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Tip for weight loss stallers!!!! photo now included!!!

There are a few good ones out there Carole! This man sounds amazingly nice, enjoy boxing day xx
Ahhh tonight is off he really isnt well. He phoned me this morning sounding really rough and i surgested we pospone tonight until hes feeling better. He said he was going to have a shower and do some shopping and he would be fine.
Anyway at 4pm i phoned him to see how he was and hes coughing for england so i have told him that he needs to stay at home and get himself better.
He was sooo appologetic and i said he would have more to appologise for if he made me ill then i passed it onto my kids. lol
Wev'e not made any plans as ive told him he needs to be properly better. So will wait and see what happens.
going out with a friend instead tonight. he phoned the other day to see what i was doing over christmas so phoned him to say he could take me for a drink tonight. lol
Well you show concern and it comes back and bites you on the bum.
Had a text off him today to say that he has decided that he would be better of by himself so wont be staying in contact and that he has also removed himself from the site.

i text him back just saying that "i really dont know what to say other than why? i thought that we seemed to hit it off together and would of loved the oportunity to have got to know you better. your a lovely guy and have so much to offer to the right person you just need to believe in yrself. take care and if ever you want a chat you have my number"

He text me back saying thanks the reason why is that you are far too good. Emotionally i cant cope with the way you make me feel. so better to stop it now before either of us gets hurt.
Take care you deserve the best in life.

stunned to say the least
So sorry for you Carole, i thought you had found a good un... The good news is there are other men out there and you just need to have faith that you will find 'the one'! If thats what you want that is.....

Take care of you xx
He's right - you are too good for most of the "frogs" out there-one day your "prince" will come-lol

His loss Carole-definitely his loss!
Aww i'm sorry to hear this Carole, I thought you'd found a good un there:(:(Keep fishing hun xx;)
Oh Carole, I know we're not supposed to understand them, but it would help if we had a clue what they were thinking from time to time.
Hmm, it would help if they would just be honest wouldn't it - how on earth are we supposed to interpret those kind of signals?
Shhhhh gather in ive got something to tell you. Remember the other night when i said id phoned a friend and told him he could take me out for a drink well he was someone that i had been talking to from the beginning of joining the web site only we realised that we had actually met if only in passing as he only lives 5 mins away from me but he does occasionally go to the rugby club i go to. Now the few times i have seen him at the rugby club i have had kids with me and he has usually been in a group and we both persumed each other were married. we both spotted each other on the dating site and basically emailed each other say that could we keep it quite that we were both on the site. We have continued to talk on msn as friends really and i saw him a couple of weeks ago at the club and we had a breif chat about how things were going and he said then heres my number if ever you find yrself at a loose end give me a call we can go out for a drink.
There is something about him he looks quite cheeky and really not my type at all(or not what i thought ).
Any way i knew that he had been to watch the match the other day when i phoned him so i picked him up as he had had a couple of pints. we just went to a local pub and had a drink and it was really lovely.
Hes 6ft tall blue eyes blond hair and quite a stocky build. He is ex navy has a 21 yr old son who is in the army and for the past 10 yrs has been a financal consultant working for some big companies befor becoming self employed after being made redundant 3 times in 3 yrs. es also into amature dramatics and is currently appearing in panto.
Any way the pub that we went to was nice and quite and we really hit it off. As i say i knew i had seen him and thought he looked quite cute but i had never looked at him as boyfriend material.
What had never occured to me was he has seen me change over the past year, so when he started asking me how i had managed to loose weight i was a little taken aback. By this time he was sat with his arm around me playing with my wobbly arm. and my first reaction was how do you know. Doh!!!! After he stopped laughing he enlightened me that there were a couple of guys at the club who were intrested in me and i have been quite a talking point. The problem with the club is that everyone knows everybody and its just like one big family.
we talked at length about my op and the reasons for it he is desperate to get a couple of stone off he recently put on as he has sleep apnea and uses cpap. Hes started cycling but also admitted to falling fowl of his batchalor lifestyle of going out with the lads drinking and eating crap.
we were rudly disturbed in the pub by their live band arriving so we went back to his house as the other local pub to him had a disco on.
we had coffee (yes coffee) and talked till god knows what time when i fell asleep.(how rude). when i left at 10 am yesturday morning he said he would give me a call.
Anyway he called this morning and asked if i fancied going round to his for tea tonight. Hes son is trevelling up from yoville so he didnt want to go out in case he wasnt in when he got there.
We had steak and salad and watched a DVD (ok a dvd was on) things are progressing well he is very tactile and im not even conciouse of my wobbly bits with him.
i have just got in 11pm as his son has just arrived and hes only here for 2 days.
So who'd of though that being stood up for a cold could of been the bast let down ever lol
What lovely news hun, he sounds like quite a guy! Have fun and enjoy getting to know him better. It says alot about him that you are so comfortable. What a great sign of things to come.

lol Carole-you've been fishing too far afield-when all along the fish were biting dowwn the local pond!
This has made me smile!! He sounds lovely!!! Hope things continue to go well!!!

:banana dancer::banana dancer: :bananalove: oh my goodness i'm so excited for you go for it girl :party0019:
Good for you babe! See, not all blokes are incredibly complicated.

Best of luck,

John this made me smile. i remember thinking just before my son was 17 how relativly easy we had got through the past 17 years he had never been in trouble at school, had a nice group of friends and had never caused me any stress or worry.

Then he started driving and for months i was on pins. Even worse he got a girl friend and OMG he changed over night. He could no longer think for himself he suddenly became almost a robot needed programming to do anything that didnt involve the girlfriend and i hated him. We had never argued and sudenly everything was a battle.

I remember laughing when my friends husband said to me when i was complaining on day see you women really dont know the problems you cause us men and boy was he right.

Luckly he split with her and returned to normal and when he started going out with the next one i told him that if he was going to turn into a robot again he better find his own place to do it as i wasnt going through that again after 18 of domestic bliss with him. luckly enough the threat of having to stand on his own 2 feet as well semed to do the trick!!!!!

Well even though his son has been up he has phoned and text me everyday. Even whilst in the supermarket to see what kind of cordial i liked as he only had full sugar one the other day. He then text me to see if i had a preference for any particular toothpaste LOL.

Tonight we are off to a house party at his friends. Im a little nervouse as i wont know anyone else there apart from him. I Offered to drive as im really not fussed about drinking as i get too drunk too quick, but hes insisted on driving saying that we can always get a taxi home and then i can run him car in the morning.

So if im driving tomorrow I will probably just stick to OJ and water anyway.

Happy new year everyone!!!!