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Gastric band, My journey, the thruth, the whole thruth and nothing but the thruth

Just take it easy and hopefully you will be ok. Our booklet says we can have it if we can tolerate it (but I am not sure if it says to leave it till 3 months after our ops). I do eat it without problems - but only about 2-3 tablespoons at a time, so as not to push the band. My problem is when I have had the demon drink. One small glass of wine is ok to relax me when eating out; any more and the booze monster kicks in and I forget I have the band and tend to eat more quickly and without chewing enough, which isnt good. I have learnt quickly not to have too much to drink LOL

Thanks flutterby
I've had rice babe-ok with it but def not big portions like I used too. My dietician said I need to start eating textured foods like bread and rice. I've def got restriction now! Hope I see results soon xx
Thanks miss cupcake. I had some mash potatoes for dinner and it went down fine. Was so hungry on liquid. So ll see how it goes for the rest of the week
I've had rice and I'm fine with it..you should be fine so enjoy that curry...just don't let too much curry slide down!!! Have you looked at the best curry to have? I'm not into curries/indian meals but seem to recall someone saying they're quiet high as some have cream in! Xx
It ll be homemade, so ll see. I am quite curious to compare portion size though.... as no one knows about my op I need to sort some coping system when out with people... but embracing the whole journey even been a very slow looser.
I find rice easy sometimes and not others....if I eat it too quickly it backs up and I PB but if I eat it slowly and just a couple of tbsp and chew it thoroughly it goes through ok. Actually, I can get anything through if I take it slowly enough and chew it to a paste! Even Dominos pizza unfortunately!
Than you Mrs Pill. This is what you should do though my dietitian keeps telling me it is NOT a diet it is a balanced healthy living. So you can enjoy everything but in moderation like a skinny person does. I still want to enjoy pizza, restaurant etc... but instead of having 5 largest slices I have one with salad :) I ll let you know how I get on
Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all ok. I am just catching up with my diary. So I had my second fill two weeks ago taking me to 6ml in a 10ml band. I have no restriction although need to chew more and ear slower, but quantity wise i can still eat and eat and eat.... :( But I have started the gym and went 3 times this week and might go again today and tomorrow. I find it strangely addicted which is very weird to me. I actually enjoyed jogging on the treadmill. My aim is to be able to run a mile under 10mns quite confortably by end of March. So when i come home i can just take the dog and run to the parc which is a mile away. At the moment by the time i go home and walk to the parc all the other dogs are gone home so my poor one has no one to play with so shamely I admit I drive to the parc.... But if i can run it under 10mns then everyone is happy :) It is something to aim for. Also as i don't have any restriction hopefully it will keep me on track with loosing weight or at least not putting any weight on! Also to every slow looser out there that are struggling and not liking their bands so much or to all pre oppers that wonder about been disappointed with weight loss especially if you make the mistake of comparing yourself with bypass wrappers and sleeves surgery. This is my feeling on it: Yes it is a long slow process that can get really frustrating at times, BUT yesterday, i went to london to get my picture taken to put on the cover of our annual company board report. this is going to be sent to the 5,000 or so workers with my company. It is part of a group picture but they were 11 people all together and i was one of them. Now let's look at how I would have felt doing it pre band, that's simple i would have refuse point blank!! No way in a million years would I have travelled on my own to london taking the tube (yes 29 years old next month and until yesterday never been to london nor taking the tube) but yesterday I did just that and I love it!!! feel like a model :) :) So even though I am a very slow looser and I wish I had lost more weight by now, at least I have time to adjust to the new me and my emotion and state of mind has time to adjust. No way I would mentally be able to cope with massif looses so quikly that bypasser go through. So I love my band, yet it is only a tool and looking forward to have working and move onto the next phase of my life! onwards and downards I go! :) xxx
well done with the gym, i go to kettlebells twice a week, do u find ur food is getting stuck? i got 5.6 ml in a 10ml band and i can eat quite a bit but im finding chicken and breads r getting stuck, iv got another fill on thur n im wondering if i should go for it because food keeps getting stuck, but im also looking for food now between meals and i could eat quite a bit of food too x
Nope nothing is getting stuck but I do need to eat slower and chew even more. Even though it is frustrating not to loose weight, not having restriction yet gives me more time to adjust to my new eating habits. Looking for food between meals is not a good thing because you don't want to become a graser and snack. So I would still go for it explain about food getting stuck but also looking for food and c what they say. Flutterby when she had her last fill she said that je did change the food content or quantity however she wasn't hungry as quickly afterwards. Hth xxx how much have you lost now?
iv lost 59 pnd altogether, slowed down to 1lb a week now, i can seem to eat soft foods but some hard foods get stuck sometimes :( i think im gonna go c wha they say xx
Amaizing, 59 pounds you must feel awesome. Well done xxx
Yeah I know how you feel got 3.5 to go. We ll get there no doubt.
Mis you are great! I was about to post feeling down that although I have restriction and not eating a lot compared to what I used to-I haven't lost any weight. But you are so right-it will happen. It has to! I'm at gym 5 days a week, I hardly drink, I can't have takeaways and I'm not a dessert person so I should be losing lots. But maybe my body is adjusting! Xx
Absolutely your body is adjusting. Have you ever watched the bugged looser. The train all day everyday yet not loosing loads of weight. So it can only means our body is like what the hell, where is my comfort food, why are you doing this to me.... give it time and don't give up. I only lost 9.5 kgs since op which is not much compare to others but like you said confidence and having the time to adjust is more important to me right now because I know weight ll come afterwards...
word of the day: FRUSTRATED!!!

