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Waiting for my wls date at walsall manor hosp.

Oh girls, It's a pain in the ass, aint it. The not knowing whats happening. We all try to stay positive and patient, but it's hard. Especially if your like me and feel as though your in limbo, waiting about until you have had your surgery. I'm living my life as a recluse most of the time because I feel so embarrassed at the way I look, I only go out if I really have to. I only have one pair of jeans that fit me now and they are getting tighter (size 26), so I live in my PJ's. People don't realise what it's like do they, especially some of the medical professionals!
you are all further on in the process with me, but its worrying how we've all had different experiences and been told different things. I guess we just have to trust the team at Walsall who will have more experience in these things than our GP's.

Im sick of bloody waiting already though lol. Im desperate to get that first meeting at Walsall out of the way
i couldnt wait any longer and 6 weeks after my referral i had to phone up and find out what was going on as i keep saying i am very impatient and hate waiting when i want something or made my mind up about it i want it NOW not tomorrow or next week lol
lol T, you are so much like me. I think if I havent heard by w/c 12th then I'll give em a ring. I keep reminding myself that they prob werent working over christmas hols
You both remind me of....Me! lol x
Hi Emma, Thanx for answering my questions so far! I have a couple more, but to be honest I just wanna be there experiencing it all myself! I'm just getting a bit impatient now and want to get it over with.
I'm worried about finally getting my date then, them canceling it like they did with you. How many days/hours notice did they give you before they cancelled? Then how long was your next dates after they did cancel? This I think is my worst fear at the moment, because as you know it's a long enough wait without being messed around.
How are you feeling now, anymore weight loss yet? Have you had any follow up appointments yet?
thats it for now chucks, take care. x:)

The first time they canceled me, they called around midday on the Saturday as I was going in the following day. I was actually in a pub about to order a water as I was obviously on the pre op diet and hadnt cheated in anyway for two weeks. I took the call and then ordered a large vodka and diet coke! I went and sat down really calmly and told my husband what had happened and then burst into tears! I couldnt even drink my cheeky vodka! I called on the Monday as instructed and was given a date for two weeks later. The reason my op was canceled on this occasion was because there was a superbug outbreak at Sandwell and all emergencies had to be diverted to the Manor.

The second time I was meant to go in on the Saturday (bank holiday weekend) and i was called early on the friday morning. The reason this time was because it was a bank holiday and they had limited staff working. I have to say i was fuming at this because bank holidays dont sneak up on you!!

My next date was four weeks later. I was already been treated for depression so all this really didnt help although i could understand the first cancellation.

I know of a few others that had ops canceled around that time but i havent heard that so much recently.

I had my op in May and my first follow up appointment was due to take place in Oct but i was having a few problems (not been able to eat more then approx 400 cals a day, being sick alot, runny tummy etc) so they brought it forward for me and i went in Sept. My next one is mid Jan.

As for weightloss i dont get to weigh myself very much here as they dont have scales in chemists or anything like that. But they last time i managed to it worked out that i had lost 6 lbs over the last 12 weeks :( Im feeling a little more positive about things though as Im going to do the pouch test 5 day thing and then start on the cambridge diet if that doesnt help.

