!