I am frustrated with everything...My weight loss is diabolical (?) I mean barely 20 pounds since op in october! My dietitian team keep saying I am doing really well that I am ahead of the game knowing I still do not have any restriction despite having 6ml in a 10ml band!!! I mean I am no angel, I love chocolate but generally I do have a healthy ish lifestyle. I have been going to the gym twice a week but I feel like I am on yet another diet and constantly struggling with my demons and can't overcome them. I know what's wrong, its not like I am having an Eureka moment and then my world will be like happely ever after!!! I know what's wrong but yet can't overcome it. I can't imagine myself slim and confident and WORTHY. If anyone out there could tell me how to be self assured and convince me I am deserve the best, well please come my way. I have so much potential yet can't release it!!! I am stuck in a job and have someone telling me what to do and how to do it who does not have half my knowledge and all I can do is nod like a good little student!!! FRUSTRATING arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyway, praying and hoping and crossing everything I have that my next fill which is the third one will do the trick, on 25th February.

But I am also fed up of people commenting on every single threads going not having the same surgery not been in people's head and second guessing everything all the time. And the thing i despise the most is kicking someone while their down!!!

Anyway, made myself a nice ham and cheese sandwich for lunch and it was yummy, best of all i replaced the bread by iceberg lettuce! Finally a descent use for those huge leaves. never understood before why people will have that instead of the little leaves which to me looks much more appetizing well I am officially converted, no need for bread anymore just use iceberg lettuce. So tonight might do some fajitas and will leave the fajitas pancake to the others and will put my chicken mix in an iceberg lettuce or two! YUMMY YUM

Now I am looking to give something up for lent, first though had to be the gym right!!! :) hi hi hi but my birthday is in the middle and I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man kind (believe you me if I have to prove it I will!!! only joking) so give up chocolate, cake and alcohol well may as well staple my mouth.... humm... now there is a though.... could solve a lot of problems but people might blame my OH and i can't let him be punish for it.... or can I?.... Ok enough messing about, better take the little dog for a walk... Bless her she got into a fight with another dog (I think she accidently sat on the other one stick!) only took about 40 seconds for me to split them up but damage was done and her eyelid was cut!!! Now going to the vet to hear her say: She needs stickes but for that needs general anesthetic however she is a big dog and she is 8 years old which means she is ANCIENT on top of that heart is racing like mad, faster than a cat, (did not know what that meant but knew it could not have been a good thing!) and if I put her under she will go into cardiac arrest, well my heart sank!!! I know it sounds wrong however she is like a child to me, that dog means everything to me, I was beside myself!!! So anyway managed to glue it, sadly a week later, the wound reopened and her normal vet said to me she needs stiches..... well I aged 10 years in 4 hours... but thankfully she woke up and is fine. Just a massive lampshade and knocking everything going bless her, I should not laugh but we have had some hilarious moments, worth £250 from you've been framed!!!

Right I just said the magic word: WALKIES so better get moving....
Ah mis i can totally understand why your feeling frustrated but you're doing so well and the weight Will come off. One of the most successful YouTubers is a girl called banded Wendy she lost a huge amount of weight but not so much at the start, i was warned by my provider not to get down when tho weight stops coming off cos it's not the same as other weight loss surgerys, the band is very different but it will in the long run teach you how to work with it and will become a way of life. It takes time and you're doing really well. I got a pair of size 18 skinny jeans and tried them on as all my dresses are an 18 i thought after losing 15lbs they may fit, not even close. I looked like a broken woman with them around my knees! But i have to remind myself that they will fit, they'd never have fit if i hadn't gotten the band.

As for you're other frustrations, trust me, i understand ;)

Your sambo sounds delish that's a really good idea for lunches for work etc. I'll remember that one!

Your poor dog. I had a dog all my life and he was like a sibling to me, I've no brothers and sisters. I could never rest when something was up with him. When he died -at 14- i was just heartbroken. Broke down in work! Still get a grip in my tummy when i think of him :(
Enjoy yours id love to get another some day but my heart is still too raw.
Enjoy your walk x x
Mis- I totally empathise with you. I've not lost weight on a regular basis now since 2nd December and I feel a total failure. I've only got 5.5ml in a 14ml band and I've had to fight for that! I can feel restriction but it doesn't stop me eating anything. I'm now thinking that I've wasted my money but maybe I'm just having a bad negative day because i'm actually a whole lot better off than this time last year and I've just got to keep plugging away at it. Its hard because you have to change and I'm older and my habits are hard to change. I'm having a hard time with family just now and my job and I always default to grazing and that doesn't let you diet. Think I'm gonna give the forum a rest again- I can't give anything when I feel like this. I can't take anything either- especially criticism- if a bypasser said something negative I think I'd cry! We have to dig deep to get there and we will but I need to contemplate for a bit and I'm sorry to run away but there is only so much of me to go around!! Good luck xxx