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The battle is over but the war go's on


New Member
Hi all, Sorry I haven't written for a while, been having a struggle with surgeons but at last feel like I may be getting somewhere. Was granted funding for a bypass not much short of a year ago but have had a battle with the surgeon for months who wanted to give me a band (which I DO NOT want). Finally this week has agreed to do the bypass after ongoing battles with him and said it will be end of July/ August time. Whoopee, just hope he doesn't change his mind back.
A lesson peeps, stick out for what really want and never give up . It will be worth it in the end (hopefully!!) :sigh::sigh:

Lotsa love
well doen and congrats xx
Its amazing how they all work so different i went in wanting a band and was advised for my weight that i needed a bypass lol which im so glad i have had. Good for you for sticking to your guns and lets hope you get your date very soon x
Good for you for sticking to your guns.... good luck with op date xxx
Hi Rybens, thanks, you are looking amazing by the way. the surgeon wanted me to have a band because I only have severe osteoarthritus as a co morbidity, lucky not blood pressure, diabetas, sleep apnea etc. he felt that over the course of 5 years (gulp) I would lose the same weight. Sadly I have a pathetic willpower and feel in the long run I may be able to 'cheat' the band. Its alright me saying I would give it my best (and I would) but I know myself too well and fell a couple of years down the line I may not be so fired up with enthusiam. Not only that I am 49 and 12 months old this year and feel there are things I want to do NOW and not when I am a pensioner lol
Congratulations and WELL DONE for fighting for what you want!!

Great news!:553:
Well done on sticking to your guns, I also knew that I would cheat like mad on the band, hence me "telling" the surgeon that I wanted a bypass and thankfully he had absolutely no trouble agreeing!

Just want to say congratulations on getting what you wanted, I know myself it is a hard struggle, I have been fighting for four years to get a bypass, been turned down twice! Am having my pre op on 4 May and should have my op end of June or sometime in July, so we shall be roughly around the same time. by the way, I am 53 this year yikes lol xxxx
Thanks Lesley, I tried the 'telling' bit and he reminded me it wasn't a shop where I could just pick what I wanted!! So we had an hour long conversation of why I particularly thought the bypass was better for me. He still wasn't keen but discussed it with the dietician later who said if I really didn't want the band it was unlikely I would 'work' with it, wise lady. He also discussed it with a senior surgeon. He never said what the senior surgeon had said but I am presuming he didnt think the bypass was a bad idea
Hi Jan, glad you're getting your bypass. I thought the op itself was never very far behind the pre op so you may get it earlier than you think (though don't quote me on that) lets hope so. Well done for hanging in there. I know how emotionally draining it is
Hi Sharron, thanks, looks like we joined the site on the same week. Have you got a date for your bypass yet? I feel like I have been waiting forever.
No not yet but hoping to get a referal to surgeon when I see dietician on 13th April. Hoping op will be June time if not sooner.