Good luck

Oh you poor thing, I would have had more than one vodka!!! Well at least your all done now. Just take one day at a time and it will all come right. Thankyou for taking the time to answer my questions, it meant a lot to me. You take care and just chill over your weightloss, before you know it, it will come off, without extra diets. xxxxx
Hello all, just wanted to say its really interesting to read all of your stories and just add my personal story to the mix in case there is anybody in my position as my story is a little different. I live in Stoke on trent and have been refered to Walsall for my op but Staffordshire health care are paying for it. I had an appointment with Dr Kahn in October and he has said that I should have the bypass, I then went to see Dr Hartland and he said that he will see me in around 5 months for my op, I was then taken for my pre-op. I had a letter at christmas from my local Health care board to say that the funds had been made available. I thought at this would now be it and I would be booked in for surgery but I have had a letter this morning from Walsall to say that there is a 19 week waiting list. Im absolutely gutted and deflated, but Im know that I am extremely lucky to be given this opportunity (I was going to pay privately) but you cant help being dissapointed especially when I was told 5 months originally from start to finish. I am due to go on holiday in May & July and I thought that I would have been in a position where my op was out of the way & thinking positive maybe even have lost a bit of weight. Never mind! I just want it over with. Good luck to everybody who is due to have their op, please keep us posted.
Emma x
Hiya Emma, your time span from start to op seem to be the norm, it is about 6 mths, so dont be to hard on yourself, that is only April and we are all in or have been in the same boat chucks. Remember a lot of people have no choice they have to go private, you however are very fortunate enough to have been approved for funding. I think a lot of people who could not get funding would jump at the chance of your little wait, April/may will soon be here. So chin up girl and thank your lucky stars. Good luck and will look forward to reading more about your experiences.
nice to hear back from you, Im really looking forward to getting my life back, and at least I know its going to happen in the end it was just a little dissapointing this morning. There is so much riding on this op, myself & my husband need to have fertility treatment and they have refused me until I lose a huge amount of weight hence having the op. This delay just puts all my other plans behind (having a baby fingers crossed), my husbands fertilty problem is getting worse as time goes by so I just hope it doesn't keep on getting delayed as Iv heard from other peoples stories who are attending WM. Can I just ask when you got your letter about funding did they tell you what surgery has been funded ie open or key hole? my letter doesnt say anything?
nice to hear back from you, Im really looking forward to getting my life back, and at least I know its going to happen in the end it was just a little dissapointing this morning. There is so much riding on this op, myself & my husband need to have fertility treatment and they have refused me until I lose a huge amount of weight hence having the op. This delay just puts all my other plans behind (having a baby fingers crossed), my husbands fertilty problem is getting worse as time goes by so I just hope it doesn't keep on getting delayed as Iv heard from other peoples stories who are attending WM. Can I just ask when you got your letter about funding did they tell you what surgery has been funded ie open or key hole? my letter doesnt say anything?
Yes I understand, we are all waiting to get our lives back, that is why this forum is sooooo wonderful, because we are all the same and we understand!
I forgot to say welcome to the WM posse earlier soooo welcome.
I'm with Sandwell PCT and they would only fund an open procedure, which was clearly stated in my letter from Dr Hartland. So I think that perhaps if your letter doe's not mention anything then I would presume that you are having the laproscopic, as that is how walsall prefer to do it. It is only if you don't get funding for laproscopic that you have open, as there is a considerable diifference in the cost between them both. Hope this has helped and chin up April really is not far, then you have the rest of your lives to put all your energies and positiveness into starting a family...take one step at a time and try to be patient. As it comes to those who wait! x
There are other factors that drive a deceision for keyhole or open. I cannot have keyhole due to some previous abdominal surgery. Mr. Khan will not do keyhole where there is a risk of obsruction or similar from previous procedures.

The open procedure is also more expensive.
There are other factors that drive a deceision for keyhole or open. I cannot have keyhole due to some previous abdominal surgery. Mr. Khan will not do keyhole where there is a risk of obsruction or similar from previous procedures.

The open procedure is also more expensive.
When I had my letter form Dr Hartland, it said why Sandwell would not fund the laproscopic, reason being the considerable difference in cost. They would only give me funding for the cheaper one being the open. Whether in the long run it doe's actually work out cheaper, i.e longer recovery or longer hospital stay, remains to be seen.
Dr Khan said to me at my appointment that he doesn't often get permission to do keyhole as it is more expensive but said not to worry that he would just do open surgery if not. Whether he meant that my health care board doesn't often approve keyhole Im not sure. I might give them a call just to see if they can tell me what I have funding for. I hope its keyhole but don't mind either way.
Thanks Emma, I stand corrected. It's swings and roundabouts I guess as there is more equipment required in keyhole, but the stay in hospital is longer after open. I was told a stay of 4 - 5 days for open.
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does anyone know if the risks are more or less with open/keyhole surgery
With open there are more risks of hernia and abcesses on the wound sites and the wounds are bigger so more chance of infection and bursting the wounds. But there are side effects from key hole too escaoing gas (bith ends), trapped gas which my husband tells me is very painful (his got trapped in his shoulders) as for complications whilst doing the op I don't really know.
I think unless you have specific reasons to have open surgery, keyhole is always better as its quicker recovery time, less risk of infection plus less scarring. To be honest I don't really mind as long as I have it done. I dont see though how in the long run open surgery is a cheaper option, I would have thought it increases the cost considerably each extra day that you are in hospital. I think with the amount of research I have done into this op I should know more than the Dr's, lol!
I wont have any need for the internet after Iv had it done.